The Lynching of Kyle Rittenhouse

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Next protest I'll dress you up as black , strap an AR-15 on you and have you go running towards the police. Originally Posted by WTF
no you won't.

and he didn't run. he walked with this hands up. butt .. you know knew that, right?

still waiting for you to prove your claim. might be awhile ..
  • oeb11
  • 11-14-2021, 03:12 PM
a long, Long While.
The democraticommunists - do not ever provide factual basis for their opinions.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Prosecutors crash and burn in Kyle Rittenhouse case, but polarized America doesn't see it

Jonathan Turley
Fri, November 12, 2021, 12:14 AM·5 min read

The trial of Kyle Rittenhouse increasingly seems like a legal version of the parable of the blind men and the elephant. By only touching discrete parts of the animal, the men describe vastly different animals. In coverage of this trial, one would think that there were parallel trials occurring in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

One consensus however is emerging: Things are not going well for the prosecution.

But the reason for this developing failure depends greatly on what media you are watching other than the trial itself. It is either the product of systemic errors or systemic racism.

Rittenhouse is facing six charges that range from first-degree homicide to a misdemeanor of being a minor in possession of a dangerous weapon. At this stage, the prosecution may celebrate even a misdemeanor conviction.

Prosecution's bumpy start, and finish

The prosecution stumbled out of the gate in the trial. Gaige Grosskreutz was the third person to be shot by Rittenhouse. Grosskreutz admitted under cross-examination that Rittenhouse did not shoot him when he had his hands up after their confrontation. He admitted that it was only after he pointed his handgun at Rittenhouse and moved toward him that Rittenhouse fired.

Likewise, a prosecution witness, Ryan Balch, testified that one of the other people shot, Joseph Rosenbaum, said that he intended to kill Kyle Rittenhouse. Other witnesses described Rosenbaum as "belligerent" or "hyperaggressive."

USA TODAY's Carli Pierson: Kyle Rittenhouse deserves an award for his melodramatic performance on the witness stand.

Later, the prosecution called Richard McGinniss, a journalist with The Daily Caller who was reporting from Kenosha that night. He was near Rittenhouse when Joseph Rosenbaum was shot. The prosecutor told McGinniss, “I mean you have no idea what Mr. Rosenbaum was ever thinking at any point of his life. You have never been inside his head, you never met him before.”

McGinnis said, “I never exchanged words with him, if that’s what your question is.”

The prosecutor then pressed McGinnis on how he had no idea what Rosenbaum was thinking because it “is complete guesswork, isn’t it?”

That is when McGinnis delivered a haymaker, noting, “Well he said (expletive) you, and then he reached for the weapon.”

The prosecution's own medical expert, Dr. Doug Kelly, appeared to confirm that the forensic evidence of soot injuries on Rosenbaum's hand could be consistent with Rosenbaum trying to grab the barrel of Rittenhouse's rifle when the gun was fired.

It got worse from there, including a glaring constitutional violation by the prosecution when Binger began his cross examination of Rittenhouse by commenting on his decision to remain silent.

The judge correctly tore into the prosecutor. Any first-year law student knows that you cannot comment on the silence of a Mirandized defendant after an arrest under the Fifth Amendment – let alone ignore a court order.

Biased media viewers

Even without the unforced errors by the prosecution, this was always a difficult case. Wisconsin has a strong self-defense standard. After a defendant claims to have acted to repel a threat, the burden is on the prosecution to rebut that claim beyond a reasonable doubt.

Instead, the prosecution prompted its own witnesses to create layers of doubt in the case. In doing so, it seems to have reduced the range of possibilities to somewhere between a hung jury and outright acquittal on the major charges.
Kyle Rittenhouse testifies about fatally shooting two people
The problem is that many people may be unaware that the case is collapsing due to such evidentiary or tactical failures. Any hung jury or acquittal will come as a shock, and the level of outrage is likely to be greater. This case began with violent rioting in Kenosha, and the news coverage is fueling the danger of renewed violence.

It is even worse in that some coverage has dismissed the trial as an exhibition of raw racism. Some have criticized Judge Bruce Schroeder after he enforced long-standing constitutional principles and defended the core constitutional right of the defendant against self-incrimination.

USA TODAY's Suzette Hackney: Kyle Rittenhouse shot his victims, but we can't call them that? What kind of justice system is this?

MSNBC host Tiffany Cross advocated for Schroeder’s removal and called on columnist Elie Mystal to discuss the matter. Mystal, who stated earlier this month that white, non-college-educated voters supported Republicans in the 2021 races in part because they care about "using their guns on Black people and getting away with it," not surprisingly, has written that this trial is a sham.

One man – not society – is on trial

MSNBC’s host Joy Reid also attacked the trial and suggested that Rittenhouse’s emotional breakdown on the stand was fraudulent. Her guest, MSNBC legal analyst and Georgetown law professor Paul Butler, concurred and called it “the greatest performance of (his) life.”

Butler declared Rittenhouse “was well-prepared by his defense attorneys to disrupt his image as a trigger-happy vigilante who went on a shooting rampage at a Black Lives Matter protest.”

Butler, who has written that Black jurors should use “jury nullification” to refuse to convict Black defendants in drug cases, insisted in a previous appearance that an acquittal would fuel future violence by white people.

Reid added Wednesday, “If you want to know why critical race theory exists, the actual law school theory that emphasizes that supposedly colorblind laws in America often still have racially discriminatory outcomes, then look no further than the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse.”

However, Rittenhouse is not to be judged for society’s historical racism, and such history does not change the underlying facts.

Either Grosskreutz (who is white) was pointing the gun at Rittenhouse’s head or he was not. Either Rosenbaum (who was white) was grabbing the barrel of Rittenhouse’s gun or he was not. Such facts do not change through CRT translations.

Many in the media rightly criticized those who encouraged riots on Jan. 6 with unsupported claims of electoral fraud. However, some of the same media figures offer distorted accounts of this trial. The narrative can overwhelm the facts.

Moreover, if left uninformed of the real legal deficiencies in the case, that narrative is likely to control the response to any failure to convict.

These protests are part of a larger debate on racism in our country. However, this trial is about the actions of one individual – not society – in 2020. Those actions are increasingly favoring acquittal on the most serious charges.

Jonathan Turley, a member of USA TODAY's Board of Contributors, is the Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University. He is also a legal analyst for Fox News.

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Kyle Rittenhouse trial: Prosecutors crash and burn as America watches
Next protest I'll dress you up as black , strap an AR-15 on you and have you go running towards the police.

Nothing racist about what I said. Pull up your panties, your white privilege is showing. Originally Posted by WTF
You can be any race, color, creed it won't matter.If you run towards a Police Officer with an AR-15 in your hand or any kind of weapon for that matter in the middle of a protest and I am pretty sure it's safe to assume you're going to get killed.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
Whose mom drove the to do riot control when they were 17 years old packing an AR-15 Originally Posted by WTF

What riot? Those were "mostly peaceful protests". You didn't receive the Democrat talking points?

You should proofread your posts. You have 1 hour after you post to correct the post.
Regardless of your view of Rittenhouse, he did rid the world of two worthless pieces of ANTIFA Shit and damned near offed another.

There is a silver lining in every cloud.
bambino's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Whoever allowed this kid to become such a piece of shit should be hung.

The kid should never get the miniseries. But he will, because those who condone his behavior are likely Illiterate but will eat it up. Get some country western musician to play young Karl…

Sound about right?
Whoever allowed this kid to become such a piece of shit should be hung.

The kid should never get the miniseries. But he will, because those who condone his behavior are likely Illiterate but will eat it up. Get some country western musician to play young Karl…

Sound about right? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Kyle Rittenhouse for the most part is probably a peaceful person. It wasn't until he was confronted with a dangerous situation where he became violent towards those that were bent on doing him great bodily harm. I doubt at the time he was concerned about the opinions of people like you who have no concept of self preservation.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-15-2021, 06:53 AM
Next protest I'll dress you up as black , strap an AR-15 on you and have you go running towards the police.

Nothing racist about what I said. Pull up your panties, your white privilege is showing. Originally Posted by WTF
no you won't.

and he didn't run. he walked with this hands up. butt .. you know knew that, right?

still waiting for you to prove your claim. might be awhile .. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You do realize that they did not question him....they did not detain him.

He had to get his mother to drive him to the police station in another town late RT on.

Now prove to me you are the only person in the world without bias. Go ahead...I'll wait.
  • oeb11
  • 11-15-2021, 07:21 AM
'Liberals" on Kyle Rittenhouse - as confronted with Equality for All under teh Rule of law:

rexdutchman's Avatar
How dare some one defend themselves against the rioting narrative ,,,,,,,just ask Lemon

bambino's Avatar
The prosecutor must have went to the Alec Baldwin gun safety class!!!!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Circle back JenJen ... at it again


Psaki Refuses to Explain Why Biden Labeled Rittenhouse a ‘White Supremacist’

Caroline Downey
Mon, November 15, 2021, 2:43 PM·2 min read

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Monday refused to explain why President Biden chose to label Kyle Rittenhouse a “white supremacist” immediately after the 17-year-old shot three white men during the riots in Kenosha, Wisc. last year.

After exhaling deeply, Psaki replied: “What I’m not going to speak to right now is an ongoing trial nor the president’s past comments. What I can reiterate for you is the president’s view that we shouldn’t have, broadly speaking, vigilantes patrolling our communities with assault weapons.”

In September of last year, then Democratic presidential nominee Biden criticized incumbent President Trump on Twitter for refusing to condemn anti-BLM actors as “white supremacists.” The tweet text was accompanied by a video which showed an image of Rittenhouse’s face.

“There’s no other way to put it: the President of the United States refused to disavow white supremacists on the debate stage last night,” Biden tweeted last year.

Rittenhouse fatally shot two men and injured another after falling to the ground while fleeing a group of attackers. The shooting occurred during the riots that followed the police killing of Jacob Blake in Kenosha last August.

After the Rittenhouse trial began early this month, Rittenhouse’s mother, Wendy Rittenhouse, appeared on Fox News to say that Biden “defamed” her son when he called him a white supremacist.

“He is not a white supremacist. He is not a racist,” Rittenhouse told Fox News host Sean Hannity Thursday night.

It is the prosecution’s contention that the 18-year-old was a rogue opportunist who traveled to Kenosha to seek out opportunities for violence. While the prosecution is alleging that Rittenhouse committed homicide, the defense argues that he acted in self-defense that night. Rittenhouse testified in his own defense last week, breaking down on the stand as he recounted his version of events.

The judge presiding over Rittenhouse’s murder trial dismissed a lesser misdemeanor charge of possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under 18 Monday morning before closing arguments began.
HedonistForever's Avatar
So whether he "should" have or should not have been where he was, he was there legally and as we now know, he legally possesed that AR. The irony being that if it had been a handgun, it would have been illegal if I understand it right.

So he is legally there, in legal possession of a long gun. Only thing to decide, is did he meet the letter and spirit of the law on self defense. Funny thing is, whether he was legally there, with a legal gun has nothing to do with his right to self defense. The prosecutor was making the case that those two things negated his right to self defense. The only way you lose your right to claim self defense, is if he "provoked" the confrontation. The prosecutor suggests that simply being there with that gun proves provocation. The judge blew a hole in that argument so we are left with the video show that everybody shot were the aggressors.

I wasn't real impressed by the defense attorney's closing argument. At one point he said "come on man" to the jury which could be construed as insulting, something an attorney never wants to do to a jury, turn them off to the attorney.

I'm getting the sinking feeling that Rittenhouse is going to get some jail time. I certainly wouldn't give him any but who the hell knows what any of these jury members are thinking. They might have been convinced that the only way to avoid burning the city down, is to find him guilty of something.

I hope I'm wrong.