fortwortholdguy's Avatar
80's? 70's? Who cares? And if you read my posts about Urapnes you will discover I want him and his avatar off here in the worst way...

So hike up your skirt and move along, little doggie...LOL
Well said, and that's all I need to know.....And just to clarify, I don't wear a skirt unless it's over 90 degrees and I've had WAY too much to drink and at least the girl I'm with will be bottomless.
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
Glad there's no hard feelings...and my ancestors are all Scottish, we call them kilts and it is perfectly acceptable for men to wear them.
No hard feelings at all and I apologize for the misunderstanding on my end.
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
And I'm really sorry your thread got hijacked; please don't let one bad experience keep you from posting or starting new threads.

Wish you could have been on here before the other board shut down, it was a much kinder and gentler place.
Okay, back to the OP's original question, which I will post in its entirety below - word for word, (despite the spelling and grammatical errors):

ok Ladys which do you really prefer a older man ( and what age bracket is older to you) or a younger man ( and what age bracket do you consider younger ) and why do you prefer them ? what does one do that the other does not ?
Jeez my bad ! forget the question !
Guest100610-2's Avatar
I don't have a preference........... =)
Let me go out a limb here and just guess, but I think they like the older gents pictured below the best.
20's 50's 100's

Sorry about the joke, but well, if you ask a silly question. . . Originally Posted by ANONONE
OMG! You're freakin' psychic!

Seriously, I like older men and Anonone's post.

However i have met younger gentlemen with plenty of money to burn.
bkat6049's Avatar
Sorry WARRIOR, I killed your thread.... Once I pointed out to the ladies that them steriotyping age is no different to race steriotyping, they wont touch this with a 10 foot pole... The hypocracy on this board is astonishing.... A provider will say "I prefer older gents because they are more mature and generous". They would never say "I prefer to see white guys because they tend to be wealthier (even though whites tend to have more discresionary income than blacks), or I prefer to not see blacks they tend to be broke (even though they have less discresionary income than whites)" (again steriotyping)... Originally Posted by URAPNES
Please allow me to go on record as saying you are a shit stirring asshole who has no place on this site... But in fairness to you, I guess there has to be a certain amount of bottom feeders in every fish bowl...

[insulting remarks not permitted-warning points issued]
((Pointing and laughing))

Are we really talking about preference of age on a hobby site.. REALLY??
ANONONE said it best!!!!

Aint a penis a penis.. hate to say it.. but it's not the BEST looking body part... ((giggle))
dms7834's Avatar
((Pointing and laughing))

Are we really talking about preference of age on a hobby site.. REALLY??
ANONONE said it best!!!!

Aint a penis a penis.. hate to say it.. but it's not the BEST looking body part... ((giggle))
Originally Posted by Vixen DeVain
Its better lookin' that the little man in the boat!!!
As long as they can drive to get to my place I will see anybody.
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
As long as they can drive to get to my place I will see anybody. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
LMAO!!! Now that's Larry the Cable Guy or Ron White or Jeff Foxworthy material...

Tara I think you missed your calling...with that sense of humor you could be writing for these guys and knocking down six figures a year...