If you have/had an ATF, what made her/him that way?

Pangolier you brng up a very good point. If your time is cut short, by any providers, that is the last time I see her.

Saw a provider I would pop in Occasionally and was there for 19 minutes, but paid for an hour. As soon as pop one occured, she jumped up put her robe on and said time to go.

I left her a review and specifically wrote it up that she cut the time short. She called me immediately after it was posted and cursed me out for making that public.
Several. Some fade away, move on and such. But a couple are still playing the game.
I seem to favor primarily two different types 1) flat stomach, skinny spinner types with protruding hip bones or 2) big ole tits. But I have had and still see some of each. My activity is pretty much limited to these couple of ATFs.
Personality plus pussy is always a winner. No personality gets old as fast as no pussy.
But the couple I still see are great In both realms. Ongoing interactions over the course of time lends itself to familiarity, which is quite beneficial. They all respond to a contact quickly and are willing to welcome my old crusty ass whenever I catch a break in my schedule and that alone keeps me coming back. I know one or the other will be ready willing and able when my window of opportunity arises. So, I don’t have to search and hunt near as much. Convenience is, well, convenient.
Nothing wrong with strange pussy anytime. But good attitude and great service guaranteed usually wins the day. That and some really big tits or a sweet little spinner. That defines my current ATFs. Talent helps too. Kegals will bring me back every time. Damn amazing! Ats jus me.
Ripmany's Avatar
Ripmany's Avatar
Tiffany Champagne's Avatar
I like genuinely nice people that I enjoy and make it FUN.
Share a conversation and then get into a more intimate mood were we both enjoy everything about each other Hope we could all do this in 2021.

Happy Holidays everyone and the best in the New Year.

Tiffany Champagne from Los Angeles
tiffanychanpagne7@protonmail.c om
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
You can have have more than one ATF, even ATF of all time providers. What I am reading here in most of the comments is really not ATF material (unless your standard of ATF is low), those are what all providers should be anyway!

An ATF provider is someone that you can count on, not only to answer quickly when you inquire of her, but also gives you top notch BCD service by your defintion, not hers or anyone else's that satisfies you. And that is from the very first session, none of this bullshit "it gets better with future visits" or tips over and above her donation rate will make the session better. If it is not fantastic to begin with, a second session is not happening, at least not from me.

Another qualifier for an ATF provider is during your time together, she makes you feel like you are not only her #1 client, but also that you are best BCD she has ever had, aka you are glad to be a man by real feeling IOP or God forbid, real and true actual passion because she enjoys what she does.
heavyraidersfan's Avatar
Right now I have 2 ATFs. Its actually kind of funny but they are quite different from each other. The first I have known for about 7 years and is a traveling provider. Where I'm located thats basically all that are available. She contacts me when she going to be in the area, which I like and even though she is a safety gal to some extent the sessions are great and a few have been very hot. She is always made up and dressed in something sexy when I arrive. Like others have stated we chat and spend time off the clock together. Not sure how many times I have seen her but it never seems to be enough. She really loves her work.

The 2nd lady is what I would have to call a local gal but is over an hour drive away. She is very laid back and we have shared a great deal with each other. She is more GFE and definitely seems to love her work. When we are together its more like FWB. Ive had enough bad experiences in the hobby to not realize it when I come across a great lady.
HedonistForever's Avatar
To me, the definition of an ATF, would have to be, the best sex you ever had by a mile. While I understand how becoming good friends with one of these ladies, sharing, time off the clock, mutual appreciation of one's time, all those things are great to but for me, it comes back to the sex because the sex is what I'm looking for.

I simply never meet anybody who I could develop that kind of friendship with for a number of reasons including BF's, family, lives to far away.

I did meet other women who would stay after the hour or two was up because they genuinely liked my company and I liked theirs, but was she the best sex I ever had, no.

So what made one woman, the best sex by far, I ever had?

It started, as it usually does, with looks. I have a type and rarely do I deviate from that type. It is to be honest I guess, an obsession.

First, she has to be Blonde and if it is Platinum, natural or colored, the more turned on I get. I even had Blonde wigs just in case. Yeah, I know! Obsession!

She must be a spinner. My definition is between 5'3" to 5'5", small breasts and 120 at the most with 115 being the sweet spot. Then it doesn't hurt that she was a gymnast!

Second is, does she really, really like sex. I'm sure we have all had ladies that did this for something other than the pleasure and some literally hated themselves for doing this. For some it was painful or an act to get out of there with as little time spent as possible. My ATF had a voracious appetite and was not shy in telling me the buttons to push to give her an orgasm that sure didn't look fake to me with muscle contractions, just the right amount of moaning, sounds. It turns out, the right sounds for me is very important. Being annoyed at the sounds your partner is making, can be off putting.

The feel. Did you ever get the feeling that this vagina was custom made for you? A perfect fit? Not so tight she has her hands on your chest trying to keep you from pushing. Not so loose that you feel like you never touch the walls.

The smell. This is one we don't like to address with the provider because of it's sensitive nature but I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. A vagina that smells like a spring day! Being the DATY lover that I am, this really separates the keepers from the one and done dates.

And she loved to have her picture taken and I mean she would ask for it in literally every session and I saw this lady every week-end for two years. You can imagine my collection of stills and video! Very few in my experience will trust you to do this and for good reason. I wish I could share some of them with you but of course I can't.

The looks and the body of my dreams. The enthusiasm and skills of a perfect lover. The smell, the taste, the feel, all perfect.

The problem was, she didn't drive so she had a driver which pretty much limited our time together to the agreed amount of time and no matter how much of a good time she was having, that driver was in my driveway waiting at the assigned time. I always entertained in my home. Risky I know but a couple of decades at motels and and condo's in let's just say not the best parts of town made me decide that I couldn't do that any more so I changed to outcalls.

What gave me confidence to do this was the situation we had here in South Florida for more than 15 years. We had a relatively tight group and we held GT's ( Get Togethers ) so that we could meet, have drinks, converse before we decided to date. I meet my ATF at one of our out door parties on the beach. There was this perfect 22 year old woman in a string bikini that took my breath away. Even though she brought a date, many did, the dates all knew why she was there. They were an escort for the day/ evening that would be taking her home but at the party, she was free to mingle and I fell head of heels in lust.

Problem was, as I said, she lived about 35 miles away and didn't drive. It cost me an extra hundred for the driver but I didn't care, she was worth it but it presented the problem of never really getting to know her accept on our date. She lived with a guy, I never really asked about the relationship but me going to her place was out of the question.

I'm 73. I've been "dating" for about 45 of those years. I've led a very Hedonistic life going to nudest resorts mostly in the Caribbean, Club Med, Hedonism, Sandels. Swingers vacations, on premise sex clubs like Plato's Retreat in New York and Trapeze here in South Florida.

So I've had hundreds and hundreds of encounters and I can say without reservation, the lady I just described, is the best sex I ever had, nobody came close.

For any of you old timer Porn enthusiast, that is a picture of Savanna, I had taken at an AVN Awards show in Vegas many years ago. A Blonde Goddess if ever there was one.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I like genuinely nice people that I enjoy and make it FUN... Originally Posted by Tiffany Champagne
Tiffany has hit the key: FUN

And I like quoting myself
Attitude and good bcd.
I use the phrase FW$B
My #2 is at 12 yrs. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
And she's fun.

Btw, my #3 just made 10 years, and,,,, wait for it..., she's fun as well.

I may never go back to civies.
Pangolier's Avatar
To me, the definition of an ATF, would have to be, the best sex you ever had by a mile. While I understand how becoming good friends with one of these ladies, sharing, time off the clock, mutual appreciation of one's time, all those things are great to but for me, it comes back to the sex because the sex is what I'm looking for.Problem was, as I said, she lived about 35 miles away and didn't drive. It cost me an extra hundred for the driver but I didn't care, she was worth it but it presented the problem of never really getting to know her accept on our date. She lived with a guy, I never really asked about the relationship but me going to her place was out of the question.

I'm 73. I've been "dating" for about 45 of those years. I've led a very Hedonistic life going to nudest resorts mostly in the Caribbean, Club Med, Hedonism, Sandels. Swingers vacations, on premise sex clubs like Plato's Retreat in New York and Trapeze here in South Florida.

So I've had hundreds and hundreds of encounters and I can say without reservation, the lady I just described, is the best sex I ever had, nobody came close.

For any of you old timer Porn enthusiast, that is a picture of Savanna, I had taken at an AVN Awards show in Vegas many years ago. A Blonde Goddess if ever there was one. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

If you are to put it purely from a carnal perspective, then I would very easily say a provider I met recently. I'll just call her Miss K because she is still very much active, and I'm not giving away my little secret gold mine. But, to describe it a bit more extensively...

She is quite literally a former model and drop dead gorgeous, which is why I refused to meet her at first without video chatting with her to verify she actually was the woman from the pictures, because I just couldn't believe it. Okay, first criteria met : beauty

Secondly, she really is a dirty nymph. I'm not going to get graphic on here, but she's volunteered to do one specific thing that only 1 other girl I've seen in the past was seemingly "eager" to do.

That being said, how can I possibly say she is overall the best experience I've ever had when:

A: she is usually running a bit late, is not significantly

B: She doesn't always respond to communication in a timely fashion

C: She insist on vaping in the room prior to session starting, and at this point sometimes we are already nude (to her credit, it doesn't smell terrible like cigarette smoke would)

D: She is by far way more expensive than any other provider I have ever seen.

E: Whether deliberately watching the clock or not, she always manages to leave right around 60 minutes, with a minimal goodbye.

F: Last time I saw her, she was unable to accommodate my outfit request

So, while the sex in and of itself is great, and she is always exquisitely delicious to taste, smell and look at, there are other factors that compose the entire process. That's where another girl I have referenced here on ECCIE, though not by name, kind of surpassed this super model I am talking about. After the 2nd time I saw this other girl, she always put my mind at ease. Any time I picked up my phone and was about to contact her, I already knew ahead of time I wasn't going to have any problem of any kind. No drama, and she did a lot more listening than talking. Peace of mind goes a long way for me, even if Miss K has a slight edge on sexual technique. Not to say that I don't enjoy my time with the new super model, I just look at the overall experience collectively.
njdevil211's Avatar
Not a real easy question to answer. For me my ATF seems to be changing over time. If I’m honest I think I have a couple of ATFs at any given time. Here are some categories.

That special occasion treat. The one you only see ever 4-6 months to celebrate life. She has to be a total knockout and someone really fun. Not someone you can afford to see every other week.

That one that has some talent you just cannot find anywhere else. Like being able to take a real no boundaries TF or is insanely flexible or has the best kegels you have ever felt.

That one you see often. You know her and she knows you. Is she a friend? Is the line blurt? If it is hard to tell, she is those one.

That one you cannot get out of your mind. Maybe you only saw her once. Maybe there was one special thing. Warning: Another visit may ruin the memory.
HedonistForever's Avatar
If you are to put it purely from a carnal perspective, then I would very easily say a provider I met recently. I'll just call her Miss K because she is still very much active, and I'm not giving away my little secret gold mine. But, to describe it a bit more extensively...

She is quite literally a former model and drop dead gorgeous, which is why I refused to meet her at first without video chatting with her to verify she actually was the woman from the pictures, because I just couldn't believe it. Okay, first criteria met : beauty

Secondly, she really is a dirty nymph. I'm not going to get graphic on here, but she's volunteered to do one specific thing that only 1 other girl I've seen in the past was seemingly "eager" to do.

That being said, how can I possibly say she is overall the best experience I've ever had when:

A: she is usually running a bit late, is not significantly

B: She doesn't always respond to communication in a timely fashion

C: She insist on vaping in the room prior to session starting, and at this point sometimes we are already nude (to her credit, it doesn't smell terrible like cigarette smoke would)

D: She is by far way more expensive than any other provider I have ever seen.

E: Whether deliberately watching the clock or not, she always manages to leave right around 60 minutes, with a minimal goodbye.

F: Last time I saw her, she was unable to accommodate my outfit request

So, while the sex in and of itself is great, and she is always exquisitely delicious to taste, smell and look at, there are other factors that compose the entire process. That's where another girl I have referenced here on ECCIE, though not by name, kind of surpassed this super model I am talking about. After the 2nd time I saw this other girl, she always put my mind at ease. Any time I picked up my phone and was about to contact her, I already knew ahead of time I wasn't going to have any problem of any kind. No drama, and she did a lot more listening than talking. Peace of mind goes a long way for me, even if Miss K has a slight edge on sexual technique. Not to say that I don't enjoy my time with the new super model, I just look at the overall experience collectively. Originally Posted by Pangolier

I agree that many men look for more than just great sex but for me knowing I was not interested in having a relationship with a woman bedding other men on a regular basis, I made it all about the sex and could I find the "perfect sexual encounter". I will be forever thankful that I can say without hesitation that I achieved my goal shallow though it may be.

PS, I haven't had a civilian date in over 20 years and have no intention of doing so.

To each his own.
MartinBaier536's Avatar
Yeah, I totally agree with offshoredrilling.
For any of you old timer Porn enthusiast, that is a picture of Savanna, I had taken at an AVN Awards show in Vegas many years ago. A Blonde Goddess if ever there was one. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
But wasn't she known as a dead fish in bed? That's the beauty vs talent/desire question.
MartinBaier536's Avatar
("Hedonist Forever") I also not interested in having a relationship with a woman I want a girl who can sex with me nothing else.