Extremely mad about fake review written!

I live in las Vegas ! I travel around to many states and cities to work which can also be seen I have never been to SAN DiEGO ever !

But yet this number is posted as me Also same name , ad different pictures I'm not lying period ...
Whoever this girl is she is using my pictures and a whole bunch of other girl Google the number smfh

Boltfan's Avatar
Ok, logical enough.

If that is the case, then perhaps this isn't a fake review, but rather a review of a bait and switch girl. So, legit review, but of the chick there?

Or he know she is fake, wrote the review not knowing the legit owner of the pics is in the board.

Edit to add, not all your pics on your showcase are tagged with your information. In fact most are not.
Your absolutely right Hun here I actually felt safe to post my pictures Untagged i normally get a lot of girls stealing my pictures from backpage I travel a lot throughout the year and I'm always switching up my hair color everything they always have super old pictures of me ... But this is new to me I never had someone steal my whole entire ad and have someone write a review that's over the top in my opinion.... And she is providing services I don't offer as far as BARE services ����������
I guess I'm just gonna have to deal with the fact that it won't be removed but I'm really not happy about it at all it's false advertisement and not fair at all to my future clients who don't like this service and not fair to my future clients who do like this service and want to see me based on what was said in that review an services preformed and that reason only ... I love what I do and love my clients I don't want them upset over false advertisement that's all loves
guy fawkes's Avatar
Meanwhile back at the ranch
Meanwhile back at the ranch Originally Posted by guy fawkes
i hope this ridiculous unnecessary comment makes you feel better about your day, really?

to the op, there are a lot of suggestions in various places from ladies who really benefit off of back page on how to watermark your photos and how to place ads on bp so your content cannot be stolen. i would suggest asking in a womens only area. you will get a lot of help.
Thank you babe I'm gonna look into it
  • GNG
  • 05-12-2015, 04:49 PM
i hope this ridiculous unnecessary comment makes you feel better about your day, really? Originally Posted by Alyssa Marie
Does yours?
professoreccie's Avatar
Please stay on topic.
Does yours? Originally Posted by GNG
It seems that you overlooked the very valuable information that I gave. There are many wonderful ladies who use backpage to advertise and they have it down to a science how to protect their photos and other info. People steal things on backpage and other sites all of the time. Sites that aren't monitored aren't easy to have your photos removed from people who steal them.

Perhaps your valuable information was done under private tags? I can't see it.
CryptKicker's Avatar
And in the end this is still just a he said she said story and the members of this board can decide what is true and what it not.
I just want hungitalian30 to speak up please
Kitty_Rains's Avatar
What I'm not understanding is why it's not being removed? Does this site not remove fake reviews?
If not, that is super concerning.
For me personally I have a little safeguard against fake reviews ... i have a little joke I tell every client I see..and I always tell it at the same point of the session.
If a guy can't describe what that joke is- he hasn't seen me!