Meet n' Greet - May 26th

You Ladies are killing me. I wish I could make it to the M&G it sounds like it is going to be fun. I wish you all the best and have a great time. If there is ever another M&G or informal get together I will definately try to make it to Omaha.
nebman70's Avatar
This is beginning to sound like more and more fun. I can't wait to meet all of you.
OK folks.......

I ask that whoever has not sent me their information for the M&G to please do so by next Friday, May 20th. I will not be able to verify anyone after that date.
Elena, do we have the time set for the M&G? I didn't see it, if I overlooked it, I apologize.

I will most likely be able to be up in Omaha by 6:30 or 7:00PM - so if you guys start at 5:00 or 5:30 with the work whistle, I may be a few drinks behind when I get there . . . Which could be fun - LOL.

See you there!


- Jackie
I'm thinking 5/5:30ish should work.

I'll be there earlier though to set up, get everything ready and then get myself ready.
badhusband's Avatar
Old Style? Dang! Being from Chicago and traveling, I didn't think it was sold anywhere besides Chicago. I might have to make the drive!

OK, I sent out PM's to the gents who made the 1st round draft of Elena's ProBowl. HAHAHA Sorry, I'm punchy tonight.

There's 3 guys I'm waiting to hear back on.......still. I hate when providers do NOT return calls or emails. If you didn't hear from me tonight, shoot me another PM.

I'm still waiting to see drink requests. If you don't tell me what you want, I'll end up buying PBR and Old Style beer. Originally Posted by MsElena
Old Style? Dang! Being from Chicago and traveling, I didn't think it was sold anywhere besides Chicago. I might have to make the drive! Originally Posted by badhusband

LOL well, make the drive. I'm sure it would be worth it or at least we could try to make it worth it.

JRLawrence's Avatar
OK, .............................. .............................
Also, whatever money that has been donated to the party and isn't used....I will be donating to the Susan G. Koman Foundation for Breast Cancer Research. Originally Posted by MsElena

You have finely done something right. It is very nice of you to think of the Susan G. Koman Foundation for Breast Cancer. My first wife died of breast cancer at a very young age. I was lucky to have a mother and a mother-in-law that helped me raise the children.

On the subject of a meet and greet:

Has everyone forgotten the problem with ASPD.NET when a meet an greet Christmas Party in December 2009 included invitations to the Houston Police?

and from Jeff McShan, Chanel 11 news Houston, Tx

A lot of information is still out there; just google ""aspd" + houston police".

Meet and Greets are not a good idea.

lakecat's Avatar
Not if you send invites to the Houston police. What's illegal about having a party? It's been made clear that nothing illegal will be tolerated?
Pay no attention to the sad little man behind the computer. He has issues with me. Don't even address his "concerns," because they aren't sincere and he's trying to ruin it for me.

If anyone has any truly heartfelt concerns, address them with me in private. There's a huge difference between our M&G and the one he spoke of.
JR -

There were circumstances surrounding the meet and greet in Houston you mention that were unique and specific to several individuals that participated (problem individuals whom would routinely invite persons previously excluded from the guest list and whom would even let in people literally "off the street", vouching for persons hanging around the entrance in to the club) and issues specific to the VERY PUBLIC nature of the venues being utilized for the meetings - even though they were closed to the public for the event (prior complaints from the public [and some suspect other "hobbyists"] were made to LE - there were three different clubs used with regularity for these gatherings). Additionally, the absolute magnitude of these events in Houston and the number of participants at "meet and greets" was/is massive - literally hundreds of people attend (and, yes, they still take place - regularly - to this very day, even after the ridiculous difficulties of several years ago). Additionally, the Houston authorities didn't have an issue with the gathering until there was an overt act of solicitation / promotion of prostitution on the event floor (which by the way, was designed to to be initiated [repeatedly, until there was a violation] by LE if it was not witnessed to occur - with the officer posing as a "provider", coincidentally - and it was initiated by LE, as it did not occur otherwise).

A "meet and greet" or a social gathering of intensely vetted individuals such as this (which by the way is taking place at a private venue, not in a public venue as did the one you mention) is very safe . . . these type of gatherings have taken place in Omaha previously, and they take place quite often in Kansas City (as recently as yesterday evening) in both public and private venues, with no intervention or difficulty from law enforcement. There is little if ANY danger in attending a vetted and secure event - I have attended previously in Omaha and I was present last night in KC - I have attended mixers like this across the country (with an obvious emphasis on attending in the Midwest) and I have NEVER had a single issue arise from my participation and there has never been a repeat of the type of problem you describe in Houston years ago (at least none of which I am aware). I would NEVER be caught at an open event, such as an open invitation event at a club or restaurant - or even an event at a private location with an open guest list, in general, IMHO, those are terrible ideas and LE is ALWAYS present somewhere - usually in the parking lot and sometimes in the venue - but a private, vetted event, is safer than most anything else I do in the course of being a professional in this endeavor, safer than driving my car. I would bet I have a better chance of catching a cold from a waitress than I do having an issue at a private event.

I understand that you and Elena have recently had an exchange in the Kansas City forum that any reasonable person would deem to be "adversarial". There is no reason AT ALL for it to spill over here and for you to attempt to discourage anyone from attending the gathering being organized in Omaha for the 26th. Your point is very valid, that "meet and greets" are not a good idea - SUCH AS THAT WHICH WAS ORGANIZED IN HOUSTON! HOWEVER, you are comparing apples to elephants and not apples to apples in attempting to correlate this organized social event in Omaha with one isolated event in Houston; they are two very different things all together. Your posting in this thread appears to be nothing other than the action of a person with an axe to grind wanting to be purposefully disruptive. There is no reason for you to infer that there is any problem with this social event or reason to doubt Elena's credibility in her participating in this event - not only are you discouraging others from attending, you infer that Elena may not be credible as a person and as professional in this endeavor - and, such is completely inaccurate and PATENTLY UNFAIR.

- Jackie
Rider68's Avatar
The easiest way to minimize this individual's "concerns" is to not acknowledge the post or to reply. It works in almost every situation.
The easiest way to minimize this individual's "concerns" is to not acknowledge the post or to reply. It works in almost every situation. Originally Posted by Rider68

Smart man you are.
A gentleman drinks chilled Moet. I will bring my own (and a little for the ladies).

Been trying to make this work out for myself with no success, so y'all have a cold one for me!