Mad Men Season 5

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Actually, the show for this season turned out to somewhat of a let down for me.

Maybe my expectations were just too high.

. . . I think I prefer Justified or Suits to Mad Men now!

TheDon's Avatar
I loved the season so far, not sure if it's the best show on television but it's certainly in the discussion. The end shot with everyone unhappy was marvelous. Plus...

".....Dow Corning, they make plates, glassware... napalm."
TheDon's Avatar
Anyone see the last episode? SHIT GOT REAL.

Season 6 is confirmed and possibly a 7th. Yay!
TheDon's Avatar
I think this season has actually been my favorite so far, it sucks it has to end tonight.

*Sheds tear*
matchingmole's Avatar
Agreed...this season has been very interesting...if a bit dark. This would be my favourite show on AMC...if it wasn't for Breaking Bad.
TheDon's Avatar
The network has got itself a pretty good slot of shows along with the Walking Dead. But I agree, Breaking Bad has probably been my favorite, although, that could change after tonight and the next season of Mad Men..
TheDon's Avatar
Great season, easily my favorite. One of the best seasons I've seen of any show.