President taking a 17 percent hit among young people.

Washington Examiner ... SNICK!

and ACP, if you don't like what's coming down the road, quit your wailing, get off your spotty ass and work for the CHANGE you HOPE for.

Otherwise, STFU, Goooooober! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Hahaha, You're hilarious. I really don't hope for a dam thing. I can pull my own strings you little asshole.
chefnerd's Avatar
He's definitely taken a hit, but his rating is still WAY above that of Congress.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hahaha, You're hilarious. I really don't hope for a dam thing. I can pull my own strings you little asshole. Originally Posted by acp5762
From your dimwitted posts, it seems like you're pulling a Lot more than your own strings, GOOOOBER!
Boltfan's Avatar
No, it's like being forced to buy auto insurance when you're a perfectly safe driver.

Or, it's like being forced to buy auto insurance when you have a license, own a car, but never drive it.
Originally Posted by Doove
No, it's not.

The logic behind being required to buy auto insurance because you CHOOSE to drive is nothing like being required to buy health insurance because you choose to exist. You don't have to drive. You can ride a bicycle, you can ride mass transit, you can walk. You have choice.

In many states you can also secure a bond for the coverage minimums of the state and you are essentially self insured.

And, at least in the 5 states I have resided in, you are not required to carry auto insurance if you own a car, have a license but NEVER drive. You file a certificate of non use and no insurance is require until you choose to register it again.

Perhaps you should choose your answers more wisely.
From your dimwitted posts, it seems like you're pulling a Lot more than your own strings, GOOOOBER! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
From all your Dimwitted posts it's clear you're duped beyond repair.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Washington Examiner ... SNICK!

and ACP, if you don't like what's coming down the road, quit your wailing, get off your spotty ass and work for the CHANGE you HOPE for.

Otherwise, STFU, Goooooober!

Do your part for America! Urge IBSyndrome (aka "Corpy) to post a link to my original Dipshit of the Year poll and admit his blatant lies to the posters of ECCIE.

Tick, tock, Corpy!
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The Washington Examiner is certainly more credible than your dumb-fuck golem opinion, you dumb-fuck golem jackass. The journalist is citing data from a Quinnipac poll:

Hildabeast’s poll numbers falling faster than Obama’s

“The drop in her favorability is substantial among men, Republicans and independent voters,” Quinnipiac University Polling Institute assistant director Peter Brown said. “One reason for her drop may be that 48 percent of voters blame her either a little or a lot for the death of the American ambassador in Benghazi,” Brown added.

That you imagine your dumb-fuck golem opinion is at all more credible is one of the reasons your dumb-fuck golem ass was elected to be:

From all your Dimwitted posts it's clear you're duped beyond repair. Originally Posted by acp5762
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The Washington Examiner is certainly more credible than your dumb-fuck golem opinion, you dumb-fuck golem jackass. The journalist is citing data from a Quinnipac poll: Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Well I've never heard of "Quinnipac," Mr. Webster.

I have heard of Quinnipiac College, but obviously you haven't.

Washington Examiner... Journalism...SNICK!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Well I've never heard of "Quinnipac," Mr. Webster.

I have heard of Quinnipiac College, but obviously you haven't.

Washington Examiner... Journalism...SNICK!

Do your part for America! Urge IBSyndrome (aka "Corpy") to post a link to my original Dipshit of the Year poll and admit his blatant lies to the posters of ECCIE.

Tick, tock, Corpy! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The Washington Examiner is still more credible than your dumb-fuck golem opinion, you dumb-fuck golem jackass, and the cited journalist and assistant director Brown are still citing data from that Quinnipiac poll:

Hildabeast’s poll numbers falling faster than Obama’s

“The drop in her favorability is substantial among men, Republicans and independent voters,” Quinnipiac University Polling Institute assistant director Peter Brown said. “One reason for her drop may be that 48 percent of voters blame her either a little or a lot for the death of the American ambassador in Benghazi,” Brown added.

That you imagine your dumb-fuck golem opinion is at all more credible is one of the reasons your dumb-fuck golem ass was elected to be:

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-18-2013, 07:01 PM
Perhaps you should choose your answers more wisely. Originally Posted by Boltfan
Why? To steer clear of dumb rebuttals like yours was?

I could just as easily state that the odds of someone ever using health insurance are infinitely greater than the odds of someone ever using their auto insurance.
Boltfan's Avatar
Sorry, forgot who I was speaking with. Clearly you can't understand basic logic when you disagree with it's outcome.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-19-2013, 02:01 AM
car ins vs health ins ... dumbass analogy

if you don't own a car, have no license, and never drive chances are you WILL get sick and need health insurance.


The End
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-19-2013, 04:08 AM
Sorry, forgot who I was speaking with. Clearly you can't understand basic logic when you disagree with it's outcome. Originally Posted by Boltfan
Try using some and we'll find out.

So tell us, how many times during the balance of your life do you expect to use your car insurance? And how many times during the balance of your life do you expect to use your health insurance?
car ins vs health ins ... dumbass analogy

if you don't own a car, have no license, and never drive chances are you WILL get sick and need health insurance.


The End Originally Posted by CJ7
All true. But try and convince a bunch of 18 to 25 year olds that.

The 17 percent drop in the polls says that many in this particular age group could give a shit less. All they see is ObamaCare taking money out of their pockets for something they do not need.
Kinda like life insurance .
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-19-2013, 11:01 AM
All true. But try and convince a bunch of 18 to 25 year olds that.

The 17 percent drop in the polls says that many in this particular age group could give a shit less. All they see is ObamaCare taking money out of their pockets for something they do not need. Originally Posted by Jackie S
18-25 year olds are prone to accidents, health insurance cover more than illness .. that age group can remain on their parents policy