The most successful female Republican ever?

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Coming from someone who has expressed their opinion that women should not be able to vote I apply a single grain of salt as needed.

Nikki Haley is very much a Republican and has more balls than most of the others she shared a debate stage with. Originally Posted by DNinja69
Haley is the definition of a corrupt swamp creature. The days of neocons, wholly owned by Raytheon, KBR and others, are numbered.
DNinja69's Avatar
Yeah I saw what Tuberville had to say about Haley he is going to parrot whatever message Trump endorses. He isn't someone I would expect to grasp the bigger picture.

Old heads like him are whose days continue to be numbered we the people are ready to have representatives that respect our voice. Nikki Haley is seen as a threat for listening to the people and trying to find ways to incorporate what she hears into a Republican platform that can be effective moving forward. But right now many can't hear that message. Or won't. Guys like Tuberville think he is doing the right thing because his intentions are good and he has old school values. If he represents what people feel the Republican party should be today that is a recipe for playing catch-up and getting whomped by Democrats in ways that are not good for America. The votes are there to secure majority levels and bring good change but it won't happen by trashing people like Nikki Haley for trying to bring those votes in.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I have no idea who Tuberville is or what he said, or what Trump thinks about the matter.

Haley is a threat to the entire planet because her and her husband are owned by defense contractors. Defense contractors want war, and expect a return on their investment when they buy a politician.
DNinja69's Avatar
A threat to the entire planet..

Wow. Sounds like an affirmation of power to me.

Why because she used her government service to figure out some ways to earn some easy cash? Assumptions about who she might answer to aside I find the attempts to smear her name simple partisan politics and mostly divisive and unproductive.

I think if Trump still had her in his camp she would be good people regardless of her finances.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Well, there’s the difference between you and I then. I give a fuck when politicians are on the take, even more so when who they’re bribed by entities that profit from death and destruction. That money comes with expectations, they don’t dole it out because they like her pantsuit. Apparently, that’s ok with you.
DNinja69's Avatar
And now you re assuming that because I disagree with your assumptions about a candidate I must somehow approve of bribes?


Hard to take you seriously with that kind of logic.

But if you something of substance to offer in support of Nikki Haley being a threat to our very existence feel free to share.

You believe she owes some people who would want to collect by using her political position? Cool. True for every candidate that has sought high office in America for long as I can remember. Some more than others to be sure. If you believe otherwise thats on you
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I’m not assuming anything, her and her husband’s income streams can be found with very little digging. You clearly don’t give AF, and have every right to be nonchalant about corrupt politicians if you want. You do you, I’ll continue to be anti-kleptocracy, especially when the lives of literally billions of people hang in the balance.
DNinja69's Avatar
Assumptions. Projection. Fallacies.

Please share any exmples of Haley acting as a paid off politician.

ACTING. Doing shit. Facts. Anyone?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
So she can be paid off, but you’re ok with it as long as she doesn’t ACT paid off. Whatever, dude. Like I said, you do you.
DNinja69's Avatar
What you said was a bunch of nonsense. Let me know if Nikki Haley ever lives down to any of your assumptions.

Haley ran a solid campaign and it would have been fun to see her and Trump wrangle in a debate. At this point not sure her next step but am hoping it won't be to just jump on the Trump train if he wants her support I think he needs to earn it
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Hu? You contend that she hasn’t taken money, and lots of it, from defense contractors?
... ... WHAT following does Nikki have??

She LOST almost every primary and caucus... Half of her voting bloc
got a "D" next to their name.

The TRUE conservatives that fancied her will vote for Trump.
The others prolly won't... But then some o' THEM might not
have supported Nikki in November.

#### Salty
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Assumptions. Projection. Fallacies.

Please share any exmples of Haley acting as a paid off politician.

ACTING. Doing shit. Facts. Anyone? Originally Posted by DNinja69
Hu? You contend that she hasn’t taken money, and lots of it, from defense contractors? Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

defense contractors aren't even the issue. what real republican takes big DEMOCRAT bucks to run for office? A RINO Cunt

Top Democratic Donor Reid Hoffman: Why I Donated to Nikki Haley

the cunt is done.

DNinja69's Avatar
Check the scoreboard Republicans don't win elections like they used to. Hurling RINO at anyone who dares to stray outside the playbook is a pretty sorry way to promote a party.

Nikki Haley shows me a lot more ability to get support from outside the echo chamber which is much needed when it comes to getting things done as President. Maybe Trump is planning on disbanding the Senate or 'correcting' some seat assignments there to stack it to the R side otherwise he isn't going to get much done so maybe she should sign on as VP to try and bridge the gap a bit. I would rather see Haley middle finger her way to a 2028 run she definitely gets my vote over anyone else who bothered to show up for a debate
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Check the scoreboard Republicans don't win elections like they used to. Hurling RINO at anyone who dares to stray outside the playbook is a pretty sorry way to promote a party.

Nikki Haley shows me a lot more ability to get support from outside the echo chamber which is much needed when it comes to getting things done as President. Maybe Trump is planning on disbanding the Senate or 'correcting' some seat assignments there to stack it to the R side otherwise he isn't going to get much done so maybe she should sign on as VP to try and bridge the gap a bit. I would rather see Haley middle finger her way to a 2028 run she definitely gets my vote over anyone else who bothered to show up for a debate Originally Posted by DNinja69

she got her ass kicked by Trump. how's that for a echo chamber?

she only won DC. go figure.

what else did you expect?

nikki tits is done. she couldn't get elected if she ran for sheriff of dogpatch SC