Speeding Tickets

Ya he wasn't have any of my excuse. Which I can appreciate on some level but in this case I really need to fix it. I'm gonna call an attorney about it today. Tell them why I need it dismissed and see what they say.

Thanks everyone. Especially you and your sexy chachas Miss Berkleigh. Yum.
Check with the municipal court where you got the ticket. May not even need to hire an attorney. No sense in paying one if you dont have to. Unless there's a reason you aren't eligible for the probation or taking defensive driving, all you have to do is plead no contest, pay the fine, complete defensive driving or not get a ticket for whatever the probationary time is. Most of the ticket attorneys are going to just charge you their fee, get your ticket delayed a month or two, then you'll still have to pay it, take defensive driving or suffer the probationary time anyway.
universalenergy's Avatar
I travel a lot and got tickets in other states. I get a lawyer to handle for 150 to 250.00. I dont have to take off work or go to court or anything. The Lawyer will use the " Defective Equipment" card. It will be reduced to a non-moving violation and you will not get points. When you factor in lost wages and insurance premiums increase, cost and time to take a driving class. It is easier and cheaper to have lawyer take care of it.

There are lawyers almost everyday in court doing this and processing 5 to 10 cases a day.
horizonman2010's Avatar
Any suggestions on the best way to handle driving without a license without paying the huge fines?

Provider friend has about 3 of 'em .
  • grean
  • 07-01-2016, 01:28 PM
If this is your only ticket in the past 6 months and yout were going less than 15 over the limit, you are eligible for defensive driving or deferred adjudication.

Defensive takes longer as you have to take a class. However, it is usually the cheaper than deferred adjudication. Time vs. Money.....

Plus defensive driving will give you a discount on your auto insurance.

If you were going more than 15 over. You might get an attorney to handle it. Usually around 175 plus what ever fine is finally issued. Probable attorney plus fine will be 300 to 400. However it's much better than it going on your record.

If you just plead guilty and pay it, you'll get "points" on your record and have to pay a surcharge for the next 3 years to the great state of Texas. It's not cheap.

also your insurance rate will increase.
gladius82's Avatar
Randall Scott,972-264-4000 in Grand Prairie has gotten several dismissed for me. I think he only works in Dallas county but you can call and find someone to help you.
  • grean
  • 07-01-2016, 02:34 PM
Is anyone else hoping their answer will free her if her troubles and that she will feel compelled to fuck you silly?
Do not use Jack Byno. Another not to use is Richard Martin, but I think he actually got disbarred. Friend of mine used him, took his money then never showed up for court. Friend found out from a Carrollton cop who pulled him over. Said he had a warrant out. He contacted Dallas county and found out. Apparently this Martin dude had done it to several others.
Boltfan's Avatar
My answer was the best, but that stincky pussy has me scared off. Just kidding, no one deserves anything for using google.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 07-01-2016, 05:12 PM
Defensive Driving course.

Go for the breakfast/lunch setting with the comedian. It's actually entertaining and you don't feel as shitty.
  • grean
  • 07-01-2016, 05:24 PM
My answer was the best, but that stincky pussy has me scared off. Just kidding, no one deserves anything for using google. Originally Posted by Boltfan

I'm cool with the Stinky pussy.
TexTushHog's Avatar
These folks do good work for a very reasonable price. Dallas based.

L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 07-02-2016, 11:29 AM
Most traffic tickets aren't about safety in my opinion anyway, it's all about another way to tax people. Back in "the day" I used to get way too many tickets. I would switch around with deferred adjudication, defensive driving, and then when necessary a lawyer. Tarrant County has had the same lawyer defending traffic tickets since I was a teenager, Also back in the day the lawyer could appeal, and appeal and eventually it would get dismissed. They changed it so that the first court is considered the court of record now so that option doesn't work. I've probably gotten 15 tickets in my life and have never been to court and have never paid the actual ticket, and I don't have any on my record.
James Mallory is the guy you need if it was in Tarrant County. As others have mentioned if your record is clean differed adjudication or defensive driving is cheaper.
You guys are all awesome. Thank you. My stincky applauds you: fap fap fap.