Halt the Massacre of Innocent Children by Ending Prohibition on Self-Defense in Schools

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You don't love liberty, freedom or the constitution. You demonstrate in almost all of your posts. Just admit it.

You support gun control. YEP.
You support indefinite detention without due process. NOPE.
You support limiting speech. NOPE.
You support massive spending on illegal wars. ABSOLUTELY NOT
You support the government peering into American's private lives without warrants. NOPE.
You support the Patriot Act. FUCK NO.
You support Obamacare. FUCK YEAH.

There is much more that demonstrates that you do not support liberty, freedom or the Constitution. It's ok. Many people don't anymore. You are among them. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You're a lying sack of shit. PERIOD. Bobblehand doll!

FOR THE RECORD, You assholes take note.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yes. Please take note. Now we have him on the record as a complete and total liar.

Thank you, Assup!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Naw, you're the liar. I never posted I was in favor or against anyof that shit ... That I know of ... But now you have my positions on each. And they will not waver.

Who's the liar here? NOT ME, BOBBLEHAND DOLL!

now please let us know whether or not you reject JoeBloe's statement that abortion is no different than the Newtown massacre!

Say it explicitly and for the record.

Didn't think you'd have the nads to do it...

ucking hypocritical liar. Shame on you. hopefully, your children don't know what a scumbag you are. (Unfortunately, they probably do, most intimately).

Shame on you!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
You have no real argument, Münchausenman, so you attack other posters. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Other psycho posters? Like you?

Untrained and armed teachers in our schools.

You don't want a police state but you want armed teachers.

I would much rather have regular cops.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Let's see. You gloat over the asswhipping LL didn't give me over the NDAA, wherein I proved his analysis was inadequate. You therefore must support the NDAA, along with its provisions for indefinite detention of American citizens. Lie #1

You have stated that people who disagree with you should STFU, or they are unamerican, or some other such bullshit. You also tried to drive me off this board. You routinely claim that the country would be better off without FoxNews, Hannity, Limbaugh, et. al. Lie #2.

You have supported the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and support the President's private kill list. Lie #3.

You have never expressed opposition to the Patriot Act. Lie #4.

You have supported EVERYTHING President Obama has done or proposed, which includes all of the above.

It is very clear that you are a liar, and that you do not support liberty, freedom or the Constitution. Thank you very much.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'd rather the nutball posters take a step back and read some of the craziness they post!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Other psycho posters? Like you?

Untrained and armed teachers in our schools.

You don't want a police state but you want armed teachers.

I would much rather have regular cops.

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Fine. Hire professional security for schools. I'm ok with that.

This is a good video on whats going on in England with respect to Liberty and Gun Control.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Let's see. You gloat over the asswhipping LL didn't give me over the NDAA, wherein I proved his analysis was inadequate. You therefore must support the NDAA, along with its provisions for indefinite detention of American citizens. Lie #1. NO LIE ... @@ whipped your ass!

You have stated that people who disagree with you should STFU, or they are unamerican, or some other such bullshit. You also tried to drive me off this board. You routinely claim that the country would be better off without FoxNews, Hannity, Limbaugh, et. al. Lie #2. That's no lie. It would be better off without the aforementioned pundits. ECCIE would be MUCH better off without you.

You have supported the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and support the President's private kill list. Lie #3. LINK PLEASE, you lying cocksucker,

You have never expressed opposition to the Patriot Act. Lie #4. MI never expressed opposition to Pol Pit, Mao Tse Tung or David Duke! Does that mean I support them? You're a Fuckup simpleton.

You have supported EVERYTHING President Obama has done or proposed, which includes all of the above. Not true.

It is very clear that you are a liar, and that you do not support liberty, freedom or the Constitution. Thank you very much. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You co to ie to be a lying sack of monkey shit. be debunked all of your upfalse claims and affirmed those that were true.

What the fuck do you want? Shall I lie like you?

You have no credibility, not honor, no support.

And, for the record, LL kicked the living shot out of you, as has BigTex and I in the past year.

You don't matter, asshole., and Everybody knows it. You are lower than whaleshit at the bottom of the ocean.

Please answer the question about Newtown and abortion. Your deflection didn't work.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I already answered it, Assup. Please see someone about those foaming fits.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
You don't love liberty, freedom or the constitution. You demonstrate in almost all of your posts. Just admit it.

You support gun control.
You support indefinite detention without due process.
You support limiting speech.
You support massive spending on illegal wars.
You support the government peering into American's private lives without warrants.
You support the Patriot Act.
You support Obamacare.

There is much more that demonstrates that you do not support liberty, freedom or the Constitution. It's ok. Many people don't anymore. You are among them. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
So unless we share your your positions on the above items we don't love liberty, freedom or the Constitution (which you don't love enough to spell correctly)?

Once again, who the fuck are you?

You are a true flaming asshole and couldn't be less of a true American. We love the big 3 enough to have worn our country's uniform. You are a coward who lives off the spilled blood of patriots. If people like you had their way we would be driving on the left side of the road.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I think he jerks off on a magazine photo of Grover Norquist...

He lies about others and won't answer a simple defining question about his own beliefs.

What a worthless heap of bear snot.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Did you wear the uniform, Münchausenman, so that my voice could be silenced? Did you wear the uniform to quell all disagreement with the President? Is that why you wore the uniform, Münchausenman?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Fucking lunatic.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Fucking freedom, liberty and Constitution loving lunatic, if you don't mind!