Are there times you really want to hook your civilian friends up w/ a provider?

I had made a bet with a friend last summer during the World Cup i'd find him a provider. Lucky for me the team didn't cover and lost early.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 01-24-2011, 08:13 AM
You got your hobby friends and you got your real world friends. Don't mix em. No good can come of it. Originally Posted by The G.O.A.T
Best post in this thread.
I had made a bet with a friend last summer during the World Cup i'd find him a provider. Lucky for me the team didn't cover and lost early. Originally Posted by BigTee
I think the best way to play that off, if you lost the bet, is to drag the process of "finding him a provider" out as much as possible. Act aloof as much as possible. Then hit him up weeks later like you were doing some extensive research and tell him what you "found" (lol but really what you knew all along).
I would agree with the sentiment of keeping hobbying life seperate from regular life. I have 2 really good friends that I know without a doubt that I could share this with. But, I have chosen not to do so. The only way they will find out is if they get into hobbying themselves and we happen to see each other at a social, or we pass each other in the hallway of a notel that a certain provider is on.
blowpop's Avatar
I've been tempted. Then I come to my senses.
Keep it to your self and your life will stay the same the more you talk about it thats where problems starts just my thoughts
kerwil62's Avatar
Nope, not sharing any civilian with any provider. Civilian doesn't need to know I hobby anyhow.
I'm was just thinking about hooking some fellas I know from the hood that tend to whistle at and mack to absolute trash. I see BP chicks that would light there world up. They'd truly appreciate greatly.
I'm was just thinking about hooking some fellas I know from the hood that tend to whistle at and mack to absolute trash. I see BP chicks that would light there world up. They'd truly appreciate greatly. Originally Posted by coefficient
Don't cast pearls before swine. Your homies can get on BP and put in their own work.
I went to Walmart a few months ago remind you I live in a army town.
I saw a husband and wife arguing you can clearly see the guy was on crutches and his wife was being a major bitch and telling him to hurry up and yelling at him.
I felt so bad for the guy I just wanted to give him my cell and tell him to give me a call to see Jenna.
I've had set up a VERY close friend with several providers. No problems at all. It depends on the friend.
Dad's Avatar
  • Dad
  • 01-25-2011, 08:06 AM
As much as you hobby, you have time for civilian friends?
bullet0's Avatar
You got your hobby friends and you got your real world friends. Don't mix em. No good can come of it. Originally Posted by The G.O.A.T
Unless circumstances do it for you. I have a couple of guys on the board here that I knew in the real world and then ran in to them at socials. Also had one guy I knew from the socials that turned up at a mutual friend's birthday party.
cockstrong's Avatar
Whenever we get together he always wants to go to the strip club and this and that. Everytime we go I always think to myself, "this shit is only the tip of the iceberg" and it's hard to get into it as much as he does.

I have thought that he needs a session big time. Originally Posted by Shake_N_Bake

i am in the same situation...every time my friend gets into it with his wife or wants some time away he always wants 2 go 2 the strip club. he ends up spending $$$ and walking out with a hard on. i want 2 tell him so bad that for that amount i could get him a girl that would blow his mind but i dont want him 2 know about my hobby life...its hard 2 keep it a secret but u have 2