Thank you Gentleman!!

Not cool. Do you have some experience with the OP that would give you even a scintilla of insight to back up your mean-spirited comments? Personally, I prefer to give people the benefit of the doubt. Unless you've never made any mistakes during your short period on this Earth I would suggest you hold back the next time you feel the urge to blindly shoot someone down just because you can.

Good luck to the OP!!! Originally Posted by txcwby6
I would suggest you not make any suggestions as to how I conduct myself - I don't know you and therefore your suggestions are irrelevant. Plus if you haven't guessed it, I march to the beat of my own drum...make no apologies and am about as easy to 'herd' as a pack of stray alley cats

The OPs good friend took the time to PM me her entire life story - I'm guessing it was a plea for mercy but after reading, it was just the opposite. I feel it inappropriate to publicly discuss the details but it was the equivalent of: a bank robber goes to jail and now needs charity because jails don't have cable tv AND HE ONLY WATCHES HBO.

I wish her well too, sincerely. My only point is that MANY young girls her age need help - only they don't go about posting for sympathy donations. If any unsuspecting hobbyist reads this, he'll get the point and will more than likely choose to HELP another young girl. One who really needs it and will appreciate it.

Boy the weather sure is nice today
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In my experience, those who feel compelled to tell the world that they don't care what anybody thinks do so because all they truly care about is what everybody thinks.
Those that truly don't care don't bother, because, well, they actually don't.

Regardless of past transgressions, the OP's apology was the only positive way of moving forward. No need to put up caution flags, as she openly did so herself.
In my experience, those who feel compelled to tell the world that they don't care what anybody thinks do so because all they truly care about is what everybody thinks.
Those that truly don't care don't bother, because, well, they actually don't.

Regardless of past transgressions, the OP's apology was the only positive way of moving forward. No need to put up caution flags, as she openly did so herself. Originally Posted by addict
I didn't just join one day and start making mindless ASSumptions, I observed for a long while.

I find it sad that some of the providers really care what a few select think. There seems to be 'men's club' ... but in truth, those select few don't matter. The point is visibility, men see you around and it brings in business. That's what I'm here for, networking as part of my job - a requirement, not because I'm bored stiff and need a life. That's why all the ladies are here - but the men? It baffles me on how so many of them have so much time in their hands, surely they must have a job themselves?

Which brings me to my point, theres thousands of members who don't participate on the board. They come here, browse around and make an appointment. The guys who actually 'hobby' as opposed to sit around all day and discuss, debate and dissect are of not important.

Your experience, is your experience. I won't debate it
addict's Avatar
The old "my join date is bigger then your's" coupled with "I'm here for money what's your excuse" rebuttal. How intelligent and original. Smiley face.
The old "my join date is bigger then your's" coupled with "I'm here for money what's your excuse" rebuttal. How intelligent and original. Smiley face. Originally Posted by addict
Lol. I didn't even see your join date, oops. I just assumed you'd been around longer ... I hate when people do that to me, so I will apologize

So what anyway, you could be a hobbyist for 20 years - that's not the point.

We are strangers...period. What you think and what I think holds no importance in the real world. Not rocket science - kindergarten lesson. Although, I am quite intelligent ... Can't deny that (smiley face)

If you are all here for the benefit of the OP, start a donation cup or pm her for an appointment. If, as I suspect, you are here for're going about it in the wrong way. I've always liked the kind of men who treat me kindly, as opposed to the ones who throw rocks for my attention.

I'd love to continue but I've got commitments come 2pm ... I'll see you around, promise (batts lashes)
Well boo
Honestly what does any of this have to do with my thread?
Honestly what does any of this have to do with my thread? Originally Posted by Bridgette Ann
Nothing at all. They're not in your corner, only here to prove a point.

Your car broke down in Dallas? See how many of these fine gentlemen contact you to offer up some support. Not an appointment where you have to provide a service but REAL HELP - free of expectation. I suspect many have daughters your own age, they would want someone to show their daughter true kindness.

Bless you ... I really do hope this all works out for you and I sincerely hope you prove me wrong, because I still hold to my belief.
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  • BLM69
  • 02-25-2013, 06:09 PM
Honestly what does any of this have to do with my thread? Originally Posted by Bridgette Ann
Not a darn thing, looks like someone is having a bad/slow day and was looking to boost herself up with mean spirited remarks.

Just do what i and many others do, ignore the looooong daily pointless postings

hey misspriss
I am dissapointing that I made the effort to raise awareness regarding the return of a provider who has been widely reported to have taken advantage of folks generosity, both in Texas and St. Louis.

Rather than accept the message in the light intended it has turned into a pissing contest with people trying to take the high road at other folks expense.

Bnhot, your message still had an impact, and I thank you for it.
Not a darn thing, looks like someone is having a bad/slow day and was looking to boost herself up with mean spirited remarks.

Just do what i and many others do, ignore the looooong daily pointless postings

hey misspriss Originally Posted by biglatinmale
Hey BLM,

Just like my long boring (yawn) post once piqued your interest enough to PM me, so do others ... all day

You're so silly...that's just the way I like you
I am dissapointing that I... Originally Posted by bn_hot
I meant disapointed...

English is clearly my second language---after women. Unfortunately, I suck at both!
nice hijack of a thread