Press #3 for Arabic

Sa_artman's Avatar
rest my case.LOL!!sorry , your comments are more racist and personal attack ladin.. Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Racist? What part is racist? You are stupid. Lemme see, is fucktard a race? If so, fucktards of the world would hate to be stereotyped with you. ...and yes, my personal attacks are 'laden' toward idiots whenever I come across them...and the four original OP's are a gold mine.
the usual attacks.. Originally Posted by JONBALLS
you have nothing but personal attacks .

, and you have to live with Ahmed, Schwartz, Lopez, Chin Lu, . Originally Posted by Sa_artman
your the one thats obsessed with ethnicity.

Racist? What part is racist? You are stupid. Lemme see, is fucktard a race? If so, fucktards of the world would hate to be stereotyped with you. ...and yes, my personal attacks are 'laden' toward idiots whenever I come across them...and the four original OP's are a gold mine. Originally Posted by Sa_artman
again, I havnt personally attacked you or anyone.How many times will I have to rest my case?
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Taqiyya (alternate spellings taqiya, taqiyah, tuqyah; meaning dissimulation[1]) is a practice emphasized in Shi'a Islam whereby adherents may conceal their beliefs when they are under threat, persecution, or compulsion.[2] This means a legal dispensation whereby a believing individual can deny his faith or commit otherwise illegal or blasphemous acts while they are under those risks.
  1. "Taqiyya", Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project
  2. "Taqiyah". Oxford Dictionary of Islam. John L. Esposito, Ed. Oxford University Press. 2003. Retrieved 25 May 2011.
just sayin'!!!
It must to awful to go to bed each night knowing that the only thing I have to look forward to the next morning is another day of being scared of my own shadow!

Quick, run and hide! The sky is really falling this time!
.Im sure youll be painted and discredited as a racist . Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Not soon enough, the cowardly bastard. You claim to hate the government, but you want to government telling you who you can and can't marry??!!!

And what, pray tell, is wrong with government communicating with citizens in the languages that they best understand? Other than it stirs up xenophobes and racists that those of us who have real American and Christian values have to listen to? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
when did I say anything about caring who marries who?Was just curious if maybe Obama has any core beliefs that would leave him conflicted over gay marriage?I believe he campaigned on gay rights, would think it to be an immediate no brainer for him? asking people to learn english is hardly racist, but see quote 1..scores and scores of immigrants have cherished the opportunity to learn english and assimilate.Hows that racist?
We are just about where the Romans were when their world started turning to shit.

We have become fat and lazy, we are depending more and more on outsiders to do our work, and we are willing to have a mercenary army do our fighting.

Hey look, I am not some right wing fanatic that sees the boogy man behind every bush. I am very socially liberal, but I like keeping as much of the money I earn as possible. I think people that work should live better than those that are able but will not.

I believe the 2d amendment has nothing to do with duck hunting, and the Constitution is a sacred document that should not be subject to the petty whims of the moment.

I am a Vietnam Veteran, (drafted 1966), who got his legs all blown up in a war I did not ask to go to, but went because back then, you did not have much of a choice. Since then, all I have ask the Government to do is allow me to do the best I can.
I B Hankering's Avatar
@ JONBALLS: Ignore the Dims, they are in classic “Zombie Mode” tonight - no discernable intelligence: only guttural noises and gnashing of teeth.

Just six years after the Constitution took effect, Congress deliberately rejected a request to publish copies of federal laws in German. Two years later, Congress rejected a similar request. The debates cited the cost of printing in multiple languages and the confusion that might result from problems in translation. These concerns are as valid today as they were two hundred years ago.

In 1811, President James Madison signed the Louisiana Enabling Act, establishing the conditions under which Louisiana could become a state. It required that all laws, records, and written proceedings of the new state to be in English.

LOUISIANA (1811) Louisiana Enabling Act, 2 U.S.Stat. 641

1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the inhabitants of all that part of the territory or country ceded under the name of Louisiana, by the treaty made at Paris on the thirtieth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and three, between the United States and France . . .

3. And be it further enacted, ...that after the admission of the said territory of Orleans as a state into the Union, the laws which such state may pass shall be promulgated and its records of every description shall be preserved, and its judicial and legislative written proceedings conducted in the language in which the laws and the judicial and legislative written proceedings of the United States are now published and conducted...

Thirteen states were carved out of the Louisiana Purchase territory: Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado. The original area also included parts of Texas and New Mexico and even a part of Canada (subsequently ceded by another treaty). When Madison signed this document in 1811, there were already seventeen states "conducting their judicial and legislative proceedings" in English. Hence, according to Madison, there should be no argument that at least thirty to thirty-two states should have English as the prescribed language for conducting U.S. governmental business.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
well I am in the meat biz and those folks eat alot goats and there are alot of goats in this area of the country but like the Mexicans why don't these people learn the English language like all of the other immigrants before them

Jackie I salute your service, Cpt Retired USAR, I missed VN by one year
I B Hankering's Avatar
We are just about where the Romans were when their world started turning to shit.

We have become fat and lazy, we are depending more and more on outsiders to do our work, and we are willing to have a mercenary army do our fighting.

Hey look, I am not some right wing fanatic that sees the boogy man behind every bush. I am very socially liberal, but I like keeping as much of the money I earn as possible. I think people that work should live better than those that are able but will not.

I believe the 2d amendment has nothing to do with duck hunting, and the Constitution is a sacred document that should not be subject to the petty whims of the moment.

I am a Vietnam Veteran, (drafted 1966), who got his legs all blown up in a war I did not ask to go to, but went because back then, you did not have much of a choice. Since then, all I have ask the Government to do is allow me to do the best I can. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Thank you for your service.
Sa_artman's Avatar
I am a Vietnam Veteran, (drafted 1966), who got his legs all blown up in a war I did not ask to go to, but went because back then, you did not have much of a choice. Since then, all I have ask the Government to do is allow me to do the best I can.
My father served (KW), my brother did as did I (GW) and I continue to serve to ensure your rights aren't stripped away as stupid politicians listen to the idiot extremists and further strip away social programs you and all veterans need. Idiots like DFW5 who wear their patronage on their sleeves and on their taglines do nothing to further serve this country, nor it's veterans. Sickening.

you have nothing but personal attacks .

your the one thats obsessed with ethnicity.

again, I havnt personally attacked you or anyone.How many times will I have to rest my case? Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Obviously the original sentence was above your head.

Taqiyya (alternate spellings taqiya, taqiyah, tuqyah; meaning dissimulation[1]) is a practice emphasized in Shi'a Islam....just sayin'!!!
I'm sure reading Taliban texts you'll probably find that they share a lot of extremist views like yourself. That must scare you. Scares me.
Sa_artman's Avatar
well I am in the meat biz and those folks eat alot goats and there are alot of goats in this area of the country but like the Mexicans why don't these people learn the English language like all of the other immigrants before them

Jackie I salute your service, Cpt Retired USAR, I missed VN by one year Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Oh this is just funny. Maybe 'some of dem Mexicans' can teach you grammar.
I am a Vietnam Veteran Originally Posted by Jackie S

I Salute You

As for me, I joined in 1969. Upon completion of OCS and Jump School at Benning in 1970, I was assigned to the 173rd. After doing a full year with "The Third Herd" I returned to the States in 1971 and was assigned to the 82nd at Bragg. I stayed with the "All American" Division until I got out of the Army in 1973. The reason the 82nd was referred to as "All American" should be self-explanatory!

Brothers and Sisters, let's put things into its proper perspective! Shall we? During my entire 4 years in the military, it was none of my business which God my fellow soldiers prayed to. Or even if they prayed at all! I did not care whether their political views were liberal, independent or conservative. It did not matter to me whether their ancestors were Native American, Arabic or from any other foreign land. And yes, I was completely oblivious to the color of their skin.

All that really mattered was that we were all defending the same American flag! All things considered, nothing else seemed important at the time!

JONBALLS's Avatar a WOMEN speaks, I tend to listen..OOhh YAH, no TELEPROMPTER!!, thisll really drive them nuts!!LOL!!yup, I'm the Nazi..LOL!...JS, thanks..
SkyDriver's Avatar
Big Tex I probably had you jumping out of the back - Did many a joint airborne exercise with that group - both Bragg and Campbell.
Big Tex I probably had you jumping out of the back - Did many a joint airborne exercise with that group - both Bragg and Campbell. Originally Posted by SkyDriver
I couldn't wait for you to turn on the green light!

I never jumped at Campbell but I did have a memorable experience there with lilred robin a couple of years ago.