Free Offer to Hookers w Poor Language Skills

Not for nothing.... When do sex workers/ escorts / models, lets be real... need a degree in kneeling , twirling,and legs to the sky! !
lol seriously??
Not all sex workers are working toward a college degree baby!
While some ladies are paying their bills ,taking care of families, others are doing earnest work, to get out of a bad situation...Let's face it ... POVERTY SUCKS! Although we all come from various places , we are bound by the oldest profession.. The hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world.
Most ( not all ) of these Ads , yes, I'll say it "low budget ads " on BP and the like... are placed by predominately UNDER educated women from various socioeconomic backgrounds.

Legalizing sex work, taxing the income , would create declared income , and pay for education; thereby achieving true economic freedom.
In a BILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY, the REAL CRIME should be taking / paying SHORT money from women that DON'T KNOW their REAL value in this industry.
The low hanging fruit often gets picked , ripe or not.
Cmon! One gets what one pays for when they go trolling on such sites ...proofreading... really? oh BTW I have an associates So what! Originally Posted by parisdivine
Brava, darling! Well said!

I agree wholeheartedly, but they're making more money because it's illegal. And education is freely available to everyone who wants it. Just like there are go-getters about their money in this industry, there are go-getters about their education. There are people out there who self educate, and know their weaknesses and try to fix them. There's too much free education on the internet for us to worry about what the government can afford to pay for.

I agree about us coming from all walks of life, and you'd be surprised the walks some of us have walked, including myself. But at the present, regardless of the reason we come into the industry, either a lady PUTS THOUGHT into it, or she doesn't. It's okay to need the money and put up an ad with the intent to deliver as promised. But the problem is not everyone comes into this industry thinking that it's honest work. For the most part, they're taught there's a trick to it all, and there's little concern for repeat clients or her reputation. And that's where the tie-in between providers of color/ghetto/uneducated factor comes in. If it weren't for communities like this that serve as both an advertising venue and a sort of more in depth view into the lady's mindset into the lady, more guys would have a bad taste in their mouths than they do now. Once ladies realize that all of us have to shake off automatic assumptions that we're all low class, uneducated ladies who can't do anything else but this, the better off the industry will be.

I agree, Jfred. They still won't know how to use the right words! And in the advert below, she thinks it's cute to spell that way. There is nothing you can tell her.
smoothnsilky's Avatar
I think that these ladies think it is cute and gets attention, or that they are just to damn lazy to actually type out an actual word or type out correct grammar.

jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 06-27-2012, 09:10 AM
A feeling of random sadness has overcome me. It really hurts to think about people who don't have a proper education or have problems with reading and speech. Originally Posted by RandomBlkChick
Darn, don't get all serious on me! You're right, of course. I just started E.O. Wilson's last book, "The Social Conquest of Earth" where he makes a point of the importance of language in how our brains develop and function, and our ability to think coherently. It's so fucking important. I know that all sorts of truly terrible things happen to kids during the time when the "language window" in the brain is really open...but I've refined my definition of child abuse to include parents who don't make sure their offspring become proficient in their "mother tongue." Failure there predicts (with individual exceptions) a whole raft of hardship as those kids grow into adults.

And you (and Tiffany) are right...if one misses language early it becomes their challenge to learn on their own. Night courses, online...go for it. Hell, just reading well written prose rewires your brain. Pick up a copy of "Charolette's Web ('s_Web) simple language masterfully read it and some sticks.

I'm sorry for the misspell, honest mistake; no offense intended. Originally Posted by rand
It's okay, man. I was just razzin' ya. But don't really want to fill a thread with examples of terrible composiiton.

I think that these ladies think it is cute and gets attention, or that they are just to damn lazy to actually type out an actual word or type out correct grammar. Originally Posted by smoothnsilky
You know, I do think that some men are attracted to women who are educationally "inferior" just because they imagine it gives them some kind of advantage. And a woman who plays to that isn't necessarily stupid. smart as a whip gf can pull her hair in pigtails and put on an outfit and play "dumb little schoolgirl" with at least as good an effect (for both of us) as the real thing, plus she writes sexy notes and spares me all the drama of actually dealing with a dolt.

In my opinion a decently educated woman just understands kink better (by which I mean on more levels). Right this moment the "50 Shades" books are flying off the shelves, and as I type this women of every age are reading those books and getting wet considering what it would be like to have a brilliant, troubled man use them sexually (not just fuck them, believe me). Just words...but I guarantee that a zillion sex lives just got potentially much more interesting.

Every last sexual impulse you feel or think is produced in that most important of all sex organs, between yer ears. If I cut your brain in the right place you would never feel sexual pleasure again, no matter the stimulation, and if I touched it and stimulated it in the right place you could have the best orgasm ever with zero stimulation. A brain that has been wired (for sex among other things) by the nuances of written language (I'm not makin' this shit up) is able to generate more nuanced and creative sexual experiences.

I know a retired hooker who took in $900k in 2 years (cash and gifts ). Cute, but short and not someone you'd pick out in a crowded bar...unless she spoke and got in your head. Elite, wealthy, powerful men stood in line for her to fuck them with her brain. Every productive contact she ever made started with something she wrote. She's helped a lot of people and opened a couple business with the proceeds.

Alright, I'm rambling on. Thanks everyone for the input.
rcinokc's Avatar
Gotta jump on the bait & switch bandwagon here. If she's an idiot, I want to know it from the beginning.
small package's Avatar
Gotta jump on the bait & switch bandwagon here. If she's an idiot, I want to know it from the beginning. Originally Posted by rcinokc

jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 06-27-2012, 11:24 AM
Gotta jump on the bait & switch bandwagon here. If she's an idiot, I want to know it from the beginning. Originally Posted by rcinokc
I understand the sentiment, my brother from the north. My goal is not deception, trust me.

But perhaps not every gal who writes poorly is the sort of idiot that you (or other upscale gentlemen), find objectionable in person. Perhaps she's pretty and hot and horny and (with just the opportunity to join your harem) it turns out she can make you beg for mercy and call her name at night!

Maybe not, I know. But give us a break here. Some of these gals could use a friendly hand, and (really) I just hate to see young women in over their heads, floundering and getting laughed at. It degrades a community.


P.S. Great pic, little dick.
KittyLamour's Avatar
I am a firm believer in:


Personally, I find improper usage of the English language to be a huge turn-off. I don't see any excuse for it...This is the USA, every opportunity exists for any person who so desires to better themselves to do so. So, if they haven't done so already, I doubt any of them will be accepting your generous offer for help.

I also do not agree that it belittles the whole community. I prefer to think that there are levels of providers, from ho, to hooker, to escort, to vip companions/elite companions. Each level has it's own patronage that typically do not intermix. Pointing out the ridiculous is just what it is. Pointing out the ridiculous and absolutely will not effect the way upscale clientele view the ladies they choose to support. Nor will it effect the lady with poor grammar because these gentlemen never contributed to her business and most likely never will do so in the future.