^^^ the ones I can think of off the top of my head are Trazodone and Seroquel (and one that starts with hydro-something or other ... hydrozine maybe?) but they were given to me for sleep and not antipsychotic purposes so I'm not suppose to take them daily, just when I need them, but like I said in my other post, the side effects are just too strong and even after I wake up it takes me a good 12-36 hours to feel normal again so it is actually easier for me to function on no sleep then it is for me to function on the side effects of those medicines.
And stuff like lunastasia does not do anything for me unless it is a very high dose, but at doses that high, I find that I have the same problem functioning the next day. I just feel like spacy and loopy.
Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
Interesting (don't take that the wrong way). Outside of asking your Doctor/Psychologist for something else, there is lifestyle changes. I know that when I was going to the gym, I splept better, or having a drink or two before bed (women handle drink differently than men (and not because of weight) so start small) can help. That said, I know what you mean, it's not worth it.
I also suffer from insomnia... and a weak Internet connection out in the boonies at the Irish Chihuahua Refuge. Can't always lull myself back to sleep with the droning of ECCIE, dang it.
I've tried different medications, as well, but I hate being dependent on expensive pills, and there's those frequently adverse side effects previously mentioned, so I eschew them when possible. Leprechaun hot chocolate sometimes works, aka a cup of warmed Bailey's Irish Cream with a touch of melted Ghirardelli and milk, and a contented, snoring puppy giving off thermal therapy in my lap. Holistic and organic methods are often safer and cheaper than the prescription pad.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
As always, Fancy is right. I won't say it confirms what I said above though, because people are different. My advice (or Fancys) simply might not work. I will say, if I've had a few, I do sleep better. Though there's always a difference between a few and a wild night.
Goto the pharmacy and try melotonin or Kava Kava pills...nighty nighty
also no coffee and re-runs of MASH
Originally Posted by maineblame
I'm early 30's and grew up on MASH! Love Alan Alda! Just not in the same way some of you ladies do...
Totally found out about massive attack 3/4am one nightmorning in college... So finding great music and great comedy are an insomniac'ish plus lol.
Originally Posted by Nikki D'Naughty
Worth it, right? My bookmarks are filled with music from late nights; and porn but, that's not the point. Something about losing sleep makes you more eager for good music. Or I'm nuts, whatever.