Question: Hobbyists opinions of providers with breast augmentations.

FoulRon's Avatar
I am totally not a tit guy other than I like it when they are capable of getting the lady they are attached to quite hot and bothered. ... Originally Posted by rogerdodger
I knew a girl back in college, flat as a pancake. But start licking those nipples and she'd just go crazy with lust.
As far as the type, really prefer naturals as well. Some man-mades look nice enough that you can't tell. Others look like you hope she sued the doctor.
If you get them, pay the extra to have them go in through the under arm, less obvious scaring and tend to look more natural.
Oh, and you have to massage them almost daily to keep them supple. If you liked help with that, I'm willing to volunteer my services.
rare2prtk's Avatar
Always prefer naturals. Saw one provider with MM's that were so hard, firm, and separated that, one couldn't perform Russian on them. Only have seen one provider with MM's that were so soft and flexible that you couldn't tell they were MM's, she was so gorgeous that she really didn't need MM's. Unfortunately, life events led her away from the hobby.
lyn.xes's Avatar
I don't like them big, so I guess natural, don't think many providers get breast reduction surgery. ��
I prefer them to be real fake or so nice, they look fake!! Primarily I prefer them in pairs.
Natural, large or small. Fakes are a deal-breaker.
thecooldude's Avatar
I like natural perky breast small or large. Man mades are ok if it fits the size of the woman. A spinner with 38DD's looks freaky.
real perky > real not perky > all fakes
Lacey, there is no way for me to answer your question without a close examination of your breasts.
ICU 812's Avatar
did they ever figure out if implants had any bad health effect? Years ago I worked in diagnostic imaging when there was a major class-action lawsuit in the news. I did special x-rays with isotopes on a bunch of women who had implants. All had health issues (which nis why they were in the lawsuit).

Anyvody remember how that all turned out?
What about large breasts that have been lifted? There is usually more scarring involved in exchange for more fullness and perkiness. Any opinions or preferences there? This is something I plan to have done next year. I also wonder if that counts as man made or natural? Hybrid??? Thoughts?
jsparrow's Avatar
It's all about the woman in you. Sexy is as sexy does. If it makes you feel better about yourself...go for it. If you're already happy...just maintain. Either way: be smart, self-confident, sexy and CARNAL as hell!!
SheepDog's Avatar
I love naturals and if they are surgeon assisted, keep them natural looking. Seeing a girl laying on her back and she still has what looks like a pair of softballs resting on her chest is not sexy to me.

Just my .02
It depends. I'd prefer natural. If they're man made, they have to be proportionate. I don't want to see 42DDs on a skinny girl.
My ATF has augmentation, but they are natural looking, feel great and they are gorgeous. I have no preference for breast size. Just as long as a lady looks natural to the eyes and to the touch, it's fine with me.
Real for me.The only provider I have seen with man mades was at an AMP 13 or 14 years ago and they felt hard and looked terrible.