Pimips in the Business - How True?

I would agree but would say about 3 out of every 4 girls is managed in some ways- some hide it a lot better and than you have the obvious cases. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Ya 75% and 90% aren't too far apart.

I would say the younger the age the higher the chances. Let's be realistic when you go on backpage or the welcome wagon and you see an 18 or 19 year old girl posting there's a high probability that she has a pimp or manager. I mean realistically some of these girls are not far removed from high school and I doubt very seriously that at 18 some high school girl is saying :" you know what forget about college when I graduate I am going to jump online and become an escort.' Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Careful I got in trouble for saying something like this recently - even though i have a vagina. (granted I was not nearly as concise or tactful. Lol)

Who told these girls about Eccie ? How would they know about the rates ? How did they become fluent with the acronyms? Answer to all 3 is someone is managing them - same goes with strippers majority not all of them are connected to a pimp. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I learned the ropes on my own. Got offered my first "session" at Zaza and ended up getting referred around a utr group of gents for a few months. One of them told me about Eccie. You can see my sign up date is is july'12 but my for at post wasn't til over a month later.

I lurked a bit. Read the acronym thread in the main forum. Read the non private part of reviews . Mostly though I got SO MUCH valuable info from gents who came to see me and warned me of slip ups in my screening or friendly advice like , "its good if you get a warm washclothe, dispose of the cover and clean me up" (you know who u are) . Lol Ya I had like no idea!!

Just learned as I went - no manager. Probably there's a lot like this in the 10-20% of true independents.
LickHer's Avatar
If I were LH, you'll never know or see me Originally Posted by cush
Thanks for the admission...
Laura Lynn's Avatar
I think age also plays a big part in it. I don't think there are many providers over 30 that would be managed. js Originally Posted by Jessica Jade
TheAngryHobbyist's Avatar
Could be that the ladies, over 30, that have a pimp also refer to him as my husband.
I am all of these for myself so I guess I'm my own pimp. Damn. Guess I better start shopping for a purple/pink feathered hat and some gold teeth. Originally Posted by Jessica Jade
2014 PIMP

Hellllllll yes i would fuck her

Jessica Jade's Avatar
2014 PIMP

Hellllllll yes i would fuck her

CG Originally Posted by Copierguy0
Oh my God I want that!! That takes care of the provider AND pimp in me. Lol
Secret_Amore's Avatar
Yea definitely had some bad experiences ever since I started (which was only in February) I mentioned this in my austin intro thread. when I first started out. had no fucking idea what I was doing how to go about doing things. didn't even know about BP. I had tried to do research before jumping in but it was limited (sad because that's something I'm quite competent at. the most effective research comes from knowing what you are looking for to begin with. so I thought I'll just join an agency they can teach me train me and all around show me the business. yea....apparently unless you're white, latina or the ever sought after asian, legitimate reputable agencies don't want anything to do with you, oh and you have a spinner body 'cause god forbid you weigh over 120 (hell i think my boobs are 10lbs alone). (that was kind of discouraging but I marched on.) now little did I know pimps who claim to be managers of "agencies" will take any girl. so I thought I caught a break with an "agency" in florida (yea, boy was I wrong. there are faster ways to destroying ones mental health and body. I mean why not become a crakwhore at that...) anyways got to tampa only to find myself not with a respectable agency but a pimp running a prostitution ring who'd convinced me (though that's not hard to do when you're naive and don't know shit) to come out there on my last dime with the promise of being able to become financially stable/well off within a couple of weeks. I wound up in the ghetto which I've always tried to avoid With My LIFE. with some fat black dude pimp at his place which was suppose to be "model housing"???? o.O more like a roach motel. ugggg I've never live someplace so UNdesireable in my life coming from a middle class upbringing. but I was a trooper, and mostly just hopefully naive that I could make some good money in a short amount of time and get out of that nightmare place. except the asshole posted me right away wouldn't hardly tell me shit about like anything, and just got aggravated when I did ask questions and pretty much told me its was all suppose to be very "wam bam thank you mam" (what? You mean my life isn't going to be all Bell De Jour???) yes those were literally his words (I thought I was gonna lose my soul, and self respect to a life of wam bam thank you mam). oh and he also told me that GFE just mean the service include a BJ (did not specifi CBJ or BBBJ) this all being within hrs of getting off the greyhound, he didn't even let me shower or sleep before making me take calls, posting me and shit. He also kept changing my donation if I wasn't getting enough call or too many guys flake out. (which on BP there are A LOT of flakes) oh and I was never suppose to touch the money myself or that waaaas prostitution. o.O (so how was I suppose to get my cut?) he'd give me my half at the end of 2weeks. ooooh! but any money I made the first day of work that all went to "the business" then I jumped into a different frying pan although the grass was DEFINITELY looking better. there were other girls (little did I know I was in a heram, took a bit to figure that one out.) they seemed cool though, anyways longer story short bitter sweet ended horribly and involved cops and me begging just to get my shit back and being left on the side of the road with what was left of my material belongings supposedly to find my own way back to TX cause I wanted to go home! 2 weeks of being deceived, lied too, manipulated, threatened, a whored out like a commodity and tricked into thinking that was it, that was "escorting" really was and that I couldn't do any better. (I mean really offering $40 10min "Top" specials...that's street hooker status right there. I'd rather OD on heroin then go back to killing my soul slowing with that BS and I'm as straight edge as they come I rarely even drink. you can forget 420) so I get back to texas not too much worse for the wear a tiny bit metally scared, considering I'm sure other girls have been through worse. except now there's a video clip on like redtube out there of me giving a BBBJ, filmed without my consent >_>.

a Provider once asked me " How often do you think the girls want to work for the pimp/businessman? Do they do it because they don't know another way or is there some benefit to working that way?"

I thought I'd share here what I shared with her....

from what I could gather about their "how I wound up here" stories...some like the girl I met with the 1st pimp she kinda bounces around hooking and doesn't seem like she has any life direction and she's the only girl I met who I suspect might...(I say this tentatively) be a junkie....I got the Impression she's looking for stability in the business. you know a constant flow of clients to make that money keep off the streets and such; and with pimps they do offer some stability (as long as you do what they say) you know place to stay. check. opportunity to make money (even at the cost of losing your soul) check. protection (depends of if he's the biggest baddest mofo around). check. Not having to go hungrv(mostly). check.

now the girls I met with Mac (who I suspect is the biggest baddest in the florida area).I only spent a lager amount of time around about 7 of them. they went by weird names too and I'm not even talking about their professional names. strawberry and snow (I kid you not) there was also jenny too but that was her real name. from what I understand rebekah & Sandra (strawberry -20? & Snow- 19yo) they both lived kinda hard lives and knew what It was like to actually be ON the streets. (I have no idea cause I'm just that sheltered) I kinda think from knowing that other side of life they honestly don't know they can do better. I know strawberry was "square" as they call it for her last pimp. square means in love with. that guy was like Mac's cousin I think. he died protecting her from someone on the streets, got shot. they weren't bf/gf before she started hooking this developed during. I don't know much about snow except I think she's like "square" for mac and wants to be his main Hoe which from what I can tell is never gonna happen 'cause she's young and spoiled and yells to much. I don't really know how jenny got into the life but I think Its because snow is in it. kinda where one friend goes the other one follows kinda mentality. and They ALL consider themselves a "family" and don't trust outsiders.

from what I was able to derive about any benefits is that
A.) mac was super rich and was all their sugar daddy. so they were actually materialistically taken care of. (depending on how well they were doing. you make couple hundred a day you get rewards..i.e. nice things, nice hotel)

B.) When you're working out of hotels if other Pimps and general street rift raft KNOW who yours is they won't fuck with you. Period (again if he's just that scary) so really you could be out and about and not have to worry about any local thugs/drug dealers/or pimps messin with you. This does Not apply if they don't know who your "daddy" is. and apparently getting snacthed off the streets in Orlando & Tampa yes that's a real thing. o.o' LE will still come after you though. ain't none of those street guys got LE in the pocket (like you might see in a movie)

C.) depending on the situation it offers family. for those who don't really have one or come from a broken home. and at least with Mac's hoes I think that's the biggest draw. nearly all of them came from a broken home. mac came along offered them a way off the streets. stability, a home and a new family, and a way to make money.

he doesn't let his girls smoke anything other then weed and He even sent one to massage school. Ironically her name was Trouble(clearly not her real name) and she was one of the girls who conspired against me and put my unnecessarily Dramatic exit in play.

I tried to talk to mac about getting websites for the girls you know trying to look and BE more professional stop having to bottom feed off of BP, stop offering $40 "top" specials. he wasn't really listening he said I had to prove there was a "market" for it. which made me think that having a website wouldn't do ANYthing to improve the quality of clients
then he also told me Not to consider myself above street hoes cause and I quote "street hoes make alot of money" yes I'm sure blowing 15 random guys a day for $40bucks a pop to make $600 yea...that can seem like alot of money (to someone who has none)ewwww

Hotel hoping wasn't much better and with BP you deal with a LOT of NCNS. and the occasional undercover. so basically its alot of waiting around to sleep with the next fellow who actually dains to show up and MAYBE you make 120-150 off it. mostly alot of 60-$80 show up which is used up fast buying food and booking another room and gas money. so it take quite a few guys OR a couple really big scores to actually make any profit working that way. The Girls always use fake pics when posting me basically turning me into a B&S girl. Pics didn't even look like me. they would typically make 2 ADs for themselves one with real pic another with stolen pics.

so my conclusion is he purposely perpetuates the idea that 'this is it' and if you wanna make some 'real' money this is what you have to do. in this business you can't do no better and that "high class" escorting is just a fantasy. also ALL the girls were COMPLETELY dependent on Him. Financially. you couldn't even buy food,book a hotel, walk outside without checking with him. None of the girls had a bank account not even a simple savings account. he always kept the books AND the money of what all his girls were making.

which begs the questions are the girls really making money if he controls it all?? o.O

anyways so after I'm back home and I stay away from BP and providing for about a month, but then I start to think what if I can do better this time around. but same dilemma I dunno where to go to let people know I'm available and what not, other the BP. and at that point I had sworn off BP and its clientele always trying to haggle for lower wanting FS for $40 and yet wanting super model girls! so I thought to myself problem is getting the ball rolling and finding clients (I didn't know about forums yet) so what if I actually found a real agency (except you know I'm still black and over 120lb >_>) I thought you know agencies have regulars and reputable agencies hobbyist trust those (like cute as a button - they reject me btw applied several times nico refuses to even send me a no thank you email >_>) and so with an agency I can get dates with respectable guys on a hopefully consistent basis. I thought agency = consistent clients = regular stable income. In my search for an agency to join in Austin I got a response from someone (A PIMP) claiming to be from an escort agency called Erotic Encounters from the dallas area. This guy Calls himself AVON and has moved his business to Austin,Tx Avon is a con artist. I got mixed up with him working with him when I wised up to his scheme I told him I was leaving he then proceeded to threaten to kill me if i didn't work, post flyers in my neighborhood telling people I was a prostitute and send people to my home to break in. I told him i would simply get the police involved and let them handle it. after realizing that its not like I can really tell the cops why I was being threaten and everything about the situation not to mention having little to go on but a number and possibly fake name. I did not bother filing a report at that time (I did later on when the threats continued).

I eventually googled his number (which is the FIRST thing i should have done) and there are several reports of him harassing girls to work from him. one girl says he some how found her information (he claimed on a college escort site) and he threatened her when she didn't comply he emailed all her professor and wrote malicious things. she reported him to the police and has her lawyer looking into him.

Another girl says the responded to an exotic dancer AD on craigslist he wrote back they have no more positions for dancers but she could be an escort. she declined he harassed.

The most recent report was on numberinvestigator dot com dates jan.13.2013 she says this man (avon) claimed he was helping her (I believe she got in a car with him) and he then proceeded to take here out of austin and beat her because she threatened him (probably with law enforcement)

and he sent me a scam client who I saw 3 times last of which he choked me, without my consent the last time I saw him. AND wrote me fraud checks that got ME flagged for fraud and my bank account closed and now I can never open up another account with BoA and there's a black mark on my credit keeping me from opening an account elsewhere. haven't been without a bank account since I was like 7yo. I'm 23 and now have a fraud report on my credit for cashing a fake check I didn't know was fake. so there goes ever being able to get a loan, car, or bank account. (this reminds me I have to go fight my bank of putting that damn fraud charges on my credit they KNOW I was the victim >_>) But I dust my burnt ass off and troop on.

I don't know if 90% of escort having at one time being pimped out is accurate But I was when I started out I DIDN'T want to get involved with a pimp in the first place. I wanted to be apart of a legitimate escort agency that ideally has access to respectable clients instead of trying to post ADs on every free site I can find. but they all say their class of clientele just isn't looking for my kind of girl. no legitimate agency seems to want to take on a ebony girl >_> and instead I wound up getting accepted by "Agencies" which are really just a pimp and his prostitution ring T_T

um yea so that's my story and some insight into the whole "pimps in the business." I would think the whole 90% of girls who either have or had pimps would retain more to Backpage then just all escorts in general because pimps don't bother with getting their girls websites or putting them on review boards that would be too close to independence and might give the girls ideas like shit I can do this stuff solo and keep/"manage" my own money
  • !VI!
  • 01-24-2014, 07:33 AM
I would agree but would say about 3 out of every 4 girls is managed in some ways- some hide it a lot better and than you have the obvious cases. I would say the younger the age the higher the chances. Let's be realistic when you go on backpage or the welcome wagon and you see an 18 or 19 year old girl posting there's a high probability that she has a pimp or manager. I mean realistically some of these girls are not far removed from high school and I doubt very seriously that at 18 some high school girl is saying :" you know what forget about college when I graduate I am going to jump online and become an escort.' Who told these girls about Eccie ? How would they know about the rates ? How did they become fluent with the acronyms? Answer to all 3 is someone is managing them - same goes with strippers majority not all of them are connected to a pimp. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
sorry but i have to slightly dispute this,

i've seen alot of girls, who are IN college and are escorts, because the world isn't blind. It's just like asking how a newly 18 year old, joins porn?

how did she know about it? what made her think about it? Money for sex? is the a easier less publicised way to do it?

you can literally search google, how to make money having sex lol, and there is a genre of every porn, In my case , i was a virgin until college, because i was raised catholic, i had sex and loved it, but i was still 19. It's a a matter of why they do it more then how they got started? and are they strong enough to handle themselves? Are they the type to need someone around? I've meet older women at swingers clubs that have pimp and they are in mid 40's, i've also meet those 40+ women who ARE *pimps* (is there a female version of this?)
Yea, that number is probably right. Think of it like strippers. It seems that every stripper has a douchebag boyfriend at home. They've got that old raggedy car (or no car) and just live off the chick...watching her kids and shit.
I think with escorts it's probably the same. A lot may not call it "pimping" in the sense that it's not a guy with a Cadillac and a coat hanger, but the same thing might apply.
I honestly think that a lot of hobbyists would be shocked at the number of reputable, GFE, ATFs had a man (or woman) behind the scenes pulling the strings. I mean we know each others lives for the time we're together. After that, who knows. All you can really go by is your gut and reviews.
That said, before we got so high-tech with websites and shit, the track was the place to be. And 99.999999% of those girls were pimped and nobody gave a shit.
They're like roaches - their everywhere!
They're like roaches - their everywhere! Originally Posted by Eva Damita
Eva, fine ass! (Sucks teeth)
HDnTX's Avatar
  • HDnTX
  • 01-24-2014, 04:29 PM
Very nice post Secrets Amore.... I know we should not generalize, but my rule of thumb is cheap motel..... pimp. Private incall....... independent.

Never forget sometime back before I got involved in this game, I pulled into a fast-food joint and girl being drug by her hair by guy in front of a cheap motel near 820 and beach, it was shocking. I don't know if that was a pimp, but it was likely.
Pimps taking care of their girls. Pimpettes taking care of their girls. Its not harrd to figure out. Sooo few go it alone. They need their "Friends" and "SOs" ...
It's the nature of the beast I would think. Providers want someone "special" in their lives too. Someone who understands who they are when they aren't fulfilling the fantasy. We hobbyists are clients. That's it. We pay for a fantasy experience. We pay for the affection of a beautiful female who doesn't give us any fucking problems.

If a lady can provide the service I want and not give me any problems, she's good in my book. If she has a pimp, that's her business. Who cares?

From what I can tell, most if the horror stories on here aren't really about pimped/not pimped but about professional/non-professional.