A problem especially bad in Houston

The G.O.A.T's Avatar
Don't know, but what I DO know is that all of you ignorant fucks that make appointments and don't bother to show or call need to KNOCK IT OFF. Maybe your parents need to be bitch slapped for raising such a loser. Originally Posted by Energy
cmspec's Avatar
It's really not hard for a guy to check his schedule, make an apointment, pass some screening if your new and have some fun. I don't why some idiots can't figure it out.

NCNS either direction is like making an appointment in the real world and bailing out on the client or vendor. Chances are they won't sell you their merchandise or give you their business.

As for the price structure, I pay what I pay and don't worry about it. I usually look at the reviews, get a little intel and determine if the meeting is worth it. Sometimes its a gamble but so is Vegas.
  • pyro
  • 09-21-2011, 10:36 AM
The truth of the matter is simply this:

A boner for all intents and purposes is fleeting. So when one fails to connect with plan "A" one resorts to plan "b", "c", "d" and well...you get the picture. Now once one manages to confirm an appt with sayyyyyyyy... plan "c" (notice the lower-case "c") And plan "A" gets back to you and confirms availability, plan "c" is toast.

Note: If you take vitamin "V", you can make both appts. But I digress...

I'm not saying its right, I'm just saying it happens. I've always said that a little respect and common consideration goes a long ways, so just pick up the phone and cancel. There has always been Ooodles of chat in the back channels, PM's and we all know everyone likes to talk. But remember...we are all in relationship sales whether we like it or not. It's wrong to think people deal with people they know. People deal with people they like. You may be well known, just not well liked. Okay, thats enough for now. My next post will be more mindless dribble.

Jack Flash's Avatar
Also keep in mind that there are many providers with fake handles, with fake reviews attached. They appear to be men for scheduling purposes. Those providers could be the ones PMing you just to lure you to Houston for the sole purpose of causing you NCNS on purpose so that you will never come back.

What Pyro said is 100% accurate, but the twat blockers in Houston are rampant too.
Sorry for your frustration.

I would never tell a touring provider, don't come because she may take clients. Maybe you should try to come to Dallas, if the you need a new scene or bookings. Im extending my welcome. We have over 800 ladies and not once have we ever told a touring gal, don't come. Its plenty of men to go around.

From what I gather from the thread, she and her friend didn't have the best of time. so im guessing she didn't take too many clients, seeing that they ncns her.

Wishing you a better and profitable day.

I am a local lady and get tons of interest but nobody schedules. I have LOW rates and I offer a lot for what I offer so where are the men? I am FREE during the WEEK from 8am-10pm!!!!!!!!!!

BTW I get that alot of yall have the availability to travel but it sucks for those of us that cant travel to other cities bc yall come here and get our clients when not all of us can travel to yalls cities...

Just my 2 cents...Not being witchy just honest and frustrated! Originally Posted by rebecca_rose83
I am a local lady and get tons of interest but nobody schedules. I have LOW rates and I offer a lot for what I offer so where are the men? I am FREE during the WEEK from 8am-10pm!!!!!!!!!!

BTW I get that alot of yall have the availability to travel but it sucks for those of us that cant travel to other cities bc yall come here and get our clients when not all of us can travel to yalls cities...

Just my 2 cents...Not being witchy just honest and frustrated! Originally Posted by rebecca_rose83
If I may, Rebecca, it seems as though your issue's have a direct correlation to your prices. Obviously you do A LOT for your prices, yet you are having problems with your clients. This business is just like every other business out there. Raise your prices and find the clientele that understands the value you bring and, you won't have the flake's calling you anymore.

I've been in marketing too long to know that this isn't true. Give it a shot.
DallasRain's Avatar
I was booked up in Dallas/Houston & San Antonio three weeks ahead of my arrival....They all showed excpet for maybe two cancell.I also turned down several appointment requests.
I even had a waiting list for all the cities! I am not "high" volume,but do quite well when I travel to Texas.

I can say i market myself a little different then others and my donations are reasonable for all services i provide each session!

I do have a few cities I did not get enough prebooked appts so i had to cancel my tour there,but for most of Texas I kick ass!
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Now it’s not that the requests stopped; we are still getting plenty of requests. It’s that even though our appt booker Gia is awesome and answers every request within 5-10mins, the great majority will not answer her back. There was even a guy that requested 3 separate times and then never answered her back each time. Now we know that the emails are going through because sometimes it goes something like- I’d like to see you…Well when would you like to see her babe?...Sometime this evening would be great, let me get back to you…and then nothing. So this is not a technical glitch. Originally Posted by Katie Foxx

I have been guilty of this in the past..... Sadly..... For the most part my daytime schedule is fairly flexable..... yet sometimes projects get dropped on me that need my immediate attention and my track of time gets lost (I have a horrible sense of time as it is)..... That would be the ONLY reason I do not follow up after an inquiry.... If I book a session I show up......

I never have multiple inquiries going at once.... I prescreen as much as possible (days in advance in most all cases).... and if they girl I want to see is not available, I move on from there afterwards.....

I really hate to hear you have had these troubles.... I have been wanting to visit your friend for some time now, but this week was a tough week to break free.....I

f you have had NCNS as previously quoted, please feel free to post their eccie handles here for future reference.....

I hope the rest of your trip goes far better, and you continue to come back.....

The G.O.A.T's Avatar
I have to go ahead and throw myself under the bus. I thought I was smart and planned a bit ahead and was gonna do a two in one day. I had it set. Even time for the unforseens. Well there was one big inforseen that was called family (parents) that fucked me over. I can't believed they pulled this on me. So to the ladies I didn't get to see I am truly sorry. Yes I'm being a pussy. But this would be a paradox if I only called out others mistakes and not my own.

Worst part is I'm still horny and lighter in the wallet and got nothing out of it.
PM for full fuck my life details.
internet_inventor2's Avatar
Well Foxx, I will tell you what no one else will, this seems to happen more to "higher dollar girls" than others. Guys want to see you but once they have time to think about all that bread they are spending, they will ummm balk at any chance they get. The dog could get sick and they'd cancel, it is something that many wont say but the truth. Guys also pick "lower priced" girls and one othem call/get back to them sooner and they will blow you off.... You seem hot and all but it just happens..... I know guys who schedule with "HDH's" and if they call before hand and dont get an answer, they are relieved and move on quickly using that call as an excuse to cancel..... The game rolls on ...........
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
we've have this discussion before and I'm sure this isn't the last. Don't bank on em until they show up at the door. Other than that, there's not much else you can do. Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
Even after screening with all your might it's a damn shame but true.
Also keep in mind that there are many providers with fake handles, with fake reviews attached. They appear to be men for scheduling purposes. Those providers could be the ones PMing you just to lure you to Houston for the sole purpose of causing you NCNS on purpose so that you will never come back.

What Pyro said is 100% accurate, but the twat blockers in Houston are rampant too. Originally Posted by Jack Flash
Just the thought that people would sit back and do this is absolutely absurd! I dont understand why someone would go through the hassle of creating a fake page to lure someone to a city so they'd sit in a hotel room all day. If some women are really THAT worried about competition, maybe they should call it quits. You shouldnt have to resort to such underhanded tactics to stay afloat.
i have never ''not called''

that shit sticks in my crawl any kind of way you slice it and dice it.

it wasn't really my fault really, the girl had to go run an errand and I was at the club down the street from her hotel. it took her longer than expected and I wound up fucking a girl from the club...

but at least I msged her while I was banging the dominicana at the club doggie style...


she didn't believe me and was mad and I was about to take pics...but then I came all over the morenas back...

Wakeup's Avatar
For future reference...

"sticks in my craw"

That's the crop of a bird, upper throat region, where they can store food...

Just so everyone learns something today...
h2theizzo's Avatar
High-Five to BDSaint!

Lulz to Wakeup.

There are always those who will do anything necessary to cut down on competition. Screening is definitely key. Of course, I'm fairly certain that the "Traveling Special" of higher than normal rates isn't exactly going to be a boon either...