It's that time again! MCM...

sms918's Avatar
I like that one tracy crush tuesday. We should a red head day.
I like that one tracy crush tuesday. We should a red head day. Originally Posted by sms918
We already do it's any day that ends in Y ...IJS

MoneyManMatt's Avatar
But... But... I guess no one remembers last year's Oscar winner Originally Posted by Netx9
Me thinks I'm going to continue to meet ladies who don't put it all out there in contest mode.
I make it a point to make sure my partner has a good time but don't need to be compared in public. Originally Posted by golfnwine
Feel the same. 😭

Not even an honorable mention award. 😥 Originally Posted by travelerman
3 quotes....1 lesson. Men have egos. And every man's ego makes him want to believe that he's the best. When their egos start to get hurt, good things DON'T happen. Not saying it's right, not saying it's wrong. It is what is is.

Just be careful on what you say and how you say it b/c lets face it, I see one quote up there that obviously lost you girls some potential business over "Having Fun."

Desperado, wasn't trying to steal your "thunda," I was just empathizing with Netx9. I get left out in the cold all the time so my feelings ain't hurt...I'm used to it. Getting the cold shoulder is what got me into the hobby to begin with.
Hey this isnt kids soccer everyone aint going home with a trophy!

I love mcm but the backlash makes me glad I didnt follow thru with my "client of the year awards" plan .

Keep it up cara!
darter's Avatar
Hey this isnt kids soccer everyone aint going home with a trophy!

I love mcm but the backlash makes me glad I didnt follow thru with my "client of the year awards" plan .

Keep it up cara! Originally Posted by NikkiWhite
LOL Now that's funny!
Netx9's Avatar
  • Netx9
  • 02-05-2014, 11:31 PM
3 quotes....1 lesson. Men have egos. And every man's ego makes him want to believe that he's the best. When their egos start to get hurt, good things DON'T happen. Not saying it's right, not saying it's wrong. It is what is is.

Just be careful on what you say and how you say it b/c lets face it, I see one quote up there that obviously lost you girls some potential business over "Having Fun."

Desperado, wasn't trying to steal your "thunda," I was just empathizing with Netx9. I get left out in the cold all the time so my feelings ain't hurt...I'm used to it. Getting the cold shoulder is what got me into the hobby to begin with. Originally Posted by MoneyManMatt
You'll note in a subsequent post, I congratulated desperado! No ego here... Just having some fun in a fun thread

There's always something new to learn and explore about our sexuality and I'm having fun doing it with some amazing women.

Judging a lady by some innocuous posts on an Internet forum seems short sighted and whatever 'business' they have lost is also a lost opportunity for a gentleman to see some pretty amazing gals. Oh well, the sun will still come up tomorrow
Desperado's Avatar
Desperado, wasn't trying to steal your "thunda," I was just empathizing with Netx9. I get left out in the cold all the time so my feelings ain't hurt...I'm used to it. Getting the cold shoulder is what got me into the hobby to begin with. Originally Posted by MoneyManMatt
I totally understand what you're saying. I've been there myself quite a bit. Especially since this whole MCM was started. The difference is with me, I didn't gripe and moan about not being picked. I just tipped my hat, and hoped that maybe, maybe someday it would be me.

Do I expect to be the MCM next week? Hell no!! I try to keep realistic expectations. Our ego's are easily bruised, but thinking that we're going to be MCM every single week is just flat out silly. Besides, this is all in good fun.
Maxx's Avatar
  • Maxx
  • 02-06-2014, 08:27 AM
Consider it an honor to be mentioned at all in a thread like this. Big deal if you aren't, I like to think I'm pretty good in the sack both in oral and penetration sex. Am I a PornStar ... no, but it has no effect on me whether I'm an MCM nominee or not. Would I like to be .... Sure I would, I'd love it, at least for the moment, relish it, you're lying like a sack of rocks if you say you wouldn't want to be mentioned. I'd be honored just like Desperado, it just tells others that a certain lady likes my efforts, that we were compatible in the sack. Another lady may feel entirely different about my prowess. Different strokes for different folks! It's all for the fun of the hobby! Enjoy the moment! And enjoy the thread. I look forward to my time in the limelight someday! Maybe.

Now back on topic - Congrats Desperado, your the Man of the Week, and all others previously mentioned, most likely well deserved.
Just my .02!
Maxx's Avatar
  • Maxx
  • 02-06-2014, 02:24 PM
[QUOTE=NikkiWhite;1054937124]Hey this isnt kids soccer everyone aint going home with a trophy!

Love this one!

......No ego here... Just having some fun in a fun thread
.... Originally Posted by Netx9
........ Besides, this is all in good fun. Originally Posted by Desperado
.......... This is by no means a "contest" to see which hobbyist is better. It is "FUN". ......! Originally Posted by SweetCara
Keep this in perspective!
Desperado's Avatar
Thank you sir. Very much appreciated.
BoomShakaLaka's Avatar
I personally dont see the problem with her having a MCM

I have personal favorites and Im sure every one of these women do to...... I know Im not everybodies cup of tea just like they arent mine and Im ok with that.
legbrker's Avatar
Congrats Desperado!! You apparently are THE MAN and from what she wrote about you it is well deserved.
Txsunman's Avatar
Seems like if he's that handsome and great he could get free pussy. And stimulating conversation is free with the waitress at Jim's on a slow day.
Seems like if he's that handsome and great he could get free pussy. And stimulating conversation is free with the waitress at Jim's on a slow day. Originally Posted by Txsunman
And today's Man Crybaby Monday is....
Netx9's Avatar
  • Netx9
  • 12-29-2014, 05:46 PM
Seems like if he's that handsome and great he could get free pussy. And stimulating conversation is free with the waitress at Jim's on a slow day. Originally Posted by Txsunman
Uh, txsunman... Digging up up an 11 month old thread to knock a fellow hobbiest... Slow holiday season? At least you replied on a Monday!! At Jim's, you you can eat breakfast at 8 o'clock at night!! That'd be a nice 'menu' item.... Bbbj and pancakes!!

@nikki, you maka me laugh