What are your favorite late night eats ?

myren1900's Avatar
The burgers at 5 Guys are great. I like you can create your own. They fries are great as well. At bit too heavy for a late night snack though.

Late night for me is usually something very simple. The Go-to right now is heavy whipping cream and fresh strawberries, drizzled with honey.
totally depends on the evening. Late working? Late drinking? Late munchies? Late date? Over the years probably had more McDs or Taco Bell for late night eats.
myren1900's Avatar
One of my favorite late night snacks are raw oysters

One of my favorite late night snacks are raw oysters

Originally Posted by myren1900

Yum ! Oysters are delicious and imho I think the ones back East are better then the gulf oysters and I need lots of them for my extended Fly Me To You weekend.

@Tylornikki - twitter - follow THE REALNESS
Claire Reade's Avatar
Let’s play a drinking game! Every time we hear FMTY, let’s do a shot! ��
Let’s play a drinking game! Every time we hear FMTY, let’s do a shot! �� Originally Posted by Claire Reade
First off not fair lol your already drunk 24/7

Do I know you Heidilynn? I never worked for you or with you but you sure do like trolll me . I am not in competition with anyone but myself to better myself . Your a agency I am independent and I am not twenty like the girls you traffic I am old enough to have them as my children. What is your obsession with me Sugars ?

Be well dear and better your own self so you and five girls do not have to share an apartment together . Focus on you and stop worrying about me !

@Tylornikki my Twitter
Claire Reade's Avatar
Who’s trolling who? You troll on the downlow. I’m calling you out after years of harassing me and I have receipts, dear. Your desperation is sad. Who are you trying to convince that you are so fabulous? I think it’s yourself. If you dish it out, be prepared to take it.
I’m happy to assist you with your grammar if you want to market yourself as intelligent.
You should stop trying to belittle other providers to make yourself look better. There is definitely enough demand, sis. It’s not a good look. You’re reminding me of another aged out provider from a few years ago.
Have you seen my website? I prefer to work with women in their 30’s but that sounds very familiar to some harassing texts. You’re obviously not making money lately or you would be posting all these monotonous threads to get attention.
Who’s trolling who? You troll on the downlow. I’m calling you out after years of harassing me and I have receipts, dear. Your desperation is sad. Who are you trying to convince that you are so fabulous? I think it’s yourself. If you dish it out, be prepared to take it.
I’m happy to assist you with your grammar if you want to market yourself as intelligent.
You should stop trying to belittle other providers to make yourself look better. There is definitely enough demand, sis. It’s not a good look. You’re reminding me if another aged out provider from a few years ago. Originally Posted by Claire Reade

Your a stalker to me Britt Baye and many other ladies that have worked for you . I am friends with all of them you have a horrible reputation. I have to go now because my Fly Me To You will be picking me up soon .As for my age are you discriminating ? Thought we as a society have advanced odd I know big girls and girls of all races are accepted . Funny when you cut my age down do you realize you cut EVERY lady on this site down because there are at least twenty ladies older then me on here . I am far from old aren’t you just two years younger I forgot you can’t make it in this industry. I am infact doing better then I have ever in my career and it pisses you off ! Be well Heidilynn
Claire Reade's Avatar
Britt? Are you kidding me? I have the utmost respect for that woman and she Has always been professional and polite to me. Lmao. I’m a busy woman and dont “stalk” anyone in my free time.

Keep making up shit to make yourself look better boo. You are obviously having a meltdown and it’s really sad.
Britt? Are you kidding me? I have the utmost respect for that woman and she Has always been professional and polite to me. Lmao

Keep making up shit to make yourself look better boo Originally Posted by Claire Reade

Britt Baye and i are best friends in and out of the industry. We talk everyday and yes she has the facts
Claire Reade's Avatar
Drink! Lol
gimme_that's Avatar
My favorite late night eats at the moment just if lazy is........
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