What the hell just happened out there?

lovrboy_1970's Avatar
I can't believe I've actually responded to you this many times - that's the stupid part.

I'm off to bigger & better things - sorry your life is so miserable that you feel the need to continue this idiocy. Seriously the dumbest conversation I've ever had.

Now you'll add one more comment because you just can't leave it alone. That's cool, I realize you have the need to get in the last word. I won't see it though, because it's a great evening, and I like my life.
Sure you are loserboy_1970, you're just a loudmouth who was wrong and too little to admit it!
hahahahaha maybe one of those things you should be off doing is learning not to talk out of your ass?
sixxbach's Avatar
Back on topic fellas and tone down the insults, or further action will be taken.


To the OP - yes, that was some crazy weather this weekend!