Spending time with older providers ?

Meoauniaea's Avatar
Anyone 18-55 is fine with me.
rooster09's Avatar
First off you are not old, older, or anything of the sort. Like others before me have said; I have found that a lady in her 30s has more sensuality than the younger ones, in most cases. That is one aspect of a session that I always hope for personally.

Don't go having any 'crisis' now.....you are still a youngen.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 12-02-2010, 06:59 AM
Iike them 18-35 25 being the best age for me. I like everything where it should be. No one older anymore, I like the eye candy.
Phil A.Cheaux's Avatar
Some of the hottest ladies I have ever known leave 33 in the dust. Sure dont know what you are worrying about. LOL
junesetx's Avatar
Your old? NOT!!!
I'm 52 and I'm still going strong. I'm having a great time. I've found that being truthful about my age has not hindered me in the least. Kudo's on that, to you!
I have younger ladies asking me if things are slow for me, it's not. I was shocked at how many gents like seeing older women.
If you build it...they will come, LOL.
boardman's Avatar
How old is 33 in cat years? 4 1/2? Oh, hell yeah, that's just right!
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 12-02-2010, 07:27 AM
I tend to go after the younger ones most of the time. But, and I know alot of the guys will agree with me, the ladies in their 30's and 40's offer what we are really looking for.

I even saw one lady on in to her early 50's (then she retired) and we ALWAYS had a good time together!
Fancyinheels's Avatar
older providers??? you are 33...to me thats YOUNG....lol
{Guess I better get a room at the local nursing home...lol}
Originally Posted by DallasRain
Damn, if 33 is an "older" provider, and darlin Dallas in her 40's is planning on a notel nursing home gig, than at 51 I suppose I should be on display in a frickin' museum. Just spread my legs and nail me to the floor like a dinosaur.

Despite my advanced age, I still get frequently spread and nailed. As the lovely Ms. June above and I know, there are gentlemen of all ages who appreciate timeless erotic works of art.
I tend to look for the ladies who are 35+ usually they are more passionate in bed. Not to mention then seem to enjoy DATY more which is something I like to do.
Timk48's Avatar
I've dated ladies from 18 to 40+. Many of the younger ladies do not measure up to the experience of maturity. Of course that's only my opinion.
Damn, if 33 is an "older" provider, and darlin Dallas in her 40's is planning on a notel nursing home gig, than at 51 I suppose I should be on display in a frickin' museum. Just spread my legs and nail me to the floor like a dinosaur.

Despite my advanced age, I still get frequently spread and nailed. As the lovely Ms. June above and I know, there are gentlemen of all ages who appreciate timeless erotic works of art.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels

Darlin' age is like the speed limit.. its a number we are reminded from time to time to obey, but what do we all end up do? Speeding right on past it going 'Woo Hoo!" with the stereo blasting loud on our way to a party.
i love providers and AGE, SHAPE, SIZE........whatever, i aint picky
If you think 33 is "older" then I must be over the hill lol.

If I would have had the knowledge and sexpertise at 20 that I have now, I would have been one rich bitch!

Alas, I enjoy sex sooooo much more now. And when I do, he does!!

I wouldn't go back to my 20s for shit. Back then it was about the thrill. Now it's about the kill! hehe

seanes's Avatar
Age is only a state of mind. Chemistry is what really matters.

With someone that I am meeting for the first time, I look for only one feature to catalyze my ardor. And although that could be anything, youth by itself is never it.

For me, a positive attitude about our tryst is the ultimate aphrodisiac. But even that won't overcome bad hygiene.
I have the same rule as Jackie S. But then, I'm an older guy whose oldest child is 28. That said, I usually make my lower end cutoff at 35, even in the AMPs, absent good intel to the contrary. And, I'd be happy to make an exception in your case.