Laney1 is the best I've ever seen. Really!

I wish I had a thicker skin, because if I did...I'd make a witty comment, suck it up...and move on. But it seems that "Leslie Lane" seems to really rub some of you gentlemen the wrong way. *Remember the Bashing Leslie Lane thread? I took quite a beating. But I was a little stronger back then.

Your post... Jay funny, witty, passive aggressive, insulting, cute. You're sitting behind your computer, on a Monday morning. Bored and logged onto Eccie wondering what kind of thread you can come up with that will garner attention and create drama. At my expense though.

You've struck a nerve. I'm only human. Do you really want to know the answers to your questions? Ask me.

Better yet...I'll let you read about it. Go to: It's a blog I created that reveals the reason why after being retired for many years...I ventured back into the hobby. Why I SELL myself. I'll leave it up for two days, long enough for you to get your kicks. Get the attention you're obviously so intent on getting at my expense. Oh, and of course bringing me down a couple of notches. The blog starts with me venturing back into the hobby about a year ago after my child and I were left destitute...and ends with my failed suicide attempt about four months ago. I was in a coma for about a week and racked up about $70,000.00 worth of medical bills. I'm still here though. Trying to make the best out of life, hence my easy breezy attitude and goofy disposition.

There are pics of me in the hospital on my blog, I'm sure you'll find those cute. I look just as thin as I did ten years ago. Just not as cute with all the tubes down my throat.

Please know that my time on Eccie has run it's course. My skin is not as thick as it once was. I will now only take appointments and messages through P411 or through my e-mail account. If a moderator can please deactivate my account, I'd appreciate it. Thank you.

P411: P102480 **The pic in the black bikini is 2012.

**And please..NO WHITE KNIGHTS needed. This can be "Bashing Leslie Lane Part 2" Please forgive me if I decline to take part in it. Originally Posted by Laney1

I doubt there is anyone who read this thread who didn't immediately perceive Jay as a complete jerk but if one post by a guy you already know is a jerk is all it takes to run you off then take care.

Also I can't imagine what posting hospital photos after a suicide attempt could possibly be about or how it could help you in any positive way.
I would think that move would scare off any sane/rational monger. A history of mental or emotional instability concerns most even more than some provider having a pimp parked outside.

If the hobby has this kind of effect on you then it is seriously time to find your spirit again in the real world away from this underground sewer (Spiritually speaking).
You probably shouldn't be taking appts. period, P411 or otherwise as the hobby is obviously too corrosive on you.

Of course I realize there may be more unfortunate shit going on in your life than just the hobby but I still don't get the rationale behind advertising it with photos.
sixxbach's Avatar
And people think I'm an asshole lol

Mr Blonde's Avatar
I thought they all had some mental instability... And thats why we love them? Or maybe its just me.
I recall that many times when our sweet Leslie decided to leave, she would conclude with, "This is my last post"

We haven't seen that one yet.

Leslie, please dont leave. Don't let the clowns get you down.
My heart is beating. But a few months ago, it stopped.

One evening after having trouble sleeping I took two Ambien and a glass of wine to sleep. Being restless and stressed out, I took two more. After that I made a few crazy phone calls (out of body experience as I recall it to be) and afterwards took the rest of the bottle. The next thing I know ....I wake up days later in ICU with my arms and feet strapped down, IV drips in both arms, tubes down my throat...and monitors attached to my chest.

One of my phone calls was to an old boyfriend, who is like a best friend to me. Blendiepoo. It was because of him and my incoherrant random call...that let the paramedics knock my door down and find me unconscious. Moral of the story...don't f**k with Ambien.

The Hobby...believe it or not, is my saving grace. Why?? Because I make my own rules. I decide who I want to see, who I want to turn much money I want to make. The other day I turned down $350 for 30 minutes. Why? Because I can.

My most expensive sessions are very, very low volume. I'm particular in who I decide to see. Because when I's a real girlfriend experience. I am not the prettiest, the smartest, the best at anything sexual really. I'm me. And with me... I sell an experience. I light candles..many candles. I have background music playing, your choice of chilled wine or mimosas waiting for you. My goody platter with imported chocolates, decadent pastries and strawberries with whipped cream. I sit with you...and want to get to know you. Beyond the superficial talk, I want to make an emotional connection. Afterwards, I'm like your highschool girlfriend in a way. I'm nervous, awkward...I fumble around a bit. I'm shy. Naturally shy.

But then, there's a moment my guard comes down and I become one with the person I'm with. I turn from the fumbling highschool girl, to the fumbling college girl. lol Truth is, I'll just never be the pornstar girl.

The Hobby...the hobby has never been my problem. It's always been my solution. And I am damn grateful for it. Why, because it has always been used as a stepping stone. It has never been a crutch.

The Hobby is easy, Life can be hard. And this board,'s not much fun anymore.

Seriously, I'm done this time. Spaceman and Ztonk are gonna deactivate me in...5...4...3...2...
Think we have at least a few more I'm outs first !
Elephant's Avatar
My heart is beating.

Beyond the superficial talk, I want to make an emotional connection. Afterwards, I'm like your highschool girlfriend in a way. I'm nervous, awkward...I fumble around a bit. I'm shy. Naturally shy.

But then, there's a moment my guard comes down and I become one with the person I'm with. I turn from the fumbling highschool girl, to the fumbling college girl. lol Truth is, I'll just never be the pornstar girl.

The Hobby is easy, Life can be hard. And this board,'s not much fun anymore.
Originally Posted by Laney1
You have made a place in this community Ms. Lane. Myself and possibly a few other gentleman , (with much better reputations than myself), have had the pleasure of your company. I look forward to meeting you again, you are one of the gems in this community.
Some of these men are cold heartless bastards, it's easy to tell which ones, but you have chosen your gentleman well. I will contact you as before...
Still Looking's Avatar
I thought they all had some mental instability... And thats why we love them? Or maybe its just me. Originally Posted by Mr Blonde
Still Looking's Avatar
My heart is beating. But a few months ago, it stopped.

One evening after having trouble sleeping I took two Ambien and a glass of wine to sleep. Being restless and stressed out, I took two more. After that I made a few crazy phone calls (out of body experience as I recall it to be) and afterwards took the rest of the bottle. The next thing I know ....I wake up days later in ICU with my arms and feet strapped down, IV drips in both arms, tubes down my throat...and monitors attached to my chest.

One of my phone calls was to an old boyfriend, who is like a best friend to me. Blendiepoo. It was because of him and my incoherrant random call...that let the paramedics knock my door down and find me unconscious. Moral of the story...don't f**k with Ambien.

The Hobby...believe it or not, is my saving grace. Why?? Because I make my own rules. I decide who I want to see, who I want to turn much money I want to make. The other day I turned down $350 for 30 minutes. Why? Because I can.

My most expensive sessions are very, very low volume. I'm particular in who I decide to see. Because when I's a real girlfriend experience. I am not the prettiest, the smartest, the best at anything sexual really. I'm me. And with me... I sell an experience. I light candles..many candles. I have background music playing, your choice of chilled wine or mimosas waiting for you. My goody platter with imported chocolates, decadent pastries and strawberries with whipped cream. I sit with you...and want to get to know you. Beyond the superficial talk, I want to make an emotional connection. Afterwards, I'm like your highschool girlfriend in a way. I'm nervous, awkward...I fumble around a bit. I'm shy. Naturally shy.

But then, there's a moment my guard comes down and I become one with the person I'm with. I turn from the fumbling highschool girl, to the fumbling college girl. lol Truth is, I'll just never be the pornstar girl.

The Hobby...the hobby has never been my problem. It's always been my solution. And I am damn grateful for it. Why, because it has always been used as a stepping stone. It has never been a crutch.

The Hobby is easy, Life can be hard. And this board,'s not much fun anymore.

Seriously, I'm done this time. Spaceman and Ztonk are gonna deactivate me in...5...4...3...2... Originally Posted by Laney1
I turn down $350 for a half hour ALL THE TIME!
My most expensive sessions are very, very low volume. I'm particular in who I decide to see. Because when I's a real girlfriend experience. I am not the prettiest, the smartest, the best at anything sexual really. I'm me. And with me... I sell an experience. I light candles..many candles. I have background music playing, your choice of chilled wine or mimosas waiting for you. My goody platter with imported chocolates, decadent pastries and strawberries with whipped cream. I sit with you...and want to get to know you. Beyond the superficial talk, I want to make an emotional connection. Afterwards, I'm like your highschool girlfriend in a way. I'm nervous, awkward...I fumble around a bit. I'm shy. Naturally shy.

But then, there's a moment my guard comes down and I become one with the person I'm with. I turn from the fumbling highschool girl, to the fumbling college girl. lol Truth is, I'll just never be the pornstar girl.

The Hobby...the hobby has never been my problem. It's always been my solution. And I am damn grateful for it. Why, because it has always been used as a stepping stone. It has never been a crutch. Originally Posted by Laney1
I've been on the receiving end of one of Laney's GFExperiences and I will say without hesitation it is one of, if not the, best hobby experience of a lifetime that goes back 2 decades in the hobby. In a word, she is UNFORGETTABLE! I will be back for more!

Let's just leave it at that!
Ben There's Avatar
I had a wonderful KOOTFHE (Kicked Out Of The Fucking Hotel Experience) with Laney the other night. It was great and I'd do it again. Not sure I'd want to pay the same price again though, because that evening cost me a few memory cells.

And to top it off - she even drove the escape vehicle.

I just hope I gave her the ZE (Zombie Experience) she was looking for.
Never put a woman on a pedestal! I learned that back in my 20's.. it will never turn out good!. Always keep your emotions in check.

I've got my red dress on tonight,
Dancing in the dark,
In the pale moonlight,
Done my hair up real big beauty queen style,
High heels off,
I'm feeling alive.....

What? You didn't think you'd run me off that easily did you? No...this little kitty cat has a few more lives left. Just needed a little name change.
Welcome to the " I needed a damn change club " !
Knew you have lots of I'm out's left in you !
Good to see you back .