NCNS / Late Cancelations.....

Sweet N Little's Avatar
LOL @ grudge at all I can tell

this is just funny

Naomi4u's Avatar
Proud to say I've never pulled an NCNS nor have I had to deal with one....yet *knocks on wood*
wcdann's Avatar
ive had providers cancel because they didnt have enough pre bookings to come to town and ive had to tell a couple providers i couldnt make it because of schedualing conflics but i never cancelled a prebooking and i have always canceled a few days in advance
  • LynnT
  • 10-08-2011, 08:55 PM
Proud to say I've never pulled an NCNS nor have I had to deal with one....yet *knocks on wood* Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Me either.. Im knocking with you.

I have had to cancel a time or two. I always let them know and offer a discount or more time for the cancellation..
Cpalmson's Avatar
Hey, someone brought up an interesting point. I've never thought providers would back out of a set date if more money came along but it makes sense. Then someone said a client was out bid for a certain provider. That got me thinking. What about an E-Bay for providers? It can operate just like E-Bay. Providers can set a reserve minimum and then let the bidding begin. The providers could also set a "Buy It Now" price. Guess I've been spending too much time on E-Bay lately
If it wasn't for the gentleman calling me, I would have pulled a NCNS once. I was called to come and pick my SO up off the side of the turnpike due to him hitting a patch of ice and driving off of the road into a ditch. I was so shaken up by it, that I just jumped in my car and started on my way.... about 20 miles down the turnpike, I get a call from the gentleman, who was visiting from out of town, tells me that he is in my town and ready to meet me. I was like 'Oh no! No! No! OMG I am so, so sorry....I will make it up to you, I promise!'

Next time he was in town, I offered half price....but instead he took a 2 hr for the price of a 1 hr. We met, and enjoyed each other immensely. Several months later, he's back in town, and I gave him the same offer.

I was thankful he wasn't too upset and he was the understanding gentleman that he is, and he is grateful for that extra free hour he gets each time!
London Rayne's Avatar
Hmmmm...if I'm not mistaken, London spent some time at Disney recently. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
How presumptuous of you Charles lol. Funny, at trip's end I actually stopped in PCB for a few days and met Rabbit for dinner..on me.
simpleton's Avatar
Some people have the worst luck.
Proud to say I've never pulled an NCNS nor have I had to deal with one....yet *knocks on wood* Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Ditto. If someone NCNS me I'd be kind of pissed. There is NO excuse to not let someone know.
Proud to say I've never pulled an NCNS nor have I had to deal with one....yet *knocks on wood* Originally Posted by Naomi4u
" Knock on wood", here knock on my wood. I'll never stand ya up, lol. NCNS, thats not for me and you anyway.
Naomi4u's Avatar
How presumptuous of you Charles lol. Funny, at trip's end I actually stopped in PCB for a few days and met Rabbit for dinner..on me. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Good god London don't ruin our mean girl image!! Let them continue to think we're heartless bitches. Don't tell them we actually buy gifts for our clients / take them out for dinner off the clock and don't see ALL them as walking ATMs *sigh* lol.

" Knock on wood", here knock on my wood. I'll never stand ya up, lol. NCNS, thats not for me and you anyway. Originally Posted by acp5762
I <3 ya
I once got the "i just crashed my car" "excuse".Was booked 2 wks in advance with a traveler from the old E.COM, but when I rang her at the confirm time, straight to voice we went. She did try and contact me through the message board, instead, about half hour later.Maybe her phone ejected on impact and the only thing avail was her laptop?She then said they were towing her car to get it fixed and may even have it ready in a few hours, sure, all collision guys ALWAYS work like magicians and seeing your still in a town over an hour away, this should be good, I wasn't gonna "FLINCH FIRST".Well, long story short, after 7 hours and a myriad of texts and excuses , I wore her down, she must have realized I wasn't going to just go away and we ended up doing the appointment.We were both tired at this point and annoyed with each other, but I wasn't gonna let that deter me, i wasnt gonna be the first one to "FLINCH", I dont care how much it cost me, i wasn't gonna show her that I was irritated and that any of this was bothering me and it worked.The more difficult she tried to be, i always "volleyed" back with excruciating enthusiasm and unparralelled understanding!! I SHOWED HER!!
My first NCNS was on an incall early in my hobbying life. Cost me about $100. I swore to never again do an incall. I've since had a couple of NCNS outcalls, but it didn't cost me as much.
  • Laz
  • 10-09-2011, 08:13 AM
I have been rescheduled twice close to the appointment time because I sent messages to confirm the appointment was still on. If I had not done that it might have been worse due to traveling to the appointment for nothing. The reasons are not that important since I do not know the ladies well enough to know if they are making excuses or not and to be honest, don't care. If they put me off because of a more lucrative customer I can understand that.

What will matter to me is how they recover. All businesses fail customers, what makes a good business is how they recover and take care of the customer.
Good god London don't ruin our mean girl image!! Let them continue to think we're heartless bitches. Don't tell them we actually buy gifts for our clients / take them out for dinner off the clock and don't see ALL them as walking ATMs *sigh* lol.

I <3 ya Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Your secret is safe with me