If prostitution became legal would it help or hinder the business?

yardape's Avatar
On the orig Q, FWIW, I think it'd help. Not because it would make prime rib as cheap as chopped liver but for intensely practical reasons. A thread on another board brought up the subject of solicitation (from male perspective), which led to stinging, entrapment, third-party soliciting (pimping), and a sharper focus on the ridiculousness to which some LE bureaus and prosecutors seem willing to go. Is it $-driven, like everything else these days? In 21st Century America, neither ladies nor gents of the adult variety should have to keep living in fear of the law for fucking. It's that simple. Lives get wrecked but nobody's deterred, as if it were society's business in the first place.
Introuble's Avatar
Introuble, you are a mod now?! Originally Posted by FatManHobbyist
Don't make me laugh............
Bestman200600's Avatar
If it would make things safer for the ladies then yes. But for the married hobbyiests the same dangers are still the same.
Introuble's Avatar
I'm already fighting against govt control over my healthcare. I'm just not ready to fight over govt control of my sex life.

Legalizing prostitution will never happen unless the govt can license it, tax it, and control it. You will see pot legalized before you ever see prostitution legalized simply because more people want it and it is more popular. Prostitution will never be legalized federally because it should remain a states right to decide.

Saying that, it has about as much chance becoming legalized as Kinky has becoming Governor.