Ladies: Do you prefer large or small bills?

Alyssa Monroe's Avatar
Thats disrespectful 😂
CG2014's Avatar
You go to the strip clubs and get 1s and they give it to you in brand new 100 bundles.

I have paid in those bundles: 2 bundles, 3 bundles.

No ladies has ever said no.

It's money U.S. Dollars Green.

Plus they are brand new and they are still in bundles. They were not loose.

It's money printed by the United States Government Treasury Department and its legal tender for all debts public and private.

I even had ladies break up the bundles, scattered them on the bed and we play in that same bed with brand new 1s everywhere, sticking to our bodies.

Them 1s spent the same way as a $5, $10, $20, $50, $100 bills and has the same purchasing power.

You put them in your bank account, the balance will be the same as if you deposited an equal amount in $5, $10, $20, $50, $100 bills or even if you deposited an equal amount in coins: pennies, nickels, dime, quarters.

It's not disrespectful.

At least I didn't pay in 2-3 bundles of loose, dirty 1s.

Even if I did, that money still spent the same way.

Dancers at strip clubs go home with ton of 1s. Do you see them bitch and complain when guys stick 1s into their g-strings while they are on the stage and side stages?

Do you ever see them tell a guy: hey don't give me the 1s. Give me $5, $10, $20, $50, $100.

Money is money is money is money as long as it's U.S. Dollars Green.

Someone bringing you brand new 1s to cover your donation is still better than no one coming to bring you any money in $5, $10, $20, $50, $100 which equals NO income.