My promotion and A thank you.

What a well stated farewell. I am sorry I never made your acquaintance!! Good Luck!! Au revoir! Arrivederci! Auf Wiedersehen!! Calm Seas and Fair Winds!!

Vaya con Dios!!!

the_tall_texan's Avatar
Sorry that we never got a chance to meet. Congratulations on moving up and on. May the wind be ever at your back and the road rise up to meet you.

Paquito's Avatar
Anna- I am glad to read that you got a promotion and impressed with the way you leave the board. I am sad to hear that you got hurt and sadder yet that I only made the time to see you once. You are a lovely woman and a class act. May the good lord guide your travels and journeys through life.
Hobby or stay safe,
Good Luck
Ah, We'll miss you!