elgato111's Avatar
We all worry, hobbyists and providers, about the possibility of STD or HIV. It is an assumed danger of participating in the hobby by both sides. There should be some way to guard against both sides infecting someone, but that would require government regulation and I don't think any of us would like that. In the mean time people, be safe and not be sorry afterwards. Ashden is right, $ for BB is not worth anyone's life.
So you "heard" she has something but don't know first hand? Funny, when I google her number no such "international HIV website" pops up. Furthermore, even if her number is listed on some HIV database, it would all be confidential and not pop up on any website. There is this confidentiality thing called HIPPA, so I doubt that part of your "friend's" story. I'm not saying you are lying, I'm not saying you are telling the truth. All I'm saying is it is not probable "your friend" found this girl's number on any HIV website and since you only "heard" about this and don't know first hand, it's an unsubstantiated rumor at this point, one which is not allowed to be speculated on anyway.

TheBizzer's Avatar
I've often wished there were a way we could all be 100% confident of everyone else's status. Probably everyone does. Some type of public, accountable forum would be a wonderful addition to the hobby. I don't think anyone doubts your intentions. No one thinks HIV is a joke and yes, probably everyone should know.

Unfortunately, public forums, like public theaters, have to have rules that prevent one person from yelling fire and thus endangering the lives of so many others. While you think you are protecting lives, it could actually have just the opposite effect. This cannot be a place to speculate about the health of other people.

The moderators may add to this (or tell me I'm off base!) but please continue to participate around here. We need more ladies and gentlemen alike who are motivated by their concern for others. Originally Posted by FLWrite

To help illustrate the above point, let me offer a hypothetical example. Let's say I went and saw you and tried to coerce you into providing BB Greek. You, being a respectable and safety conscious provider decline, leaving me unsatisfied and holding a grudge. I then come on the board and write a post similar to yours accusing you of being HIV positive, citing several anonymous sources as well as my buddy who is a doctor who saw your test results. Can't give his name or place of work because it'd compromise his job.

Now, I would never pull any shit like that, but you can bet your ass that if it was allowed, there are many guys that would. The mods must have a blanket policy regarding these things, because they would quickly spin out of control if they didn't. This isn't to say I doubt the sincerity or intent of your claim (although I must admit that I approach everything I read on here with a healthy amount of skepticism). It's just to say that the mods don't have the luxury of being subjective in these matters.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
TheBizzer's Avatar
And in case I was long winded in my example above, all I'm really trying to say is that certain people on this board will do some truly vile, reprehensible shit to other human beings all in the name of trynagetlaid.
Mods please close this thread thanks
TonyStark's Avatar
So you "heard" she has something but don't know first hand? Funny, when I google her number no such "international HIV website" pops up. Furthermore, even if her number is listed on some HIV database, it would all be confidential and not pop up on any website. There is this confidentiality thing called HIPPA, so I doubt that part of your "friend's" story. I'm not saying you are lying, I'm not saying you are telling the truth. All I'm saying is it is not probable "your friend" found this girl's number on any HIV website and since you only "heard" about this and don't know first hand, it's an unsubstantiated rumor at this point, one which is not allowed to be speculated on anyway.

Meg Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan

That would be a major hippa violation.
Story doesn't seem to add up on a number of levels. But the only safe course of action is to avoid the girl. I hope Ashden was sincere in her post and wasn't just helping her provider friend settle a score with this girl.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
i spoke to the lady in question and got a whole different story i think we can chalk this one up to "pimp wars"
She said PLEASE CLOSE THIS THREAD. She did not want all her shit to get out, too!
flackman2k6's Avatar
Ba ba ba baaaaaaaa ba.....

Someone queue the scrolling text.
Nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah nah, hey hey hey IBTL
sky_wire's Avatar
I'm confused.
If you want to get the thread closed, use the report to mod function. Its a lot faster than waiting for them to notice the request in the thread