Encounter: Nano at blossom-k

Rufus X. Sarsparilla's Avatar
The website is password protected due to recent events. If you are already a verified customer of this agency, you will have access to the website. Otherwise, I'm afraid they are not taking new customers. Originally Posted by CT$odGwn
Crap in a hat!!
Well in will have to stick with her on line movies unless ahe appears in another city.
Rufus, she is really small. It feels kinda wrong. Like taboo. Her novelty as a pornstar is cool but her size makes it feel that you are doing something wrong.
BigBamboo's Avatar
Rufus, she is really small. It feels kinda wrong. Like taboo. Her novelty as a pornstar is cool but her size makes it feel that you are doing something wrong. Originally Posted by Wifenothornyenough
I had no such feeling. I only felt euphoria. Especially after CIP with her. She’s tiny but is all woman. She knows the ropes and took mine willingly.

But I can see where you’d feel that way. I mentioned I was happy she presented herself as a woman and not like some of her JAV characters.
Bamboo, I understand that she is a grown woman. But it is hard to get away from the visual . I enjoyed my time with her but there is just that visual that may be distracting or maybe not. She is smaller than Miso and Tiny. I wish her the best.
Rufus X. Sarsparilla's Avatar
Rufus, she is really small. It feels kinda wrong. Like taboo. Her novelty as a pornstar is cool but her size makes it feel that you are doing something wrong. Originally Posted by Wifenothornyenough
Hard not to highhorse this comment.
Its good you're in touch with your own feelings and possible tendencies as to not start down a road that you may not be able to come back from.

Though im sure there are some people who have some sick desires and are danger to our society, not saying you, I dare say for most, it may just be a novelty like those that bucket list "fucking a midget".

I would guess, guess because I can't know, the provider in question is prohab!y treated differently 360 out of 365 a year and would welcome those that can appreciate them of a hot chick who is really short in stature.

Personally,I wouldn't get with a provider I knew was younger than 20. But that'me.

  • dd2dx
  • 03-31-2024, 10:48 AM
I had no such feeling. I only felt euphoria. Especially after CIP with her. She’s tiny but is all woman. She knows the ropes and took mine willingly.

But I can see where you’d feel that way. I mentioned I was happy she presented herself as a woman and not like some of her JAV characters. Originally Posted by BigBamboo

This is the best response and statement. Also is it confirmed that these agencies aren't taking new clientele? Is referral also out of the question?
They are password protected so I would say, no, they aren't taking anyone right now. Give it a couple of months though and it should loosen up.
Because I did not post any contact info of the agency, the mod rejected this review. I do not know why it is still up. And I will not post the agency's contact info. I might stop posting any reviews if that's how my contribution to the forum is treated.
Rufus X. Sarsparilla's Avatar
Originally Posted by beeman1000
Fer sure. I Can see, understand and agree with that statement. I didn't have access to see the pics on the site.
CaptainZman's Avatar
Just make sure you smile from ear to ear when you bust that nut. You never know when you’re on candid camera. Everyone on here, especially those still going for appointments, needs to step back and zip your pants up.
Let's Go!'s Avatar
4’4’’? Is this a typo? Spinners are nice but at that size it’s a dwarf
Stressfree1's Avatar
Originally Posted by Let's Go!
Bad advice Let's Go. LE has up to 50-60 handles on here, the investigation is still on going. You really think they'll stop at 2 and call it a day? I wouldn't set foot in a Studio or Amp rn if you paid me. Nano sounds good but I won't be visiting.
BigBamboo's Avatar
Bad advice Let's Go. LE has up to 50-60 handles on here, the investigation is still on going. You really think they'll stop at 2 and call it a day? I wouldn't set foot in a Studio or Amp rn if you paid me. Nano sounds good but I won't be visiting. Originally Posted by Stressfree1
How do you know the range of LE handles here is 50-60? I thought that was the promoter handles count.

Nano was a fun toy. I didn’t feel as if eyes were watching my moves at BK. But I’m sure LE is lurking.