Valentine's Day - Busy or Dead?

HunterGrace's Avatar

Hookers expecting Gifts from Johns on Valentines Day?

There are only so many pussy whipped guys to go around and even those are struggling in the community to pay your rates, bring you flowers and candy went wanting to get laid and tip you!

Something has to give right? Originally Posted by Whispers
Who said I expected anything? I don't even celebrate Valentines Day! And since everything was delivered, I spent the evening alone, just like I had planned all along. There you go making assumptions again.
We were busy moving into our new incall, otherwise it would of been very busy!
Blade78633's Avatar
Are you talking about the restaurant Jeffry's? That's like my favorite place!!!! Their 5-course meal with the wine pairings... Sigh...couldn't afford that this year.

Spent the afternoon before V-Day with hobby girlfriend A, take out from the Daily Grill and a bottle of Charles Smith Velvet Devil merlot. Played and snuggled all afternoon.

Spent afternoon of V-Day with hobby girlfriend B... a marathon endurance test. Flowers, chocolate covered strawberries and cheesecake for the sweet tooth. Polished off a bottle of Pinot Noir of unrecalled vintage. Walked out barely alive with wobbly legs.

Afternoon of day after V-Day, things fell through with hobby girlfriend C, but rescued by hobby girlfriend A who was of the opinion that I needed some cheering up. I didn't argue when she decided to attempt to outdo hobby girlfriend B... it was a virtual tie. Oh yeah, we had take out Sushi lunch and a bottle of Santa Margherita Pinot Grigio. Originally Posted by austinkboy

Whispers's Avatar
Are you talking about the restaurant Jeffry's? That's like my favorite place!!!! Their 5-course meal with the wine pairings... Sigh...couldn't afford that this year.

Spent the afternoon before V-Day with hobby girlfriend A, take out from the Daily Grill and a bottle of Charles Smith Velvet Devil merlot. Played and snuggled all afternoon.

Spent afternoon of V-Day with hobby girlfriend B... a marathon endurance test. Flowers, chocolate covered strawberries and cheesecake for the sweet tooth. Polished off a bottle of Pinot Noir of unrecalled vintage. Walked out barely alive with wobbly legs.

Afternoon of day after V-Day, things fell through with hobby girlfriend C, but rescued by hobby girlfriend A who was of the opinion that I needed some cheering up. I didn't argue when she decided to attempt to outdo hobby girlfriend B... it was a virtual tie. Oh yeah, we had take out Sushi lunch and a bottle of Santa Margherita Pinot Grigio. Originally Posted by austinkboy
Anyone wanna venture a guess why Jeffrey's is no longer on his preferred dining list?
  • Vyt
  • 02-16-2012, 10:39 PM
The man clearly has priorities!
Naomi4u's Avatar
BUSY! Lots on Lots of cash was made that day. And the next day I had a clock free appointment that went awesome!