What are everyone’s media sources? I’ll go first.

I read Gateway Pundit, Citizen Free Press, and Revolver News.

I listen to Alex Jones, War Room with Steve Bannon, Mike Adams the Health Ranger Podcast, Peter Schiff for finance, Wayne Allen Root, and Stew Peters.

I Watch Real Americas Voice T.V. and Tucker Carlson.

I’m interested to know other peoples news sources. Originally Posted by Cheap Charlie
  • Tiny
  • 08-10-2022, 04:57 AM
CNN? New York Times? Are you sure you're a conservative?
No wonder you GMO'd yourself with the deadly clot shot! Originally Posted by Cheap Charlie
The New York Times will go by the wayside when my first year teaser rate of $50 expires. I think it's the best source for news around the world, but I can't bear supporting their editorial positions by paying them real money.

I'm as big a fan of GMO as I am of the COVID vaccine. Hundreds of millions no longer go to bed hungry and American agri business makes billions more in profits because of GMO!

You don't strike me as a hippie type who eats organic food, but maybe that's just your haircut in the avatar. The fear of GMO doesn't fit your persona. You need to up your intake of pesticides and genetically modified food.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I get news from a variety of sources, both notoriously left and right winged.

What I DON'T get my news from... are the talking head pundits. Tucker, Rush, Rachel, Alex--- they can all jump in a lake as far as I am concerned. Just give me the facts and let me form my own opinions.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Where do you get Just the Facts, Mam? That was the OP topic. Right?

I get news from a variety of sources, both notoriously left and right winged.

What I DON'T get my news from... are the talking head pundits. Tucker, Rush, Rachel, Alex--- they can all jump in a lake as far as I am concerned. Just give me the facts and let me form my own opinions. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
i watch and or listen to cnn, msnbc, fox, etc...all the different cable sources

i dont do podcasts, too busy but i do like to watch clips of some, especially the funny ones

i like to watch c span especially the call in show with the dimocrat line, the republican line and the independent line, makes me understand how we got in the fix we are in

i am often struck by the disparity in coverage or what these channels highlight to the exclusion of what another might

it tells me that that to hear it all, you need to watch a wide range of stuff
winn dixie's Avatar
i watch and or listen to cnn, msnbc, fox, etc...all the different cable sources

i dont do podcasts, too busy but i do like to watch clips of some, especially the funny ones

i like to watch c span especially the call in show with the dimocrat line, the republican line and the independent line, makes me understand how we got in the fix we are in

i am often struck by the disparity in coverage or what these channels highlight to the exclusion of what another might

it tells me that that to hear it all, you need to watch a wide range of stuff Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I agree! Thats what it takes is to listen to all sides to form your own opinion.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I scan the major news outlets - left and right first thing in the morning. I also check THE BBC and occasionally Al Jazeera for their international coverage.

I used to scan a lot of opinion shows, but not so much any more. They’re all so fucking tedious. And don’t get me started on the YouTube nuts, Twittheads and the other social media so favored by some of our currently incarcerated colleagues.

The radical blogs, like all of them mentioned in the OP, I will only read when one of my fellow forum members quotes (or doesn’t quote but cuts and pastes) a story to verify a) who TF is writing that kind of stuff and b) is there a point to it.

When breaking news comes in I will cross reference the news outlets for spin before I form my opinion. I will quote one of them here if nobody else has…even if it’s from Fox.
Ducbutter's Avatar
I don't have much of a post count here but I've popped off enough to put one of my regular sources out there for comment. How about Mediaite.com? It's a Dan Abrams thing. They seem to have some variety in perspective of writing there though, overall I think they tilt left. Not my primary but curious if others view and your takes.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
well.. what do I follow. hmm.... there were stuff i followed or used to follow...

websites: (this is in the exact order I read in)
Drudge Report
Real Clear Politics
Politico (It use to be part of my daily reading, now its once in a blue moon)
Michelle Malkin under different websites (It use to be part of my daily reading, now its once in a blue moon)
Revolver (read it once in awhile)

Radio: (I was listening to them on the radio 6 years ago, until my radio or headset broke, don't know which. haven't listened to them since)
Neal Boortz (retired)
Glenn Beck (took over Boortz time slot after he retired)
Rush Limbaugh (RIP)
Sean Hannity
Michael Savage (semi-retired, runs youtube video podcast)

Fox News (once in awhile)
Sean Hannity
Tucker Carlson
OAN (once in awhile)

Walter Williams (RIP)
Larry Elder
Pat Buchanan
Byron York
Cal Thomas Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I forgot one more news jockey... Glenn Beck.

just recently got a new phone as many of the cell providers are phasing out 3G service. after playing with it, I noticed it had support for FM radio; no AM radio unfortunately. I guess I can test that headset to see if it works.

AP for Sergeant Joe Friday's "Just the facts, ma'am!"

WSJ -- Of course. Probably almost everyone here (most liberals and all conservatives) read the WSJ's news and editorial pages.

NYT -- News, editorials, and op-eds. (Especially Paul Krugman)

WaPo -- News and editorial pages.

The Atlantic -- (A couple of their contributors, anyway)

The New Republic

The Nation -- (Of course! How else are we supposed to keep up with what our Cloward-Piven-simpatico friends are thinking?)
lustylad's Avatar

AP for Sergeant Joe Friday's "Just the facts, ma'am!"

WSJ -- Of course. Probably almost everyone here (most liberals and all conservatives) read the WSJ's news and editorial pages.

NYT -- News, editorials, and op-eds. (Especially Paul Krugman)

WaPo -- News and editorial pages.

The Atlantic -- (A couple of their contributors, anyway)

The New Republic

The Nation -- (Of course! How else are we supposed to keep up with what our Cloward-Piven-simpatico friends are thinking?) Originally Posted by Texas Contrarian

Ditto for me on all of the above, except the Nation.

I also subscribe to the (London) Economist and Foreign Affairs magazine.

My fave cable shows are anything on CNBC and (on FOX) Kudlow @ 4pm and Gutfeld @ 11pm. I also check out CNN and MSNBC.

What nevergaveitathought just said is very very very true:

i am often struck by the disparity in coverage or what these channels highlight to the exclusion of what another might

it tells me that to hear it all, you need to watch a wide range of stuff Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
There are sins of commission and sins of OMISSION. I learned that as a child in parochial grade school.
lustylad's Avatar
Fox Business has a chick on between 2-3 that is pretty good. Originally Posted by WTF
Liz Claman? I think Susan Li is hotter, except she doesn't have her own show.

On CNBC they have Kelly Evans and Seema Mody.

They're all smart... and easy on the eyes!
I agree with you but a big reason for not watching the "talking heads" is time.
After you take out the commercials, there is about 1-1 1/2 news paper sized pages of information in the 40-45 minutes of the show. Something I can read in less than 10 minutes.

I have a question for our posters who claim to read such a wide and varied collection of news sources.

We know how tiny gets to read the NYT. How do the people who claim to read the NYT and the WaPo get around that pesky pay site deal? I don't read the WSJ because it's not free (3-4 articles are per month I think).
When you add in the complete distain for them (WaPo, NYT) as a source and total disregard for the information they contain (as shown by multiple posters on the site) leads me to believe y'all aren't being truthful about your sources.

To me, verification is everything. I look at NPR, AP, USA Today, Time, and various other sources that are center or slightly left of center. You know, what y'all call the LSM.
Stories that are scoops made by one source have information that can be verified in one day, 2 days, maybe a week by other news organizations
Again, I look for verification of stories. Let's say I read a story. It is only carried in one publication. And let's say that other publications, even some in the media group that publishes the story, won't publish the story because the story can't be verified. An example might be, oh, let's say the NYP goes with a story that the WSJ or Fox news won't publish because of a lack of verification. Any reasonable person could understand why someone would hesitate to buy in to such a story.

I don't have a problem with right of center sources and will use them for verification but I don't have time to read everything. If I see something that looks strange or a story is challenged, I look for more verification.
Something else to consider. Catching another news service misreporting or being factually incorrect is one of the things an editor lives for. It doesn't bother the little players but it bothers NYT, CNN, WSJ, WaPo, or even Fox news. A reputable organization would make a correction ASAP.

I get news from a variety of sources, both notoriously left and right winged.

What I DON'T get my news from... are the talking head pundits. Tucker, Rush, Rachel, Alex--- they can all jump in a lake as far as I am concerned. Just give me the facts and let me form my own opinions. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
I have that $4 a month deal. I'm not going to pay the $16 or $17 a month for it after the "teaser" rate expires.
The New York Times will go by the wayside when my first year teaser rate of $50 expires. I think it's the best source for news around the world, but I can't bear supporting their editorial positions by paying them real money.

I'm as big a fan of GMO as I am of the COVID vaccine. Hundreds of millions no longer go to bed hungry and American agri business makes billions more in profits because of GMO!

You don't strike me as a hippie type who eats organic food, but maybe that's just your haircut in the avatar. The fear of GMO doesn't fit your persona. You need to up your intake of pesticides and genetically modified food. Originally Posted by Tiny
  • Tiny
  • 08-14-2022, 06:32 PM
We know how tiny gets to read the NYT. How do the people who claim to read the NYT and the WaPo get around that pesky pay site deal? I don't read the WSJ because it's not free (3-4 articles are per month I think).
When you add in the complete distain for them (WaPo, NYT) as a source and total disregard for the information they contain (as shown by multiple posters on the site) leads me to believe y'all aren't being truthful about your sources.
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
You used to be able to clear your browser history and get back on, but not any more. I can still read an article from time to time on the WAPO. I'm wondering if I could read more by using a VPN and changing locations?

I have that $4 a month deal. I'm not going to pay the $16 or $17 a month for it after the "teaser" rate expires. Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
I abandoned the WAPO after the teaser rate expired. I kind of liked it because of the discussions after the articles. Nobody on here is going to kick my ass in a discussion about taxes, the economy or energy. Well, LustyLad and TexasContrarian could, on economics anyway, but we usually believe the same thing so it doesn't happen. I would get my ass kicked on the WAPO from time to time.

I got censored a lot on the WAPO. This site truly is a breath of fresh air in comparison. Freedom of Speech is alive and thriving on eccie.

Anyway, I'm kind of inclined to sign up again using a different Email address and credit card and try to get the cheap rate. I won't do it now because I waste enough time here already.

I could be tempted to pay the full rate for the NYT. Not for their coverage of politics or their editorials, that's for sure. But when something's going on somewhere else in the world, their coverage is second to none, better than the WSJ. You could say the same about CNN, but these days it's so fixated on U.S. politics it has time for little else.