Providers...choose your words wisely.

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  • S-Man
  • 04-11-2012, 01:02 PM
Is it that not the case with the typical vendor/customer relationship? If the vendor does something foolish, the client would boycott. If the client does something foolish, the client's need goes unfulfilled until a willing vendor is found.
Truer words were never spoken; especially in an age of instant posting of one's immediate vents and rants and one is so inclined. It's never a bad idea to keep your fingers away from the mouse for a minute or two before hitting "send" and forever launching hurtful words into cyberspace.
It is a hobby board. If the girls had a board about us, it might be a little different. But I sincerely hope you ladies read about us in your screening to help you get a vibe.

If you're like me, you often read these threads as a conversation. But they're not. This isn't a case of blurting something out that we wish we could take back. We are reading, typing, and hitting <post>.

Perhaps sometimes we get dealt with strongly for things we type, but other times people really reveal some of their true colors that allow us to form our DNS lists. (Case in point, gals throwing hobbyists completely under the bus for a well-deserved bad review.)

Hopefully, the opportunity for discernment goes both ways here on our board.
Somehow Stupid is as Stupid Does comes in to play here, doesn't it?

I mean if you can't control yourself here, how can you be trusted in the "real" world?

Some people can be assholes, life isn't fair, hot water is on the left and shit runs downhill. Next.

Kaylee makes a VERY valid point, those with ears should hear.

Unless they're on another thread flashing their dirty laundry, lousy grammar and general lack of a clue. In which they'll miss this one, written by a woman for women, not a rude ass of a man being a rude ass about provider behavior. And that would be the real shame.

When it comes to drama, the wise run fast and far. This is escapism, not a reality show. I wanna see your ass as much as the next guy, but in the proper context.