Why aren't our right wing loons trumpeting the IG report?

LexusLover's Avatar
Just wait ‘till Barr starts handing out indictments. Originally Posted by Jackie S
It's Durham.

IG Horowitz & FBI director Wray both tried to downplay the bias in the FBI's HQ staff. they tried to brush assign those mistakes as unintentional errors.

please.. do they they we are stupid?

that goes for Comey too. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Yes. Turn on any news channel and yes they think we're that stupid. Or read a WDF post.

The Swamp isn't going to drain itself.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Wells OP. Ask and yes shall receives. Looks like you worked the sleeping twat giant.
the ig report is devastating

3 years of lying abuse by the deep state, the dims and their news media revealed

nunes report out of the intelligence committee was dead on

while being scoffed at by the news media as they blindly accepted shiff's report at face value. which has been shown to be incorrect, full of lying obfuscation and without any redeeming value

and theres more to come

he who laughs last laughs best
rexdutchman's Avatar
The Durham report due out late spring which is why the Dim-o-crats are trying to Rush the Impeachment BS
Never correct devastating to fbbi and fisa that was used for politico reasons
bambino's Avatar
Wells OP. Ask and yes shall receives. Looks like you worked the sleeping twat giant. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Th giant is Durham. And he’s about to step on punks like you and the OP.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Th giant is Durham. And he’s about to step on punks like you and the OP. Originally Posted by bambino
I don’t believes this man has any power here, bamsy.

But yous are running out of people to disbelieve.
  • oeb11
  • 12-11-2019, 09:50 AM
What hh(YR) believes is of no consequence as to what will happen on the National Stage.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I have been listening to the Horowitz hearing and here's the headline "Sean Hannity and Fox news were 99% right with respect to their reporting on FISA abuse". Sorry, couldn't help myself.

Lindsey Graham gave a scathing opening statement that laid bare the fact that from the top of the chain, James Comey and all the people responsible for submitting information to the FISA court, LIED! They didn't make mistakes because the evidence proves they knew what they were saying was wrong and yet Horowitz can not determine what their motivation was? He says he can say with confidence that there was "predicate" for opening the investigation "Crossfire Hurricane", that he found no evidence of political motivation for that but as to the lies that the FBI told to the FISA court, he can not determine their motivation to do that. Really? They lied, there had to be a motive to lie but this experienced investigator Horowitz can't determine that motive but is sure there was no political motive in opening the investigation. After hearing the testimony, I can see why he would conclude that. The FBI was told that a person in the Trump campaign Papadopolous, was told that the Russians had dirt on Hillary and was willing to share that with the Trump campaign. He shared this with the Australian Amb. a close friend to Bill and Hillary Clinton and the Amb. shared it with the FBI. Sounds like a perfectly legitimate reason to start an inquiry based on that and no political motivation.

This is virtually the only thing the Dem's could hang there hat on and completely ignored the lies and abuse of the FISA court which were devastating to the FBI to the point where one FBI lawyer will be criminally prosecuted and when Durham is done, I expect more criminal prosecution of those that lied to the court, repeatedly with full knowledge that they knew they were lying.

Anybody want to take issue with anything I have said so far?

From Horowitz, "the Crossfire Hurricane team failed to meet basic obligations to ensure that the Carter Page FISA applications were scrupulously accurate". Hell, they went out of their way to do the exact opposite. The first "omission" was failing to tell the FISA court that Carter page had worked with our CIA making him a CHS, a "clandestine human source" and for this reason would be expected to have contact with Russian operatives but a lawyer for the FBI after confirming that Page did indeed work with the CIA as a CHS, changed the wording in the document submitted to the FISA court to say that he was not a CHS making the court believe that there was justification for thinking he might just be working for the Russians and then in subsequent applications Horowitz explains that the reason for renewing the first warrant did not have additional information to ask for a second, third and fourth warrant but the exact opposite that more and more information, "exculpatory" information was being left out of subsequent requests. And Horowitz just couldn't determine that this was politically motivated. Horowitz says he asked these people why these omissions occurred and did not get reasonable answers. Go figure.

So the Dem's are harping on Horowitz saying that there was no political bias in opening the investigation which I accept but want nothing to do with what happened after the investigation was opened and the lies and subterfuge of the FBI and DOJ. I still want to know how this meeting between the Australian Amb. and Papadopolous took place. Seems a bit fishy to me and not so far fetched that the Amb. was part of the plot to get this ball rolling for Hillary Clinton but thats for Durham to check out.

And how about all these years the Dem's and the MSM have been telling us that "much of the Steele dossier, has been confirmed". If I had a dollar for every time that was said on CNN and MSNBC, I would be a rich man. One of the other lies the FBI told the court was that the source for Steele allegations after being investigated by the FBI said Steele was full of crap and never said any of those things. And what did the FBI say to the court? That the "sub source" of the Steele dossier, had been found to be credible! After having been told by the sub source that he said none of the things in the dossier. And none of these people will be going to jail for out right lying to the court? I

Horowitz just laid out Carter Pages lawsuit against the FBI and DOJ in excruciating detail.
winn dixie's Avatar
HedonistForever's Avatar
This was just to good not to post from one of the biggest critics of Trump


The Guardian headline reads: “DOJ Internal watchdog report clears FBI of illegal surveillance of Trump adviser.”
If the report released Monday by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz constitutes a “clearing” of the FBI, never clear me of anything. Holy God, what a clown show the Trump-Russia investigation was.

Like the much-ballyhooed report by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, the Horowitz report is a Rorschach test, in which partisans will find what they want to find.

Much of the press is concentrating on Horowitz’s conclusion that there was no evidence of “political bias or improper motivation” in the FBI’s probe of Donald Trump’s Russia contacts, an investigation Horowitz says the bureau had “authorized purpose” to conduct.
Horowitz uses phrases like “serious performance failures,” describing his 416-page catalogue of errors and manipulations as incompetence rather than corruption. This throws water on the notion that the Trump investigation was a vast frame-up.

However, Horowitz describes at great length an FBI whose “serious” procedural problems and omissions of “significant information” in pursuit of surveillance authority all fell in the direction of expanding the unprecedented investigation of a presidential candidate (later, a president).

Officials on the “Crossfire Hurricane” Trump-Russia investigators went to extraordinary, almost comical lengths to seek surveillance authority of figures like Trump aide Carter Page. In one episode, an FBI attorney inserted the words “not a source” in an email he’d received from another government agency. This disguised the fact that Page had been an informant for that agency, and had dutifully told the government in real time about being approached by Russian intelligence. The attorney then passed on the email to an FBI supervisory special agent, who signed a FISA warrant application on Page that held those Russian contacts against Page, without disclosing his informant role.

Likewise, the use of reports by ex-spy/campaign researcher Christopher Steele in pursuit of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) authority had far-reaching ramifications.

Not only did obtaining a FISA warrant allow authorities a window into other Trump figures with whom Page communicated, they led to a slew of leaked “bombshell” news stories that advanced many public misconceptions, including that a court had ruled there was “probable cause” that a Trump figure was an “agent of a foreign power.”

There are too many to list in one column, but the Horowitz report show years of breathless headlines were wrong.

Click on the link if you want to read the full report
HedonistForever's Avatar
Why aren't our left wing loons commenting on the IG report?

WTF, where are you? It's your thread, how about a comment. I can't wait to hear what you come up with.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The LSM is ignorant to fbbi lying to the courts and getting a warrant WOW that's criminal by itself
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Why aren't our left wing loons commenting on the IG report?

WTF, where are you? It's your thread, how about a comment. I can't wait to hear what you come up with. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

the only thing he can say that the report is fake news.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I see Horowitz backtracked on what he wrote in the report under questioning over the biases.