Is Rummerpaul threatening providers with bad reviews?

Thanks Big Eddie. As wellendowe1911 is one of 3 guys whose words are of so little value to me that I have "ignored them" I dont see when they try to slam me. I did not even post on this thread and he attacks me. I wonder who has something personal against whom?

The only real issue I have with Rummerpaul (also on my ignore list) is he posted private comments of mine in the clear and then insulted a provider I had reviewed, who was not a part of that thread, as some kind of payback (wellendowed did as well). Then "warned me" that anyone I reviewed in the future would get slammed as well. Some one of so little character would easily try to take advantage of providers as well. I am not the least suprised others are now coming to that same conclusion. Put his name right next to Cajunboy

What the hell does Bubba have to do with it? All he reposted or linked to a post by another lady.

rummerpaul's Avatar

Thank you for such publicity. I guess bad press is better than no press.

I guess everyone wants both sides so here's my side. sorry if i cant reply to each bonehead question/comment.

Multiple handles:
You're welcome to have the mods do whatever I.P. searching or however they find out who has multiple handles. I have none. I dont even know why this brooke scuz is chiming in. When she first popped onto the scene I set something up...went to her hotel and she was a nc/ns. THis was with no screening and with no mention of my eccie name. I do not even think I posted a nc/ns review only because these days I welcome simple b.s. as opposed to b.s. b.s. After that point I saw all the drama surrounding her and her drinking problems so I lost all interest immediately. I think THough that a review is a review even if it's old since she seems so bent on the fact that I may have reviewed her poorly I will go post a review of her nc/ns to appease her suspicions. Only it will be under my one and only handle.

Trading reviews for services:
FIrst of all. If a provider wishes to trade a person a review for a service then I guess that is up to them though, ultimately, I suppose I could care less if that's against the rules or not. If someone offers to show me a good time so i can tell others they are a good time then ...hell, that's great. I dont break the law AND i get laid. woo hoo. It's rarely proposed to me but I can, without thinking much, recall at least 10 instances of girls who told me they had done such a thing to get a review, some of that is going on and it's not happening here. I wouldnt complain if it was though.
Once I took such an offer to review someone for a 100% discount and regret it because it turns out to be a person who, at least at the time, had a pimp and had i known that I would not have supported that in any way.

As for threats of bad reviews if i dont get..whatever that whoever is saying I want:
I recon more than I hobby. 75% of the recon I do is with new girls. More than 50% of the new girls have some kind of shady crap encompassing them. Recalling at least one instance (i haven't clicked on the link of these threads implicating me)...a girl agreed to meet, said she didnt offer the services her post said she did. I said no thanks and that I'd mention this faulty advertising and home I come to a post saying I threatened her with a bad review if i didnt get what I want. By nature, a shady providers first means of lashing out is to say a person threatened them when they didnt get what they want. Funny then that a week later I find that girl belongs to the same pimp that 5 or 6 other of the eccie favorites belong to. I guess I have an eye for it.

I refuse to play the games of these new, shady girls but contacting them involves me in their shady goings-on. I will, however, scout them out because once in a while it pays off. What these shady girls say/threaten/whatever is preemptive action to avoid me calling them out. Calling out risky providers is, seemingly and unfortunately, most of what I post about in these forums. I rarely post my positive experiences because they are well known to be positive women. The positive reviews/comments I make are of new girls who dont have such a reputation (your welcome to all ladies for having guys like me who are willing to do so). Many of you email me thanking me for this recon and continue to do so.

As I've said time and time again. I see the best and most popular providers on here even if they dont know me as this screen name (most of the time they dont even ask who I am on eccie. it's only you drama stirrers that seem to place such a high priority of being on eccie). Probably most of the higher end girls I see would get a kick out of finding out i'm the one who all this drama is about haha. I actually ACTUALLY have had a total of 3 (yes 3) girls who have chimed into posts and gladly started bashing me......when I had met them and had a FANTASTIC time with them . They just didnt know it was me. That shows you what a joke this can all be.

Most recently: I see a post. I see two numbers. I am suspicious. I recon. I call it. No answer. I get a text message asking if i am free. I texted back "no but I was trying to see what's up and maybe schedule for non-holiday." My phone rings 4 or 5 times while I'm with family. my phone rings this morning a few times. I finally get pissed and call back and a dude answers. Then some whacko new lady comes on saying I've been harassing her. She then goes on to say that the number which had been texting and calling an old number that she had (????).

To whichever cockroach mentioned something admitting to being blacklisted:
As I had clearly stated then: A provider comes to my home. She was a major major bitch. I turn her away. She says she's going to say I raped her . I remind her I have security cameras in my home and she shuts up. I'm then suddenly and miraculously on some national "blacklist." This blacklist, even more than some of you retards, holds no sway over me. It's as b.s. as the notion of a national blacklist is. If i were really a danger to see. I'd get a new hobby only phone and problem would be solved. Yet I still see my favorites, the occasional newbie and have no need for additional numbers or handles.

Your false assumptions, your dramatic posts, nothing...nothing you can do will stop me from seeing who I want to see. All you are doing is finding something to fill a void that you have in your free time. My suggestion is to either fuck more or fill it doing something that will benefit you or bring you joy rather than just making you look like a faggoty gossip queen. Granted...yes....I post a lot of dramatic things but they are in regards to bad providers or warnings to guys about a potentially bad provider. That has a purpose . A purpose that benefits this board. Posting a thread asking if I have multiple handles (with not one shred of evidence or anything even pointing to such a notion) or saying I have met a girl for a review/trade of services benefits not a single person.

Even though this bubba chode cant see what I write he should re-read the part where I said "how would you like it if i went on every one of your reviews saying how your choices were ugly," perhaps worded differently...after he said a girl I reviewed would starve if we all didnt have different tastes. Never did I threaten to eccie stalk him. There are few to none of you who grab my attention enough to hate or like enough to actually engage.

I will say that this eddie character seems to have it out for me for no apparent reason. Why would a guy who i've never shared a word with (in a forum thread, pm, anywhere) just up and want to post such a thread? You just have a concern that I'm getting laid to write reviews? That's quite a weight you have on your shoulders (????) and it must be occupying your mind like a bad dream.
OHHHHH. I KNOWWWWWW. You must be the dude who verified her without paying her (she, amidst unwanted text rambles about all sorts of personal crap like drug problems, mentioned that she got verified on eccie by doing that). You saw my posts about her conflicting numbers and people (men) answering her numbers ...... and this is how you remedy it. Correct? haha What can i say. I have an eye for it. I, like many, have good and bad traits. One of my good traits is seeing right through every layer of crap and seeing things exactly how they are. Its always been my strong suit.

That about covers all i can care enough to remember to cover.

This thread is rummerpaul verified and I thank you for the publicity.
Valentine Michael's Avatar
This rue Paul dude seems to constantly be having problems, whether its
reports of threats against the new gals or insultingposts. its time for the mods to take out the trash.
Hmm, I see rummerpaul posted right after I did. Not worth the effort to see what he posted but I would guess somewhere in the post he took another shot at me knowing I would not see it or respond. Very brave of him
rummerpaul's Avatar
This rue Paul dude seems to constantly be having problems, whether its
reports of threats against the new gals or insultingposts. its time for the mods to take out the trash. Originally Posted by Valentine Michael
This place is just one step beyond make believe lol. None of this causes me a problem. I'll sleep just fine. If you take it so seriously and feel the need to point out who's doing wrong or who is trash and needs to be taken out....
Then perhaps you should give them your mother's uterus' address if you want the trash taken out? After all. Saying that you are rotten bile from a trashed uterus is insulting, just the same as saying I'm trash is insulting. So then by your logic we should both be "taken out" for insulting posts? That's kind of contradictory, no?

Secondly, since you seem to also have taken a vested interest in joining the bashing: Until you show that youv'e contributed more intel than an asian parlor review then perhaps you should have nothing to do with that which does not involve you? If you'd care to look at all the "new girls" i have problems'll probably see that those girls quickly came on and off of the scene. Not because I called them out for being trouble, but because they were trouble and would have come and gone anyway. THough if i did help them realize their place.......I'll gladly take some of that credit. We ALLLLLL know the AMP scene and the AMP girls. Telling us about your experience at a place where some sex slave (no offense, asian girls are lovely, but i've been there and they are NOT hygienic ladies usually....even when attractive) probably offered to bbfs you doesnt really give you any credibility.

Hmm, I see rummerpaul posted right after I did. Not worth the effort to see what he posted but I would guess somewhere in the post he took another shot at me knowing I would not see it or respond. Very brave of him Originally Posted by Bubba3452
You cannot read this but I'll reply never-the-less. How absolutely and hilariously ironic is it that you would post talking negative about me, see then that I responded....and talk continue to talk bad about me? It takes a very big man to talk shit to someone when he essentially plugs his ears and shout "lalalalalalalala" when others respond.

I've never been accused of being insane but can a person insult another.....then further insult them after they post a response which only clarified your incorrect quote of how I would be posting in your reviews (not too insulting, just fixed your mistake) and still have the audacity to call them the bad guy?
TonyStark's Avatar
WOW! That says all I need to know about your character... just sayin...
rummerpaul's Avatar
WOW! That says all I need to know about your character... just sayin... Originally Posted by TonyStark
Someone I dont know posts a new thread questioning me. No, actually, blatantly bashing me. i stick up for myself and try to respond to every single comment in a fashion that they were posed (if someone sticks up for me, i say thank you. If someone insults me, I insult them...OK maybe even one up them. That's human nature right?)....and that speaks of my nature. OK, so you've established that it's in my nature to stick up for myself even in a nonsense place. Kudos. Be sure and hit me up the next time someone calls you trash and you say "oh, well, thank you kind sir." THen i'll go on tour raving about your good character.

On top of that. If you think you can judge someones how they post....on a website.....on a hobbying website...on a hobbying website that is geared to ensure anonymity, then you need to seriously reevaluate how you judge others. When someone calls another person they do not know "rotten bile from their mothers trashed uterus." that is clearly poised to show a point. The point (since you cant seem to grasp it) is that calling a person a piece of trash and saying they should be removed for insulting remarks is a bit hypocritical and contradictory.

Like. Say you and your boyfriend are out to dinner. You get a little sassy and he looks at you, winks, and says "you fag!" Then later you call him gay while giving him a rusty trombone. Perhaps the gesture is exaggerated so as to clearly show the absurd irony of it all. You would be joking by calling the guy you're whacking off and rimming gay. But this person, in this equally realistic situation was not joking....which makes it all the more backwards that he would both call me trash and suggest I be removed for insulting remarks. It's equally as backwards for you to find me in bad character to respond negatively to negativity.

Most importantly. Why do you need to know anything about my character? Planning on hanging out? wanna come cuddle? I'm cool, but thanks for taking an interest in my character.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
can we say drama????
rummerpaul's Avatar
can we say drama???? Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Well, ya know. I guess if someone you've never shared any kind of interaction with opens up a thread posting links to your comments, etc. etc. Its kind of a big door that says "drama" written on it.

If it wasnt MY name above that sign I'd walk right by it. But of course I have to come in. And if i come in and see all these characters coming out of the woodwork stating their opinions of me, with no warrant to do so, then I'm kind of left in a position to just start answering and feeding off of what I'm reading. Take 3 guys. One at a time put them in the middle of a circle of other dudes all picking on them. Guy 1 will cry and run away. Guy 2 will ignore it and see what happens. Guy 3 will take each and every one of them on. Either way, no matter what that guy did to get in the middle of that the end it's the pricks picking on him that end up being the ones with something to reflect upon.

It's posts like these that will end up bringing a place like this down. It's one thing to "hobby" it's another to "hobby" then post your involvement of it on a public website. Why people start posts that have nothing to do with a specific date and their impressions of that beyond me. I suppose ISO posts or ads have their place too but useless nonsense like this just turns this place into a joke. So i'll treat it like a joke if that's the case.
[quote=Bubba3452;788197]Thanks Big Eddie. As wellendowe1911 is one of 3 guys whose words are of so little value to me that I have "ignored them" I dont see when they try to slam me. I did not even post on this thread and he attacks me. I wonder who has something personal against whom?

The only real issue I have with Rummerpaul (also on my ignore list) is he posted private comments of mine in the clear and then insulted a provider I had reviewed, who was not a part of that thread, as some kind of payback (wellendowed did as well). Then "warned me" that anyone I reviewed in the future would get slammed as well. Some one of so little character would easily try to take advantage of providers as well. I am not the least suprised others are now coming to that same conclusion. Put his name right next to Cajunboy

What the hell does Bubba have to do with it? All he reposted or linked to a post by another lady.

quote] Originally Posted by BigEddie

Your ignore list must be really long......Am I on it???
rummerpaul's Avatar
He is known for this.. HE posted as two bad reviews for me a while back!!! I have never even met either one of these handles. He did sign up the day he write both... has to be the same guy! ;( sorry people are like this..... good luck

** you can see he replys on both! hes a bad guy ;( Originally Posted by Brooke Cumsalot

I couldnt help but come back to this.

Kid.... Are you insane or just drunk again?

You get bad reviews....then the first chance you get you put them on ME? why ME? haha. I'm questioned and all of a sudden all bad reviews for anyone are me??? Lady. These bad reviews you got and claim come from me are from multiple reviewers...listed in different states. Open your eyes. Your shortcomings are your own. They are not a product of some imaginary grudge someone has against you.

I'm quite SURE they can find a way to tell you that these two bad reviews of you were not from me....and when they do I'll NOT accept your apology.

But as i said, funny you should mention it because LIKE THEM I had a NC/NS with you which will be up soon. That is unless you'd like to take back your absolutely unfounded speculation. Oh wait. No, MY BAD. I forgot. I cannot threaten a bad review right? Even when someone is a NC/NS because threatening a bad review just makes me out to be a monster. Laughable.

I spoke on the phone with you for 5 min to find out a time and place. I've NEVER pm'd you here or even had anything much to do with you in any threads.

You should go peg your bad reviews on someone else.
(tip: buy will guide you to the answer as to who to peg them on)

hope i helped? You can trust me when I say he caused lots of drama with me.... threats and all!!! and im not writing this to cause drama.... just tryin to help! Originally Posted by Brooke Cumsalot
Threats? where? when? I've never once PM'd you here. Never once held a conversation with you in a thread. My communication with you was that i called told me to come over. I did . you went MIA. I was in the area so it wasnt a big inconvenience so i just never talked to you again. Show me a threat I've given you and I'll show you the lock Ness monster.
rummerpaul's Avatar
I saw a girl a while back that mentioned him not threatening her with bad reviews but being very rude to her when she tried to screen him. She said he went off on her because she wasn't a reviewed provider yet and said she had no right to screen. Ive also noticed a few posts on here that reflect the same type of attitude. I figure if someone is a stand up guy then screening should be no problem. Originally Posted by Gonzo76

I also missed this one.

I do not screen. I do not need to show a girl I am ok to give her my money. At least not in a way that either involves paying for a website (p411) or in a way that involves having them call another girl I've been intimate with. Granted this is not "no kiss and tell" but I prefer to have some kind of discretion with who I am in bed with not talking to each other about their intimate time with me. Any screening I've ever needed to do was a cup of coffee or dinner/a drink. If they cannot tell I'm safe to see from that (they always do) then I do not want to see them either.

If someone said I 'went off' on them for not verifying myself. It's only because they took me to a point where I needed to go off on them. If everyone on here posted about a time where someone went off on another person...that's all this site would be filled with. Thanks for bringing the level of the site down, still, a little.

I'm sure you've shoplifted as a kid. Or disrespected your parents or whatever. Should I go around saying someone told me you did some inconsequential b.s. ???
rummerpaul's Avatar
I just noticed there is a 'like' button now and I wanted to give it a try on this thread.

(Is there going to be a 'douchebag' button?)

There are reasons why there are some guys that will see ONLY new (green) providers, and unfortunately they are usually predatory reasons....... Originally Posted by Dannie

I see 2 or 3 providers a week. I see maybe 1 newbie a month.

You speak about something you know nothing about. As with many, you might be better off sticking with what you are sure of.

If you would like to try to lump me into some category of guys who see certain people for certain reasons (when you have no clue who i have and havent reviews are NOT representative of this.) then do i have your permission to lump you into a group of people and speculate as to what psychological reasons might bring a woman into this business?

That would be rude wouldnt it?

I accept your apology for calling me a predator before you even feel the need to offer it up.
If none of this is true, why not just say this is bullshit and ask the staff to address the personal attacks on your character.

Your "squeal like ned beatty" defense makes you look guilty.

I love your avatar.