Oh great Oracle of knowledge WTF, please guide us thru these troubled times!

bambino's Avatar
I'd execute all dumbfucks with your IQ or lower. Originally Posted by WTF
You would be first in line!!!!!!!
themystic's Avatar
He would fix income inequality, how, I don’t know.
How did we do it in the 50's and 60's, research and that will be your answer grasshopper. I'd damn sure raise the inheritance tax. No more Trumps or Kennedys unless they earned it. No more daddy's money.

He would provide amnesty for all illegal aliens.
I would reform the welfare state. If you were not born here , you can never be a citizen and vote. Anybody can come here and work but they have to pay SS with the understanding they will never receive a dime of that back. I want to pay people to work, not have kids and sit on their ass.

He would approve abortions to infants up to 18 months old. It’s a women’s right to choose.
How old are you bambino? That would be the abortion cut off age. For the rest of the country it would be 20 weeks. I'd eliminate tax breaks for people with children. Only people with school age children would pay school taxes. You'd think twice about having a fucking kid and expecting me to pay for it.

He would abolish the “vast military complex”.
Not abolish it, just move it to our shores. I do not give a fuck about any Syrian babies!

He would deem everyone a racist who doesn’t agree with him.
I would not care how you acted in your private life but you could not discriminate against anyone in regards to business/hiring/ect.

He would abolish prostate exams. Unless he could lick the finger
That right there would kill bambino...he is addicted to the fist up his ass.

He would abolish every mans hard on. So he wouldn’t feel alone.
Hard on are a personal choice. I do not fuck with people's private lives. I do not care if you're gay , straight just as long as it is consensual adults.

He would tax everyone at a 100% rate, except for people who don’t earn anything.
I would tax them at the rate of services they wanted. If they wanted a military invading Iraq....they would pay for it. It is really not hard to cut funding for certain things...make people actually pay for what they want!

He would give everyone HC and SS payments.
Actually they would have to pay that cost too. I would reform SS and HC. SS would reflect the longer we are living so you either give up late life Healthcare when one foot is already in the grave or you pay way more into the system.

He would abolish standing for the National Anthem.
There is no law now that you stand for the National anthem. You dumbfucker.

He would abolish gun ownership.
Quite the opposite...gun ownership would be easier.

He would suck Putin’s dick.
I would have to slap Trump off Putin's dick and it does not appear Trump is giving that job up anytime soon.
Originally Posted by WTF
Stop giving these TrumPutin deplorables your opinion. They cant handle an actual view other than TrumPutins
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Stop giving these TrumPutin deplorables your opinion. They cant handle an actual view other than TrumPutins Originally Posted by themystic
Why don’t you do the fucking same.
themystic's Avatar
Why don’t you do the fucking same. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

Go back in your hole Drama Lama
So, you idiot savant, solve everything. All of it. pretend that you are President of the US. FIX EVERYTHING!!

how would you do it? how ...

fix the economy
fix the deficit
fix poverty
fix violence
fix illegal immigration

so .. FIX IT!


and i'll even take you off ignore .. for now .. so you can dazzle me with your superior intellect!

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Here's how ya fix all these things. Blow it all up and start all over. Making sure all the Riff Raff is eliminated, "Aka" Liberals, lol.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-24-2018, 11:01 AM
You would be first in line!!!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
You need to work on yoir material or stop posting like you promised
lustylad's Avatar
You need to work on yoir (sic) material or stop posting like you promised Originally Posted by WTF
You're just frustrated because his barbs sting and hurt you. You can't get him banned this time, despite JCM's partiality. Like all lefties, you just want to silence others. You dish it out but you can't take it. Why don't you tell us more about your penchant for high-school dicksucking, snitchy?

"Yoir" Yiddish sucks.
themystic's Avatar
You're just frustrated because his barbs sting and hurt you. You can't get him banned this time, despite JCM's partiality. Like all lefties, you just want to silence others. You dish it out but you can't take it. Why don't you tell us more about your penchant for high-school dicksucking, snitchy?

"Yoir" Yiddish sucks. Originally Posted by lustylad
Look Bro, you have a bad attitude. The man answered the question. You disagreed. Move on bitch boy, i mean Bro
lustylad's Avatar
Look Bro, you have a bad attitude. The man answered the question. Originally Posted by themystic
How many times do I need to whip your lame faggoty ass before your "attitude" improves, myscreant? He hasn't answered the question. It's about his penchant for high-school dicksucking. Do you have anything to share on that topic? Did he wait until you were 18?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-24-2018, 11:45 AM
Why don't you tell us more about your penchant for h***-s***** dicksucking, snitchy?

". Originally Posted by lustylad
There you go once again putting two topics together to make a forbidden subject!

Not 2 days after JC asked you not to. You just can't help yourself...

Look , you can talk about your dicksucking all you want but you can not combine that with minors.

Was you blowing the Tooth Fairy when God was handing out common sense?
lustylad's Avatar
Only an idiot who is pathologically insecure about himself and his worldly knowledge would post something like this:

....i can not help that i know more about politics and policy and the history of the two than most of you right-wing Loons Originally Posted by WTF
It's been refuted by over 34,000 posts!
lustylad's Avatar
There you go once again putting two topics together to make a forbidden subject! Originally Posted by WTF
Talking to yourself again, asshole?

I think they secretly wish to blow the high school senior.....remind them of their high school years

Originally Posted by WTF
^^^ Hmmm... Funny how you didn't censor the words h*** s***** in your original post. Is that now suddenly a forbidden term, you loathsome and laughably hypocritical self-appointed hall-monitoring snitchfuck?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-24-2018, 11:55 AM
He hasn't answered the question. Originally Posted by lustylad
I answered all the questions and once again you are mixing two subjects and making a forbidden topic!

Unbelievable. . .

You gonna singlehandedly get the forum shut down before Trump and his DOJ does!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-24-2018, 12:04 PM
Talking to yourself again, asshole? Originally Posted by lustylad
Yes that was BEFORE JC asked us not to.

The gif in fact is allowed.

I should not have even posted those two terms together. Once reminded, I stopped. You double and triple up!

You just can not combine dicksucking with h*** s*****. That turns it into a forbidden topic.

Ask bambino to help you understand, he claims he got banned for those topics!
lustylad's Avatar
You just can not combine dicksucking with h*** s*****. That turns it into a forbidden topic. Originally Posted by WTF
Does this mean you won't tell us about your high school dicksucking escapades?

You're not a fucking mod so quit acting like one.