why are mega afraid?

HDGristle's Avatar
So what happens if Trump loses?

Or better yet, wins but doesn't have control of house and/or senate?

bambino's Avatar
So what happens if Trump loses?

Or better yet, wins but doesn't have control of house and/or senate?

NOCWYTIC Originally Posted by HDGristle
Better yet, I’m fine either way Gristle. Unlike you, I have faith and a strong family. Goodnight.
HDGristle's Avatar
You keep saying goodnight and then coming back. Seem fixated. That's a sign of fear.

Keep avoiding the question. Reeks of fear.

Focused on faith and protecting family, made a point to bring it up. Oozes fear. One doesn't need to protect something that's under no threat. Therefore, bringing it up means it's top of mind.
I’m not worried about the election. Are you? Originally Posted by bambino
... Nope - No worrys here... ...

... Won't be long now... Two more weeks. ...

#### Salty
Fat Pig MAGAs are afraid to think for themselves. That's their whole deal. The sheep follow the wolves to their slaughter.

You'll never get a Klan member to say on the record that they are a Klan member, that they think there are good people on both sides, that they wish the South could go back to the Jim Crow times. They'll NEVER say that on the record. But that's what they want.

Likewise with being a Nazi. Nobody in their right mind will admit to being a Nazi, to admit to being anti-semantic on the record. Only the stupid people in either camps admit that on the record. The smart people, or at least the ones that think them are the smart ones, keep their mouths shut.

A Fat Pig MAGA would never make any claim on the record if it wasn't already OK'd by their Man. Or Fox. The lack of ability to think for themselves will be their downfall. When the piper leads all the rats into the sea, they'll blissfully follow along while yelling slurs and insults at the people on the shore watching them go to their deaths.

But to answer OP's question, the reason Fat Pig MAGAs are afraid to admit the results of the election are correct, is because Trump already said months ago that the results of the election, if he does not win, are fraudulent.

But they are not fraudulent if he wins? What kind of ass backwards logic is that!

Trump claims it is rigged, Fat Pig Magas will claim it is rigged, without even trying to fire one of their neurons to ask if what they are agreeing to is factual or not.
Bam, we know you're not going to admit to being worried. It would ruin your whole shtick. We know the answer tho Originally Posted by HDGristle
Yep. Still has never answered the question.
chizzy's Avatar
Fat Pig MAGAs are afraid to think for themselves. That's their whole deal. The sheep follow the wolves to their slaughter.

You'll never get a Klan member to say on the record that they are a Klan member, that they think there are good people on both sides, that they wish the South could go back to the Jim Crow times. They'll NEVER say that on the record. But that's what they want.

Likewise with being a Nazi. Nobody in their right mind will admit to being a Nazi, to admit to being anti-semantic on the record. Only the stupid people in either camps admit that on the record. The smart people, or at least the ones that think them are the smart ones, keep their mouths shut.

A Fat Pig MAGA would never make any claim on the record if it wasn't already OK'd by their Man. Or Fox. The lack of ability to think for themselves will be their downfall. When the piper leads all the rats into the sea, they'll blissfully follow along while yelling slurs and insults at the people on the shore watching them go to their deaths.

But to answer OP's question, the reason Fat Pig MAGAs are afraid to admit the results of the election are correct, is because Trump already said months ago that the results of the election, if he does not win, are fraudulent.

But they are not fraudulent if he wins? What kind of ass backwards logic is that!

Trump claims it is rigged, Fat Pig Magas will claim it is rigged, without even trying to fire one of their neurons to ask if what they are agreeing to is factual or not. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
Son, you really need to study some grown up books on nazi. If you did you would see the far left is so much closer to what you say than the right. And as far as the kkk, again study history, youll find the democrats are the bad guys. After u study, if u come up with the same conclusions, i can only assume mom did take u to the hospital after dropping u on ur head

Carry on.......

Ps. Name calling only shows a lack of knowledge and immature ignorance
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Name calling is all the left’s got left when their candidate is weak, unlikeable and an integral part of a failed presidency.
HDGristle's Avatar
Name calling is 70% of Trump and his followers schtick. They don't give any fucks when it's not pointed at them and towards the libs. Get salty when it is and whine about a conspiracy against conservatives.

Other side does the same thing.

We need adults who can govern and negotiate real compromise. Not toddlers in adult bodies.

Part of that means voting for the best person instead of your favorite bundle of issues that probably aren't really represented by the person asking for your vote.

Step back from the tribalism and you'll see how similar both sides are.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Trump brands people, usually they’re pretty accurate. There’s a difference.
I'm not name calling, unless you take offense when I mention Klan members or Nazis. Unless you mean Fat Pigs? Trump referred to his people as Fat Pigs, so I'm just repeating what he said.
HDGristle's Avatar
Trump brands people, usually they’re pretty accurate. There’s a difference. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
You want that to be true. I get it. It's a farce and a pile of rationalization you want to agree with.

He preys on fear and you're teeming with it.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
LOL. Fear of what?
HDGristle's Avatar
LOL. Fear of what? Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
You tell us, but spare the hyperbole. Issues, not name-calling. You reek of fear, including avatar choice.

What scares you about the other side?

What are you afraid of losing?

What are you hoping to avoid?

Once we have the fears laid out we can look for commonalities. We can see what's rational and irrational. What's cultural norms vs resistance to change. Fear is a powerful motivator and driver, and anyone who says they're not afraid is a liar.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Your accusation, define it.