TNA Board Hacked? Ransom Demand

Yes I agree
Peoples Republic of China too of course. Even if you are not in favor of PRC policies like mass imprisonment of ethnic and religious minorities, posting anti Chinese propaganda on your site is just begging to get hacked.
CharismaCaptures's Avatar (email address to be aware of )

hi Captivating Charisma

as you known is down, what happened?

we are a hacker team, we hack to get money.
we hack and get all the data, and we offered admin to pay a small amount off BTC to keep the data safe, but he refused.

now we will sell all the data on the dark web, and after that, we publish all the data online. including your data.

here is an example from the data we have about you :
Captivating Charisma (MY old email address big deal )
http://www.xxxxxxxxxx (my old website)
joindate : 2013-12-24T18:06:00Z (Notice 2013 ?,we are in 2022 lol)

not just that, we have almost everything,verification photos and information , your full name, IP address, social media accounts, messages and photos from members, payment on, your full address, phone numbers, and more.

we will publish all that on social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc..) and send your friends and family link to this data and photos. (MY family nor I have facebook, or twitter !)lol

you can stop That, by sending 400$ BTC to This address :
1FRyhVbSQZYYQm93hgkRrgVUzuKoWV evjR

this address is linked to your data, our system will delete all data related to you automatically When the BTC arrived.

make sure you send exactly 400 dollars in BTC, if you send less your data will not be deleted.

allows remember no need to risk your information and life for just 400 $
* How to buy BTC here, or you can search in google.

we will start publishing data on 13-7-2022 you have one weak to pay.

we are sorry about that but as we told you this is our job.
Tushay0's Avatar
Job speechified = none
Pangolier's Avatar
So the d bags upped it from 200 to 400? They must be frustrated by their lack of success
I wouldn't worry about it too much. Most of those hackers are out for a quick score and then on to the next. They don't know if that is an old Email or a active one.

Just make sure all your passwords have been changed. Originally Posted by Fizley
Several members of BestGFE (the Philly/NJ/NYC board rivaling TNA’s eastern half) reported getting the ransom demand and ignoring it without consequence.
VeronicaTurbay's Avatar
that's why is NEVER a good idea to screen, book, exchange any kind of information thru 3rd party platforms. Always always with email and directly thru our websites.
Pangolier's Avatar
that's why is NEVER a good idea to screen, book, exchange any kind of information thru 3rd party platforms. Always always with email and directly thru our websites. Originally Posted by VeronicaTurbay

I've heard one sex worker reference that's why they don't want DM's through twitter. And nearly every SW who has a twitter does not permit DM's... Plus on those kinds of sites there is usually a permanent record of the communication despite the site owner's claims to the contrary. Of course twitter and TNA are not quite the same.

People do it through P411 all the time. No guarantee a SW personal site has any better security measures in place than most other websites. I still think the phone is the most secure method... because unless someone is looking to intercept communication specifically from your number, there's no likely to be a large dragnet hack which opens up your personal communication. There's too much data flowing through phone communication to narrow down one person unless you are being specifically targeted, and email also leaves a traceable record.
Suzanna Turner's Avatar
Several years ago I had found some personal PMs between me and a MOD from here, Eccie, that was posted on a leak board. I don't allow personal info exchange via third party sites since then, with the exception of P411. I am 100% confident it was not the MOD I was communicating with that leaked the PMs!

Always protect yourself! Stay safe.
Several years ago I had found some personal PMs between me and a MOD from here, Eccie, that was posted on a leak board. I don't allow personal info exchange via third party sites since then, with the exception of P411. I am 100% confident it was not the MOD I was communicating with that leaked the PMs!

Always protect yourself! Stay safe. Originally Posted by Suzanna Turner
Exactly! I only setup dates using p411, email, and/or text. I do not use review board PMs or Twitter DMs to do it.
mzbunzhoney1918's Avatar
Is TNA even any good...was thinking about signing up but now idk
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
It's best in Seattle & OR.
NJ NY mid west
My Gosh, wish the street scene would come back.

It was so much easier to pull up alongside the curb, ask if you want a ride, cop check, drive to a quite place, do the deed, and go home.
nookiebandit's Avatar
most of these shitbags are from Russia (as they don't prosecute or go after independent hackers).

this sucks for any who hobby in the PNW.

TNA was a magnificent board with good features and some great providers.
Tushay0's Avatar
TNA has been putting on the final touches of reviving itself during the last week or two. You might have to do some work yourself to get some of your things back, but I expect this will still be good news for the PNW folks.