Left Wing Hollywood Hypocrites

You don't know the difference between thinking and opinion? Sure I read what you write but I though you were just acting the part of the dummy....okay then. What I wrote was opinion not thinking. Thinking happens when I know what and why they did what they did. No one here knows any of that so it is all opinion. Now if you're a libtard who believes in tokens and affirmative action then you tend to be outraged by what happened (though you have no idea what happened). If you're a conservative (and remember recent history) you can cite examples where Hollywood bent over backwards and awarded undeserving performances just because of public pressure. More importantly (in my opinion) Hollywood will ignore very popular, very successful movies because of some kind of institutional bigotry against success. Think Lord of the Rings, Guardians of the Galaxy, The Avengers, or Batman (Heath Ledger dying gave him an edge). Of course that is all opinion. Now back to our regularly scheduled bullshit from Timmie. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
If you say so.....
Yssup Rider's Avatar
This is a great knee jerk story about racism but does anyone know how they nominate those that get nominated. Was Selma that great of a movie? Was the acting really that great? Everyone seems to think that a black person has to nominated but I didn't think people believed in tokens or affirmative action. Of course some idiot will take my words to mean that I endorse what happened but I am really saying that we don't know how the nominations occur or how the initial voting went. People like Sharpton would have you believe that somewhere in Harvey Weinstein's basement is a box of ballots that says "Black People" that will never be counted....just like when the democrats steal an election.

How many people here have seen Selma? Can anyone think of any other black actors, writers, or directors OUTSIDE of Selma that deserve recognition this year (2014)? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You've done it again JDIdiot!

You've authored the stupidest post in yet another thread.

Good thing you're not the litmus test for American culture. We'd all be queuing up for "Deliverance VI, the Wrath of Bubba!"
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Words confuse Timmie....and so do loud noises.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Can someone reconcile Mel Gibson's and Jessica Chastain's opinions of Hollywood? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
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  • Old-T
  • 01-18-2015, 02:17 PM
I am sure I will eventually get around to watching my first Oscars presentation. In about 80 years or so I'll run out of more important things to spend time on. What possible relevence do they have for the real world?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I am sure I will eventually get around to watching my first Oscars presentation. In about 80 years or so I'll run out of more important things to spend time on. What possible relevence do they have for the real world? Originally Posted by Old-T
I'm pretty sure the people who produce them are astounded that an obvious publicity show makes them money and gets idiots to worship them.