Price, Provider, Services, Intangibles

Very smart, very savvy business left our amazingly good looking, fabulously wealthy, hung like a horse and a gift to mankind and modest as well...

Pay me what you think the session is worth? Obviously, you don't know some of the ass clowns that abound on these boards...

...just sayin' Originally Posted by Tony Patella


i was sitting here thinkn of a nice way to put worded it good!!
TonyStark's Avatar
If a provider dazzles you with her charm thru chat rooms, pm's, emails, or phone conversations, do you think your gonna get some discount or a freebie?

wondering minds wanna know Originally Posted by babydollsnow
For me it would not be looking for a discount, it's just nice to get a feel of who is gonna slowly open the door.

I call it nervous newbie syndrome.
sorry for grammatical errors... I was on my iphone......Not being arrogant......concerning Walmart, I mean the owner Sam Walton, how he started the business.......I'm sure some guys may take advantage of the situation, but I'm 99% sure that will be based on the session and his current situation....Didn't say to do it to every hobbyist....every day..... Random hobbyist......occasionally.

How do people get hooked on the lottery....slot machines.....occasional wins that bring so much happiness....that people go back for years....this is truely science....backed up by years of research and studies.....I know it sounds weird or pavlov's studies with dogs.....This is all psychology and how the brain works.....another example is substance abuse and addiction.....people will continue to do something time and time again because of 1 great experience.

My response was not just to this thread, but to several threads I read concerning this topic, prices, slow economy, providers wanting more business....etc.

I'm not the brightest, but I am really smart.....I am a good businessman always trying to be better....I am attractive....we will meet one day and I am sure you will agree....hung? I'm a nice size.....but.....Most important....I'm genuine....I'm attempting to provide another option for providers that are not doing as well as they would desire, or those that want to increase their business over the long term.

Most people are inherently good....we all make mistakes and get in bad moods....some people are jerks.....But it always takes 2 to tango....things are generally never all one can't change the hobbyists and vice versa.....A provider can only improve her business if she makes changes.....don't depend on hobbyists....
So....The real question...maybe another thread...."What has a provider done differently lately that seemed to make a big impact in how well a hobbyist enjoyed their session together?" What did you do differently the time when a hobbyist gave you your largest tip?

I'm on my laptop know spelling errors (I think)....I'm sure some grammatical ones....but hey...this is a thread....and this is a hobby

my 2 cents
"Dazzling" is an interesting term. I can be dazzled in a brief, quickly typed response, that doesn't take a whole lot of effort. You decide, A or B?

A: Tony:

Thanks so much for your note inquiring about spending a bit of time together. I'd really appreciate the chance to meet you, and enjoy your company. Please send me your P 411 references so that I can learn a bit more about you and hopefully schedule a time to meet.

Take care,

Provider Y


B: Tony:

Sned me ur P411 refs. i'm avalable. Whut time did u have in mind?

c ya

Provider Z

It really isn't all that it?

Pavlov's Dogs illustrate a "associated learning from a conditioned response" which requires repeated pairings. Substance abuse leading to addiction stems from chemical reactions created within the brain.

Customer satisfaction derives, simply put, from good service yielding a favorable impression which in turn frequently leads to good "word of mouth" (aka reviews) and possible customer brand (or hobbyist) loyalty.

Good thing I'm just an average guy...
Iaintliein's Avatar
I don't know about "dazzle" but the style exhibited in posts, chat, etc. speaks volumes about the poster, good or bad, and it cuts both ways. Neither providers nor clients can be all things to all people.

Not being a business major I only remember one thing from the one business class I took. The simplest definition of economics: The application of finite resources to infinite demands.

Today the resources are more finite than ever, there can be no doubt that fewer dollars are flowing into the hobby, and each expenditure is scrutinized more than before. So even non-verbal communication here is an essential part of the decision making process.

If a lady has great reviews, great pictures, etc., but has a style the potential client doesn't warm up to, then it likely doesn't matter how good the price is. Yet, the most beautiful, skillful, and provocative of ladies can still price themselves beyond the reach of most potential clients.

In my opinion, personality is a bigger warning flag than lower prices. But the personality traits that turn me off might be just what the next guy who reads the post is looking for.

Hence the intangible component and why, despite this being the most impulsive kind of purchase imaginable, it is still one of the most scrutinized.

Imagine that, sex being so contradictory, complex, and confusing!

Oldmarine...she should of looked at your profile, i always check cause some guys dont like lotion, some guys dont like the smell of smoke, some guys like DFK, list goes on!

I screen through P411 to get this list(not the only reason).

A satisfied Hobbists is a returned Hobbist....period!! Originally Posted by babydollsnow

Side note: with the Texas Rangers going to the WORLD SERIES & Arlington Hosting This Years SUPER BOWL. We are about to have a Major influx of Providers visiting DFW between now and February 2011

Judge Smails's Avatar
Many of my most enjoyable sessions have been preceeded by escalating flirting via PM. Hey, I know the lovelies are busy, but its a nice extra touch and helps break the ice on a first meeting. After all, this is supposed to be about fun.

And of course, not looking for dollars off.
g3wq9xg's Avatar
But here is my .02 worth, which is not really worth the .02.

Price is obviously a factor, but the most important thing to me is the service and the connection. I hate extras with the exception of greek, I will accept that. But paying extra for MSOG or COF, or BBBJ, I generally will move on.

I, too, have often wondered why I don't get PMed or messaged by more ladies. I know I don't post very often, and I don't have many reviews, but that is because I like to keep a low profile. But I do have P411, and I do have a significant track record on there that any P411 provider can look at. I also have an extensive profile on there for them.

I tell you what, if a provider looked up my P411 profile and then out of the blue started to PM me or message me and talk about things she knew from my profile would get me hooked, I would pay, or I would find the money and the time to see her.

I have declined to see a provider based on her very cold business like response to my P411 inquiry. I know I am a client. I know this is a business. But I sure don't want it to feel that way. No matter how fake it may be, I want to feel like you are dying to meet me, dying to do me, and when we are together, that I am your ATF.

Quite frankly, I think the providers could gin up much more business than they might think just by unsolicited PMs or messages, but more than just hey, I have a slot, or hey I will be in cowtown. Hey, I am so horny and I have not stopped thinking about your c*@#! I need you to come and take me... I am holding back a little here, it could be more elicit. And you ladies know what to say to the specific guy if you have done your research on him.

Now, I realize there are providers out there who may not need to do this. But I am under the impression that even the best providers suffer dry periods (pun intended)

Just my thought. Take care all.