Democrats defunding the police - How is that working out ?

to summarize:
1. crime was down in 2020 due to lock down, so they're comparing a 'low' year with a 'regular' year.
2. Portland had 6 homicides in the first 5 months of 2020. 2021 had 38. Not saying that 38 is acceptable, but it is still not as dramatic as saying an 800% increase
3. Reallocating funds and cutting the fat are not considered 'defunding'
4. The number of officers that left the job on their own has increased, therefore payroll has decreased.
5. Homicide rates have also increased in cities that did NOT cut spending, and in some cases, increased spending. Houston TX for example. Nashville TN has increased spending and their homicide rates have increased by 50%
6. Some republican run cities have seen increases in murder. Tulsa and Fresno for example.

“It’s not related to which party is ruling,” Fox said. “But you can win a lot of votes by pushing fear.”

So, to put it in GWB terms, stop with the "fuzzy math".
I wouldn't recommend something if I didn't have "the slightest clue" how to implement it. Why chime in on a topic you admit you know nothing about?

Nonsense. You're just spouting liberal pablum. Innocent people of any color know how to deal with the police calmly, respectfully and without fear.

I didn't detect any fear among the demonstrators who pelted the police with bricks and other projectiles during the BLM riots. Or the looters who robbed Macy's and torched other stores knowing that, even if arrested, they would be released immediately due to libtard "no bail" laws.

If we keep handcuffing the police instead of the criminals, making the men & women in blue afraid to go to work anymore... that's when you'll see "a fundamental problem with your society". Originally Posted by lustylad
Perhaps I didn't respond earlier to this post in a way that was clear. Mixing my response in with lustys.
I would like to give the right wing brain trust the opportunity to respond.

I saw the respect being shown towards the police on 1/6, how courtesly those interactions were!
The beatings with flagpoles complete with Trump flags, bear spray, the death of officer Sicknick! Lost eyes, suicides!
Shall I go on?

As I said in the previous post that perhaps I confused you all with, go figure!
I didn't see any fear of the police that day either!
Nor did I see any bricks being thrown, but only because they weren't readily available. Im surprised they didn't bring any themselves because they seemed to have everyother distructive devise they could lay hands on.
Trump flagpoles were turned into spears and cudgels, bears spray, guns, explosive devises ect. You get the picture.
Police being dragged down the stairs and gang beaten!

I didnt see any handcuffing of the police going on. But I did notice the reluctance of our republican representatives to do anything about this assault, this attempted coup on our republic!
Oh they were outraged the day it happened, but quickly fell to their knees to give some oral, and to beg forgiveness for their outrageous outrage at the piece of shit in a suit for endangering them and the future of the republic!
I really don't think at this point that they had any concerns for the continuance of the republic, only their skins!
They later realized that they were going to be collateral damage, for the greater good of Trump!
And they are seemingly are alright with that!

You want to sit in the sandbox and talk about crime?
Let's discuss this one!
Let's not pick and choose, this was the greatest crime against this country since 9/11, and much more dangerous!
Unless your alright living in an autocracy!
The BLM crowd for the most part are just tired of the treatment that the cops are dishing out to them and I don't blame them.
That asshole sat on that mans neck for what was it 9 minutes?
He was well under control, handcuff his dumb ass and arrest him for the counterfit bill he had on him.
But you don't fucking kill him!

I was put in a similar situation when I was working security in a federal facility! I had no problem dragging my boss off of an asshole that insisted that we beat him up!
He got what he asked for, then while the guy was down and we had him spread eagle on the office floor, my boss knee dropped into the guys crotch, since he tried stabbing me with a screwdriver I dodn't have a problem with that either!
But when my boss decided to sit on the guys chest I pulled him off of him!
The guy obviously couldn't breath!
And I wasnt going to jail!
The guy was black, and the boss was white and a former police chief in a small city in Virginia!
At this point I then understood why he was a FORMER police chief!
BLM wasn't looking to overthrow the government, they were not a threat to our way of life. They just want an improvement in theirs!.. But Trump that's a different animal altogether!
Fuck him!
Now let's have this discussion if you dare!
berryberry's Avatar

to summarize:
1. crime was down in 2020 due to lock down, so they're comparing a 'low' year with a 'regular' year.
2. Portland had 6 homicides in the first 5 months of 2020. 2021 had 38. Not saying that 38 is acceptable, but it is still not as dramatic as saying an 800% increase
3. Reallocating funds and cutting the fat are not considered 'defunding'
4. The number of officers that left the job on their own has increased, therefore payroll has decreased.
5. Homicide rates have also increased in cities that did NOT cut spending, and in some cases, increased spending. Houston TX for example. Nashville TN has increased spending and their homicide rates have increased by 50%
6. Some republican run cities have seen increases in murder. Tulsa and Fresno for example.

“It’s not related to which party is ruling,” Fox said. “But you can win a lot of votes by pushing fear.”

So, to put it in GWB terms, stop with the "fuzzy math". Originally Posted by yinzerpgh
LOL - nothing fuzzy about it except that abomination of an article you posted trying to spin things.

Let's look at the real facts:

1. During the first five months of 2021, gunfire killed more than 8,100 people in the country, which is about 54 deaths a day. The average of the same period of time during the past six years was 14 deaths per day, according to an analysis by the Washington Post and the Gun Violence Archive.

2. In Ocasio-Cortez's hometown of New York City, shooting incidents in May jumped 73% compared to the same period last year, according to the New York City Police Department. Overall hate crimes have increased by 98% this year, compared with the first five months of 2020, while crimes against the LGBTQ community jumped 188%, with 23 hate crimes reported through May 31, 2021, compared to eight during the same period in 2020. Antisemitic hate crimes in New York City have also been on the rise, jumping 37% this year compared to 2020, the NYPD said.

3. Rising violent crime poses new challenge for White House - The New York Times reported a sample of 37 cities with data for the first three months of the year saw an 18 percent increase in murders compared to the same time period in 2020. More than 50 people were shot in Chicago over the past weekend, and New York City has seen an increase in the rate of shootings in early 2021 compared to past years.

4. And in the first three months of 2021, the homicide rate in many larger cities increased by over 20% compared to the same time period last year, according to the National Commission on COVID-19 and Criminal Justice (NCCCJ). Gun assault rates also increased by 22%

5. Yes - what you call reallocating funds - by taking money away from putting cops on the street to fund fucking worthless social workers IS DEFUNDING the police

6. Officers are retiring and leaving the police force because of the liberal politicians, media and others shitting all over them. When you defund the police, when you are soft on crime and don't let police do their jobs like liberals prevented last summer, when liberal DA's release thugs who were arrested, when you eliminate the need for bail money - all of those things destroy the morale of police. They are being driven away from their jobs.

Defunding the police and soft on crime policies as evidenced by liberal politicians letting the Black Lives Matter and Antifa thugs destroy cities last year have certainly caused an increase in crime and it keeps getting worse. Why do you think Senile Biden and the Democrats are panicking trying to change the narrative?
berryberry's Avatar
Wait there is more - thanks to liberal's defunding the police and soft on crime policies:

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- According to the California Retailer's Association three cities in our state are among the top 10 in the country when it comes to organized retail crime--Los Angeles, San Francisco and Sacramento.

Already we are seeing the negative impact it is having in San Francisco with stores permanently shutting down or closing early. It has become one of the most pressing issues in our city today.

Target has now acknowledged that San Francisco is the only city in America where they have decided to close some stores early because of the escalating retail crime.
Target isn't the only store in San Francisco to make changes because of the continuous shoplifting. After 10 p.m. the 7-Eleven on Drumm St. in the Financial District only does business through a metal door. But first you have to ring the bell to let them know you're outside.

"This window was installed like two to three months ago because it was not safe. Sometimes they would break that glass of the door,"

Walgreens has already closed several stores for the same reason and security guards like Kevin Greathouse are told not to physically engage with those shoplifting.
And another example:

WATCH as Oakland Police Chief LeRonne Armstrong speaks after the city council voted cut millions away from his department's budget amid crime surge. Originally Posted by berryberry

Since you mentioned Oakland, CA I thought you'd find this interesting
berryberry's Avatar
Since you mentioned Oakland, CA I thought you'd find this interesting Originally Posted by DrivesAllDay
Thanks. Yeah I think I posted a story about that earlier in the thread. But it points to the silliness of Defunding the Police/ Oakland defunded the police taking cops off the street - and funded bullshit positions like this civilian "violence prevention chief". You can see how effective he was when the crew interviewing him was held up at gunpoint
@berryberry - spin? you want to talk spin? stop with the hypocrisy.

I'm not wasting my 4th of July counter-pointing your points, but I have 2 things to say:
1. 'de-funding' the police has very little to do with it
- 2020 gun sales increased by 64% over 2019.
- "Unintentional shooting deaths by children increased by nearly one-third comparing incidents in March to December of 2020 to the same months in 2019. The pandemic saw millions of children out of school while gun sales hit record highs, bringing more guns into homes. This resulted in a tragic surge in the number of children accessing firearms and unintentionally shooting themselves or someone else."
- unemployment, domestic violence and suicide rates surged due to stay at home orders

2. putting a steel door on a 7-11? Who has not been to a Circle K where you have to ring a bell after 10 PM to get a pack of Newports through bulletproof plexiglass?? That's a weak argument.
berryberry's Avatar
@berryberry - spin? you want to talk spin? stop with the hypocrisy.

I'm not wasting my 4th of July counter-pointing your points, but I have 2 things to say:
1. 'de-funding' the police has very little to do with it
- 2020 gun sales increased by 64% over 2019.
- "Unintentional shooting deaths by children increased by nearly one-third comparing incidents in March to December of 2020 to the same months in 2019. The pandemic saw millions of children out of school while gun sales hit record highs, bringing more guns into homes. This resulted in a tragic surge in the number of children accessing firearms and unintentionally shooting themselves or someone else."
- unemployment, domestic violence and suicide rates surged due to stay at home orders

2. putting a steel door on a 7-11? Who has not been to a Circle K where you have to ring a bell after 10 PM to get a pack of Newports through bulletproof plexiglass?? That's a weak argument. Originally Posted by yinzerpgh
Keep on spinning and regurgitating those DNC talking points.
The democrats have started to realize their Defunding the Police and soft on crime policies have led to a rise in crime and people everywhere can see it.

Just recently a Judge ruled in favor of a Minneapolis group that sued for more police officers after Minneapolis defunded the police leading to a big rise in crime. The judge wrote in the decision that the Minneapolis residents who filed the lawsuit were able to demonstrate that the city’s rising crime rate was caused by a lack of officers, resulting in personal injuries.

And senile Biden polls horribly on his handling of rising crime - which has resulted in all the spin put out by him and the media to try and cover for him and the democrats ludicrous Defund the Police and Soft on Crime policies
berryberry's Avatar
Defund the Police Baby, Defund the Police. But yeah let's see the libs here pretend it is not a problem

Almost half of San Francisco residents are planning on moving out of the city due to rising crime and a deteriorating quality of life.

8 out of 10 people polled said crime has increased in the city, and almost 90% of those polled said they believe that the homeless crisis has gotten worse. Roughly three-quarters of residents in San Francisco said their quality of life has declined over the past year.

Police statistics show certain crimes have been increasing in California’s fourth-largest city, including a significant surge in car burglaries, which are up as much as 700% in some areas. San Francisco’s police chief has pointed the finger at two factors: not enough police on the streets and criminals being let out of jail due to relaxed prosecuting.
berryberry's Avatar
I am sure this will really help solve the rising crime problem

Manhattan’s likely new district attorney has some truly radical pro-crime ideas. He wants the Manhattan DA’s Office to emulate the prosecutors’ offices in Chicago, Philadelphia, Baltimore and San Francisco should alarm the NYPD and law-abiding citizens. These are precisely the offices inviting violence and disorder in their cities, a veritable Murderers’ Row of prosecutors encouraging murder.

He also plans to immediately stop prosecuting "resisting arrest, trespassing, fare evasion, marijuana possession, driving with a suspended license and any traffic violation. "

For those offenses that are prosecuted, Bragg announced plans to allow just about every offender to walk free the same day. Even more alarming, Bragg proposes virtually the same non-incarceration path for both bail and criminal convictions. Thus, these offenders will walk out of jail the same day they are arrested and apparently will never return.

But hey, lets see Yinzer pretend this doesn't lead to an increase in crime
berryberry's Avatar
Speaking of Chicago - this past weekend - 92 shot, 16 killed, 6 kids among the wounded in Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot's #Chicago. The most violent weekend of 2021 so far.

Woo Hoo - lets keep defunding the police and being soft on crime

BTW - the whole state and city are run by Democrats

- Every IL statewide office, including Governor & Attorney General
- IL House
- IL Senate
- IL courts
- Cook County Sheriff
- Cook County State’s Attorney
- Chicago Mayor
- 46 of 50 City Aldermen (only 4 independents; 0 GOP)
berryberry's Avatar
As crime surges, Democrat Jamaal Bowman say he supports defunding the police

meanwhile back in San Francisco:

Watch as Looters Ransack San Francisco Neiman Marcus In Broad Daylight

Go Democrats !!! Defund the Police and be Soft on Crime !!!
More crime in a year when people are actually interacting with each other, compared to a year where interaction was limited due to shutdowns, curfews, quarantines, etc. Imagine that.

This is just more fear mongering from the Cult of Ignorance. It's really all they have. They're desperate because the people are on to their BS.

The ten top states for murder rate per capita in 2017 were:

Louisiana (12.4 per 100k)
Missouri (9.8 per 100k)
Nevada (9.1 per 100k)
Maryland (9 per 100k)
Arkansas (8.6 per 100k)
Alaska (8.4 per 100k)
Alabama (8.3 per 100k)
Mississippi (8.2 per 100k)
Illinois (7.8 per 100k)
South Carolina (7.8 per 100k)

The facts don't exactly fit your fear mongering narrative.

Funny to see people with dozens of reviews on here kissing the police's collective booty.
berryberry's Avatar
More crime in a year when people are actually interacting with each other, compared to a year where interaction was limited due to shutdowns, curfews, quarantines, etc. Imagine that.

This is just more fear mongering from the Cult of Ignorance. It's really all they have. They're desperate because the people are on to their BS. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
Another liberal who is scared of the facts trying to cover for senile Biden and Democrat politicians defunding the police and going soft on crime.

And yet, in far left NY, the Democrats just elected a former Police Officer who ran as a moderate for Mayor to combat the growing crime problem

And I guess you missed above where almost half of San Francisco residents are planning on moving out of the city due to rising crime and a deteriorating quality of life. 8 out of 10 people polled said crime has increased in the city.

I could cite example after example - shoot there are lots already in this thread and you and others of your ilk would pretend there is no problem. Talk about a Cult of Ignorance - you are the gang leader of it