beware!major f-tard!

lexxxi512's Avatar
oh i know this is my hobby phone i still dont like ppl calling and textin all night tho
Britttany_love's Avatar
That's why I love google voice app can be turned off or block numbers
google voice is the way to go! you can also get a vanity number.
  • Sami
  • 12-30-2011, 08:42 PM
Why would you tell him you might see him after you cooled down? I wouldn't lead someone on if they acted like this. Especially if he was acting this way...

Not pickin' sides, just providing info. Originally Posted by E2
Well, after reading the bad review which corroborates what Lexxi is saying
then I think that Lexxi, who is still young and learning,
reacted defensively in order to protect herself and the guy who has seen FoxxyRoxxy is definitely legit, but Lexxi simply refused to take chances and I think she did the right thing. However, even though the review partly corroborates what happen from both sides, it doesn't corroborate the harassment. Under the circumstances, I don't blame the guy for being upset especially if he traveled all the way from SA unless he was here for business or something else, so he decided to just give her a bad review. Even if Lexxi is exaggerating the harassment, I think she deserves a pass on this one. In the end no one got hurt and that's the important thing.
My two pennies.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Well, this thread certainly increased the impact of the bad review, made everyone read it, and think twice about Lexxi.
"and then harrassed me all night!!!!!!!"

The bottom line is if he harassed her by calling her over and over again, than this is a valid alert Originally Posted by Fingerling
I agree 100% Our Safety should be number 1!!!!