Y'all r fucked up !!

Talk about irony.

Wakeup's Avatar
Drunk threads are all sorts of win!

GenesisNicole's Avatar

Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Alright, I wasn't going to touch this thread with a 10 ft pole, but this CAT!!!

OMG! This is funny!

*thanks for making me spit my coffee everywhere!*

Genesis Nicole
Must be something in the water -- like scotch.
Rudyard K's Avatar
I'd say it's pretty obvious. London got banned and she ain't happy about it.

I don't know why London got banned, and frankly, I'm not losing sleep over it. But my guess is that she got banned for the same reason most anyone gets banned (or points for that matter)...because she pissed off or pissed on some folks who matter to the board ownership and management.

This ain't a democracy folks. I think its a pretty fair place to post...but if you recieve a warning shot, it's probably best to heed the warning, and correct the offending mannerisms. Or you can tell the management and ownership to FO, and see how that works for you.

Naomi4u's Avatar
It's a conspiracy.
Guest032213-02's Avatar
London will be back. Hell, it took ANONONE like 5 times before we has finally banned for life.
Is that a black helicopter i see on the horizon?
Wakeup's Avatar
*thanks for making me spit my coffee everywhere!*

Genesis Nicole
Originally Posted by GenesisNicole
No problem girl, it's a common reaction amongst women when they see me post.
Naomi4u's Avatar
London will be back. Hell, it took ANONONE like 5 times before we has finally banned for life. Originally Posted by Txn5inThick
It's a conspiracy. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
You wish you were that important. IMHO, they could care less. They are too busy with other shit to pay attention to you or even go to the effort of conspiring to get rid of a group.

If they merely wanted to, they'd just permanently ban you, as RK pointed out, it's not a democracy.
Naomi4u's Avatar
You wish you were that important. IMHO, they could care less. They are too busy with other shit to pay attention to you or even go to the effort of conspiring to get rid of a group.

If they merely wanted to, they'd just permanently ban you, as RK pointed out, it's not a democracy. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Are you that angry with me?
Did my post really deserve that response? It has nothing
to do with anything you said. Try again.

Oh and I'm really THAT important.
I will warn folks, continued bashing will result in points issued, when you reach 25 points you have 90 days to reconsider how you wish to interact with other members.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I will warn folks, continued bashing will result in points issued, when you reach 25 points you have 90 days to reconsider how you wish to interact with other members. Originally Posted by SP Hunter
SP, is there a way to get points lifted/unbanned?

Hmmm? LOL JK
BuzzKill's Avatar
Is that a black helicopter i see on the horizon? Originally Posted by pjorourke
Isn't that racist?...why not just call it a helicopter?