Encounter Report Template

And then there's the story of trump; where he goes so goes covid.

Like anyone with a lick of honesty is gonna take CNN's word for anything....
CNN's reputation was kaput... and THEN they put the Huomo clowns on together and shredded ANY kind of impartiality they HAD.
And still waiting on Z to splain how NY and Cali are doing worse than NY and Florida.....

.... without outlawing gatherings.... you know those gatherings involving OTHER people.... not themselves....
lilylivered's Avatar
Laws are made for the little people. Let them eat cake...
Zollner's Avatar
And then there's the story of trump; where he goes so goes covid.

Mar-a-Lago: 'Covid outbreak' at Trump's Florida residence
https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/19/polit...eak/index.html Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
LMAO....The bronze Baizuo is 2 fer 2!!! Everything he touches gets infected!!!
First our favorite orange imbecile infects the White House,then he infects his own house!

Wonder if he still has that Witch Doctor, Dr. Stella Immanuel, working for him, who he chose after dumping Dr. Fauci???
Remember Dr Stella Immanuel, a homophobic preacher who uses 'alien DNA' as a medical treatment, blames witchcraft for illness and wrongly says hydroxychloroquine can cure Covid 19.....LOL

What could go wrong???
Mar-a-Lago: 'Covid outbreak' at Trump's Florida residence

.... snip Originally Posted by Zollner

BUMP fop Z.....
Still waiting z....

And still waiting on Z to splain how NY and Cali are doing worse than NY and Florida.....

.... without outlawing gatherings.... you know those gatherings involving OTHER people.... not themselves.... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Zollner's Avatar
BUMP fop Z.....
Still waiting z.... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Because from the way you continually mangle the King's English it's obvious,
1. English is NOT your first language,
2. along with NOT knowing how to read the graph you posted,
3. along with NOT using properly the limited math it shows! WHEW!!!
These 3 deficiencies come from and highlight those who never made it through Secondary Education!
These poorly educated were easy pickings to be brainwashed by FAUX, Q, Putin and slick BS artists like degenerate donnie!

First off graph shows 534,000+ deaths back then, it's 543,000+ now.

The total of those shown comes to 207,022 dead.

534,000 - 207,022 = 326,978 dead you missed!!!

326,978 don't matter as you cherry pick LAMELY the deaths in a dumb donnie double talking style diversion?

Hard to respond to some one who can't speak proper English, read his graph, or count all involved.

In attempting to respond it, reminds one of what Ron White may say to you....

Definitely think some remedial education is sorely needed and should be looked into by you ASAP.....js

Until then best you stick to your forte, Favourite Frazes, Hall of Fame of Words and lets not forget Members You Miss, where you and your crew track your many multiple handles that were just BANNED.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Checked Statista and CDC for up to date deaths per 1k by state.
NY and NJ are by far the worst.
FL and CA having the least and most restrictive rules, they are almost identical within songle digits of deaths per 1k.
CA destroyed small business with ridiculous restrictions that didn't pay off, FL didn't.
I would like to see a chart comparing the economic impact these decisions had on small business per state.
Because from the way you continually mangle the King's English it's obvious,
1. English is NOT your first language,
2. along with NOT knowing how to read the graph you posted,
3. along with NOT using properly the limited math it shows! WHEW!!!
These 3 deficiencies come from and highlight those who never made it through Secondary Education!
These poorly educated were easy pickings to be brainwashed by FAUX, Q, Putin and slick BS artists like degenerate donnie!

First off graph shows 534,000+ deaths back then, it's 543,000+ now.

The total of those shown comes to 207,022 dead.

534,000 - 207,022 = 326,978 dead you missed!!!

326,978 don't matter as you cherry pick LAMELY the deaths in a dumb donnie double talking style diversion?

Hard to respond to some one who can't speak proper English, read his graph, or count all involved.

In attempting to respond it, reminds one of what Ron White may say to you....

Definitely think some remedial education is sorely needed and should be looked into by you ASAP.....js

Until then best you stick to your forte, Favourite Frazes, Hall of Fame of Words and lets not forget Members You Miss, where you and your crew track your many multiple handles that were just BANNED.
Originally Posted by Zollner

Z -- you musta had a liberal education, and it is certainly failing you here.....

First off graph shows 534,000+ deaths back then, it's 543,000+ now.

The total of those shown comes to 207,022 dead.

534,000 - 207,022 = 326,978 dead you missed!!!

326,978 don't matter as you cherry pick LAMELY the deaths in a dumb donnie double talking style diversion?

Hard to respond to some one who can't speak proper English, read his graph, or count all involved. Originally Posted by Zollner
Z, Z, Z... My mistake thincking you were capable of deductive reasoning.....

First... ya may want to go back to your US History Class notes -- ya see -- there are 50 that's FIVE-OH States.... not just five.
Ya see:
534,000 total US Deaths
207,022 deaths from the five states listed....
Those other 326,978 deaths came from the other 45 states.
(Please note there are 45 other states making a total of 50 -- There are NOT 52 other states for a total of 57 as Oblama would have you believe)

I guess Arithmetic must be a second language for you....


Hard to respond to some one who can't speak proper English, read his graph, or count all involved.
Originally Posted by Zollner
Are ya sure yer sure ya don't wanna rethinck that?
And is English yer third language?

In attempting to respond it, reminds one of what Ron White may say to you....

Definitely think some remedial education is sorely needed and should be looked into by you ASAP.....js

Until then best you stick to your forte, Favourite Frazes, Hall of Fame of Words and lets not forget Members You Miss, where you and your crew track your many multiple handles that were just BANNED. Originally Posted by Zollner
To the above I would merely say in the words of Z:

Hard to respond to some one who can't speak proper English, read his graph, or count all involved.
Bwahahahahahahahaha...... and
Zollner's Avatar
Z -- you musta had a liberal education, and it is certainly failing you here..... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
FP ... Matters little be it a lib or con, institution of higher learning, both teach how to spell, write and construct a complete proper sentence.
Something dropouts from trump U appear to have no need for.

Z, Z, Z... My mistake thincking you were capable of deductive reasoning.....

First... ya may want to go back to your US History Class notes -- ya see -- there are 50 that's FIVE-OH States.... not just five.
Ya see:
534,000 total US Deaths
207,022 deaths from the five states listed....
Those other 326,978 deaths came from the other 45 states.
(Please note there are 45 other states making a total of 50 -- There are NOT 52 other states for a total of 57 as Oblama would have you believe)

I guess Arithmetic must be a second language for you.... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
FP, FP, FP... Looks like, 4. Reading Comprehension, need to be added as your fourth Deficiency, as detailed in Post 22 above.
All you again somewhat incoherently mentioned above, WAS covered in Post 22.
Guess you missed it badly again. Yeah, yeah, yeah we all know how Dotard don hates reading, so it is understandable his trumplickins would mimic this and follow suite....LOL


Are ya sure yer sure ya don't wanna rethinck that?
And is English yer third language?

To the above I would merely say in the words of Z:

Bwahahahahahahahaha...... and Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
FP ... Again nothing but of your usual incoherent gibberish above, leading us to conclude you indeed are a few cans short of a six-pack!....
Again definitely shows some remedial education is sorely needed....STAT!!!

Again until then, best you stick to your forte, Favourite Frazes, Hall of Fame of Words and lets not forget Members You Miss, where you and your crew track your many multiple handles that were just BANNED.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
So, we're the numbers right?
So, we're the numbers right? Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
Z couldn't possibly tell you if the numbers are correct....
THAT would ruin his narrative....

The People's Republic of Cali and the Dictator of NYS have martial law and are doing WORSE than the Freedom loving states of Texas and Florida....

Seems that not only do these mask mandates NIT work -- they lead to MORE deaths and cases.... That is the science.... and the numbers don't lie... just the libs....
CryptKicker's Avatar
So we got the review template fixed and you guys make this a political thread. SMH
