Trump admits he lost

Not worth it. Salty is trying to derail the thread by turning it into a discussion about what happened on J6th. We all know what happened, we aren't discussing it because there is nothing relevant anyone can say about it. Every American knows that what happened there was an attack on our country, by our country, and that it's wrong. Not worth even to acknowledge these kind of falsities.

Trump admitted that the 2020 election was fairly lost.
Gee for those 1500 or so people who have been nabbed by the FBI... would had been nice for them to know beforehand that they were illegally breaking the law, not trying to 'save' the election. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
.... YOU are the one who moved the discussion this way, mate.
I even asked ahead of time.

So NOW you're also claiming that Trump said the election was
FAIRLY lost?? ... Please show us where and when He did that.

#### Salty
HDGristle's Avatar
Nick Fuentes sure is pissed that Trump admitted to losing
Where are all the others who said Trump won, besides Salty. Hell, there must have 30 on here.
bambino's Avatar
Where are all the others who said Trump won, besides Salty. Hell, there must have 30 on here. Originally Posted by 1#Ratt
I’m here.
HDGristle's Avatar
Where are all the others who said Trump won, besides Salty. Hell, there must have 30 on here. Originally Posted by 1#Ratt
Hiding or on involuntary vacations
Where are all the others who said Trump won, besides Salty. Hell, there must have 30 on here. Originally Posted by 1#Ratt
Well, at best, trump just destroyed the last 4 years of their online existence

He admitted he lost. The only "fraud" and "hoax" surrounding the 2020 election was coming from inside the house. trump just admitted HE was the one trying to steal the election, not the Democrats.

As usual, EVERYTHING he accuses others of doing is what he's doing himself. Every trump accusation is a confession. At this point, you can take it to the bank.
Well, at best, trump just destroyed the last 4 years of their online existence

He admitted he lost. The only "fraud" and "hoax" surrounding the 2020 election was coming from inside the house. trump just admitted HE was the one trying to steal the election, not the Democrats.

As usual, EVERYTHING he accuses others of doing is what he's doing himself. Every trump accusation is a confession. At this point, you can take it to the bank. Originally Posted by tommy156

Very true. Some must be on rather thin ice and might be trying to avoid a 4 year or longer vacation from here

But that is fair. Respect for them for being adult enough to know that they shouldn't pee in the corner again or whatever.

And yea, their last 4 years having been spent defending this moron isn't going to look great on them. Just like how people used to rock the swastika on their arm in the 40s, as soon as their team losses, you deny ever having worn those colors.

Wake up sheeple. The past 8 years you've spent defending a criminal pedophile who lied about the elections that he illegally tried to overthrow, which you helped him to try to overthrow, which he admitted that he had no grounds to try to illegally contest the votes.

For shame to all those uncles, grandpaps, fathers and brothers who are going to be disowned for supporting such a bigot for so long.
bambino's Avatar
Nah, he didn’t admit that he lost. Just the opposite

BREAKING: Donald Trump has issued a cease and desist message, stating that he will prosecute election fraud to the fullest extent of the law as President.

I suppose you all think Kamala tells nothing but the truth.
Talk about sheep wanting to give America over to a communist state.
HDGristle's Avatar
It's ok to admit that Trump is a loser.

It's ok to admit that you supported a loser.

It's ok to admit that the loser admitted to losing.
bambino's Avatar
It's ok to admit that Trump is a loser.

It's ok to admit that you supported a loser.

It's ok to admit that the loser admitted to losing. Originally Posted by HDGristle
Well, when it’s all said and done, we can expect the same from you Mr Gristle.
Nah, he didn’t admit that he lost. Just the opposite

BREAKING: Donald Trump has issued a cease and desist message, stating that he will prosecute election fraud to the fullest extent of the law as President.

@GeneralMCNews Originally Posted by bambino
It's adorable that anyone is taking this seriously. He already admitted he lost. No backsies for that wannabe fascist fuck.

Besides, there's never been a shred of evidence regarding anything he's talking about. What's he accusing people of? Not listening to his lies?
HDGristle's Avatar
There's been shreds, but it's mostly bullshit, immaterial, or badly misconstrued.

But it's ok. He's now an admitted loser and that's the 1st step on the path to healing