Watch people having sex

Usually a mirror works for me... Originally Posted by hkphooey
You took the words right out of my mouth...
  • LynnT
  • 06-02-2011, 11:43 PM
Watching a circle jerk of middle age dudes banging some chick makes me want to throw up. Now 3 or 4 hot chicks going at it... so much better. Originally Posted by simpleton
You'd be surprised.. all that f-ing is hot even if they aren't your cup of tea/guys around.. makes you want to F too.
notanewbie's Avatar
if you want to pony up a few dollars towards a session you can watch one of mine.....WTFN.
Does anyone not have a little voyeuristic tendencies in them? I think we all like to watch or be watched in some fashion.
Notabewbie, I will pm you when I get some time.