the battle of Stalingrad

Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Stalingrad was the tipping point where an advancing Wehrmacht became an army in retreat. Its retreat required a little more than 2 years to culminate in the Battle of Berlin. The Battle of Kursk was a counter-attack by the Germans, similar to the Battle of the Bulge but much larger; their defeat there did not change the direction of the momentum, it merely sped them on their way west. The Battle of Berlin was on an even larger scale than the Battle of Kursk.

The Anglo-American invasion of Italy was just commencing as the Battle of Kursk got underway, and Hitler had to withdraw Panzers from Kursk to defend Italy...this very well could have sealed the deal for the Red Army.
pyramider's Avatar
I didn't see anything about 6 million Jews being massacred. That's why the Israeli military is so good, because they will die with a rifle in their hands before their people would live through what their ancestors lived through. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Which still is dwarfed by Stalin killing off 30 million Russians.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Which still is dwarfed by Stalin killing off 30 million Russians. Originally Posted by pyramider
Bitter Harvest is a pretty good recent flick dealing with holodomor:

I wish there were a movie, a good movie of "Darkness at Noon", dealing with Bukharin's show trial. The only one I could find is 61 years old, in Japanese. Of course if such a movie gets made, it won't be by the fucking Bolshies in Hollywood; it would have to be Polish or Czech, or even Russian, before those West Coast cocksuckers besmirch their revered Koba.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Which still is dwarfed by Stalin killing off 30 million Russians. Originally Posted by pyramider
I wasn't comparing the two.
viking2341's Avatar
Many historians view Stalingrad as the pivotal battle of WW2. If the Germans had success there, they would have been able to take the oil fields in the south to continue fueling their mechanized army, as well as overrun Moscow in the spring. Instead, their entire 6th army of 300,000 soldiers was wiped out, and the first major German defeat. From that point on, it was realized that Germany could be beaten.

Previous to this, over 3.5 million Russian soldiers had been captured.

You are wise, and have a lot of free time to do postings, perhaps you could explain WW2 to us. But almost all of your postings are robotic, one line sarcasms. Originally Posted by VitaMan
You wouldn't understand what I was saying so why try
VitaMan's Avatar
Such a waste compared to other posts on this thread. But that's what we have come to expect.
Yep was a waste of my time. You are right sir.
Ever figure out how they get the cars off the trailer?
If you get the chance try stopping by a car dealer. You may have a bit of a wait but I'm sure sooner or later you will see a car hauler unloading.
I tried hard, per your request, to make this a longer post.
Hopefully you will find something useful in the contents.
I'm just glad to help you.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Yep was a waste of my time. You are right sir.
Ever figure out how they get the cars off the trailer?
If you get the chance try stopping by a car dealer. You may have a bit of a wait but I'm sure sooner or later you will see a car hauler unloading.
I tried hard, per your request, to make this a longer post.
Hopefully you will find something useful in the contents.
I'm just glad to help you. Originally Posted by tbone2u
Familiarity with Penrose Steps can be useful in unloading them cars.

On 2nd thought, not really; although there are apparent similarities.
VitaMan's Avatar
Yet another useless post by tbone2u

It's almost like a vending machine. It gets prompted, then spits out another stale item in response.
So predictable - so automatic
Kind of like your threads?
Like the one about unloading the cars?

Back on topic.....
What Germany did was horrific but they weren't about to conquer the world.
Look at what Stalin did.
Look at what the Japanese did.
Look at what some of the African countries have done
Don't limit yourself to just Germany
The US is guilty as well.....but minuscule compared to the above.

You seem to find random things on the internet and then post them here in the form of a thread.

Does this make you feel good or is it just a way to get attention?
VitaMan's Avatar
No, it's not.

But keep following and posting if it makes you feel good. Insults are never appreciated, but as you routinely do it, and like to use this website, it will just be expected.
I took Military History (one year) at the Univ of Minnesota ROTC. in the 1970s
I wasn't in ROTC and had to get permission to attend...

The captain was in Germany and interviewed as many WWII German vets that he could.

He asked the question about fighting the Soviets..

The usual answer was " We ran out of bullets, the Russians just kept coming"
VitaMan's Avatar
To this day the US taxpayer continues to pay the defense bill for the USA, and for many other places and countries around the world. When you get ready to make your payment to the IRS, take a look what percent the defense budget makes of the total US government budget.

Eisenhower warned long ago about the military industrial complex. He wouldn't have dreamt what it has become.