I think he's tuning up his game to head to the big leagues, i.e., the Political Forum where guys spend all day and all night quoting radical right wing websites as gospel and call others losers, pussies, butt-hurt and they climax when they write BWWWAAAAAHA at the end of a post.
Daily, hourly and by the minute, they "own" the Dems and Libtards and feel like they have won. Not sure what they are winning though.
Originally Posted by TheWanderer
The posters who TheWanderer was addressing don't want to address the issue. Chung tried to redress it, or, at least have them, the right wingers, address the topic.
It is an obviously silly thread. There was nothing to figure out. It was obvious. This forum used to be a reactionary circle-jerk where posters punctuated with an illusionary menacing or sinister closing laugh-out-loud. All this we did know already. If you have been here long enough.
There are a little more left-of-center posters here willing to play along with the public service absurdity. My guess is that the point of the thread was to get the right-wing nuts to look in the mirror. I will absolutely include myself in this stupid exercise.
The difference is that when I include the closing GIF of Jack Nicholson and Christopher Lloyd from
One Flew Over the Cookoos Nest I recognize "I'm crazy." Especially funny with the one of Jack laughing, scoffingly, and SAYING "I'm not crazy."
The country is changing. Apparently there is a poster TheWanderer has been following who reflects the reaction. It's a reflection of what has been happening for a few years. I just hope there is some style when the newbie Republican/Nationalist/Nazi/Conservative/Reactionary Right poster joins the mud pit. He'll get points from me for that.