Congrats - You Get to Keep Your Bad Apple Policies

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-14-2013, 12:53 PM
This will affect the insurance pool they need for ACA won't it? Anyway, I don't know why so many are squawking about the insurance cancellation notices as they don't take affect till January or something like that. In addition, these folks who are carrying on about their lousy health insurance policies are going to find they may have had a better deal through ACA if they had just been patient and waited for things to be fixed and working properly on the ACA website. Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp

they can use an agent and skip the Exchanges, the law applies to ALL insurance providers unless you need a subsidy, but they would rather slobber BAD OBAMA all over themselves, and appear to be really stupid-er
LexusLover's Avatar
In addition, these folks who are carrying on about their lousy health insurance policies ...... . Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
Who are YOU to decide their policy is "lousy"?

More importantly WHO DOES OBAMINABLE think he is that HE CAN DECIDE?




Which is it?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
To quote some lefties here, Obamacare is the law of the land. Who is Obama to change the law? Seriously, he can't change the law legally without the approval of Congress and if he puts it back before Congress they have an opportunity to vote for repeal. So Obama is just going to act like a dictator and do it alone illegally. Or order, as he did today, insurance companies to break the law of the land.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-14-2013, 01:42 PM
To quote some lefties here, Obamacare is the law of the land. Who is Obama to change the law? Seriously, he can't change the law legally without the approval of Congress and if he puts it back before Congress they have an opportunity to vote for repeal. So Obama is just going to act like a dictator and do it alone illegally. Or order, as he did today, insurance companies to break the law of the land. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

you're an idiot just like everyone else yammering about something they obviously know nothing about .. the law hasn't gone into effect yet ergo: the postponement OF THE LAW

complicated thought escapes you doesn't it professor?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-14-2013, 02:12 PM
Who are YOU to decide their policy is "lousy"?

More importantly WHO DOES OBAMINABLE think he is that HE CAN DECIDE?




Which is it? Originally Posted by LexusLover

you keep calling the policies lousy, why is that ? added drama?

substandard to the law is exactly what you'd call them

like a car with no brakes, horn or tail lights ... substandard to the LAW, it wont pass inspection for the protection of other people.... substandard insurance is useless for anyone but the company that sells it ... helping people afford quality health insurance and keeping the insurance companies accountable is basically what AHCA is all about.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Actually the law was put into action when it was signed along with deadlines. Obama is breaking his own law like a dictator. Otherwise, why does it have to be "repealed"?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-14-2013, 02:30 PM
Actually the law was put into action when it was signed along with deadlines. Obama is breaking his own law like a dictator. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

actually, like I said, you're an idiot

the law is on the books, not in effect ... DUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRR

when passed the Law had a start date THAT DATE IS THE LAW ... that date is this Jan ... ask yourself what month this is ... take as long as you need to figure it out, and get back with us
dennerb's Avatar
This will affect the insurance pool they need for ACA won't it? Anyway, I don't know why so many are squawking about the insurance cancellation notices as they don't take affect till January or something like that. In addition, these folks who are carrying on about their lousy health insurance policies are going to find they may have had a better deal through ACA if they had just been patient and waited for things to be fixed and working properly on the ACA website. Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
There is no better deal within the ACA. It is wealth redistribution. In every state but 5, rates in the exchanges are higher than what exists now because of the insane things that have to be covered by law.
Additionally, you assert that a cancellation now is no big deal because it doesn't cause a problem until January. Finding and getting covered by reasonable insurance is a process and people with issues that need to be taken care of can't get on a plan when the frickin' website won't let them (at a much higher cost).
Government can't run anything effectively (except maybe military at a much inflated cost)
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-14-2013, 02:55 PM
There is no better deal within the ACA. It is wealth redistribution. In every state but 5, rates in the exchanges are higher than what exists now because of the insane things that have to be covered by law.
Additionally, you assert that a cancellation now is no big deal because it doesn't cause a problem until January. Finding and getting covered by reasonable insurance is a process and people with issues that need to be taken care of can't get on a plan when the frickin' website won't let them (at a much higher cost).
Government can't run anything effectively (except maybe military at a much inflated cost) Originally Posted by dennerb

better insurance costs more money ... duh.

an aside, there is a subsidy to offset the cost for BETTER insurance ... if you don't apply for a subsidy use an agent, he or she will have no problem getting an insurance policy before Jan.

its only as hard as you make it.
They don't "let" an unlicensed Doctor operate on you, either. Nor do they "let" you buy an F16 to invade Mexico. They also don't "let" you get drunk and drive. They don't "let" you sell heroin. Need I go on, my friend? Originally Posted by Bert Jones
Actually, you do. Those are lousy comparisons.

All of those activities are ILLEGAL. The underlying activities (drug selling, drunk driving, war, operating when you are not a doctor) are harmful to people and are illegal for that reason.

Purchasing health insurance is LEGAL. The underlying activity (providing healthcare) isn't harmful.

Your problem is that you don't like the terms of the contract for SOME of the policies. You disagree with the price and the coverage and you don't like variations in coverage.

So, you set up a false premise - ALL health policies are bad, not just some, but the people just don't know it. And that's how you justify destroying perfectly acceptable insurance policies.
This will affect the insurance pool they need for ACA won't it? Anyway, I don't know why so many are squawking about the insurance cancellation notices as they don't take affect till January or something like that. In addition, these folks who are carrying on about their lousy health insurance policies are going to find they may have had a better deal through ACA if they had just been patient and waited for things to be fixed and working properly on the ACA website. Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
"May"? "If"? "Wait"?

You don't see any problem with what you just wrote?

The website won't even work.
you're an idiot just like everyone else yammering about something they obviously know nothing about .. the law hasn't gone into effect yet ergo: the postponement OF THE LAW

complicated thought escapes you doesn't it professor? Originally Posted by CJ7
But what is his legal authority for doing even that?

This exact point was made by Howard Dean of all people earlier today. Obama may have promised to implement a bunch of fixes that he cannot legally do unless Congress approves.

The ACA is a law, not a suggestion.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-14-2013, 03:12 PM
But what is his legal authority for doing even that?

This exact point was made by Howard Dean of all people earlier today. Obama may have promised to implement a bunch of fixes that he cannot legally do unless Congress approves.

The ACA is a law, not a suggestion. Originally Posted by ExNYer
had the law been in effect, I'd agree he bypassed congress and changed the law without the proper protocol, under his own authority, but that's not the case now, or when he delayed the law the first time ... "in effect" .. the key words, and Jan is the date the law is in effect ... said date IS THE LAW.
the law is on the books, not in effect ...

when passed the Law had a start date THAT DATE IS THE LAW ... that date is this Jan ... ask yourself what month this is ... take as long as you need to figure it out, and get back with us Originally Posted by CJ7
When passed and signed, the law went into effect THEN.

Under the law, various provisions were phased in on certain deadlines. Not all of is kicked off at the same time.

The President cannot change those trigger dates at his own discretion. There has to be something in the law that gives him the authority to delay the start dates of certain provisions.

Otherwise, what would have stopped a "President Romney" (had he been elected) from blocking Obamacare simply by postponing those deadlines indefinitely?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-14-2013, 03:17 PM
When passed and signed, the law went into effect THEN.

Under the law, various provisions were phased in on certain deadlines. Not all of is kicked off at the same time.

The President cannot change those trigger dates at his own discretion. There has to be something in the law that gives him the authority to delay the start dates of certain provisions.

Otherwise, what would have stopped a "President Romney" (had he been elected) from blocking Obamacare simply by postponing those deadlines indefinitely? Originally Posted by ExNYer

if it went into effect the moment it was signed, regarding mandatory insurance for all, why the timeframe of this Jan ?