SHOCK: Donald Trump Obsessed with his Daughter

LexusLover's Avatar
I guess this issue is really a big deal for you guys. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
If you are troubled by it, then I recommend you seek therapy and work on refraining from talking about doing your own ADULT daughter, in or out of wedlock. But in either case you really probably shouldn't be sharing those inner feelings on a public board where everyone can see it .... because everyone already knows who you are ..... the Russian Government is spreading the information shortly.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Show some of your fundamentalist religious right christian thinking and condemn his comments for the creepy perverted comments they are. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
That's all a myth perpetrated by the far left which is where you obviously come from. If you really were a Republican you'd know that.
This has been hashed and rehashed so many times before and nobody ended up offended except you and your ilk in your self-righteousness. Not even Ivanka was offended. Of course, she has a wonderful sense of humor. You don't.

Bitterness is never becoming.
LexusLover's Avatar
That's all a myth .....

Bitterness is never becoming. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
It must be frustrating for Pristine to want Ivanka, but know she'll reject him.

What a lonely, tormented soul. Wanting something so much, he'll never have.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Fisting Chapel, you're reaching. A dad is proud of his daughter. Big deal. There is absolutely no evidence of any impropriety, because there isn't any.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Fisting Chapel, you're reaching. A dad is proud of his daughter. Big deal. There is absolutely no evidence of any impropriety, because there isn't any. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

I'm sure he hasn't fucked his daughter. He's just said he wish he could if he wasn't married. There's no excuse for it. Spin it however you wish it's disgusting you have to lower your standards of who you are as man just to support the a moron creeping and fantasizing about his daughter.

Carry on
gfejunkie's Avatar
Bitter. Bitter. Bitter.
It must be frustrating for Pristine to want Ivanka, but know she'll reject him.

What a lonely, tormented soul. Wanting something so much, he'll never have. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Mebbe he can get some " counseling " with EKIM. EKIM the eunuch knows the pain of " wanting something so much, he'll never have. " Wonder if they've come up for a 12 step program for that.
Of course you do. There's no spinning the words over years and years repeatedlyt being said: If I wasn't married I would be with my daughter. I've just went nuclear to see your responses and your all just as sick as he is to justify it. He thinks it's ok to fantasize about his daughter and obviously you have no issues with it. You're just as sick and perverted as he is.

Show some of your fundamentalist religious right christian thinking and condemn his comments for the creepy perverted comments they are. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You don't know what he's thinking you fucking moron. You post stupid shit like this because you wanna convince yourself that voting for Trump isn't a good thing and voting for Clinton is. So if Trump wins he'll be the incestuous father in the white house who will encourage Dads everywhere to lust after their daughters, lol. People like you just crack me up with your bullshit. You must be one nervous fucker to even post such a goofy thread. You're right up there with SpaceySue and her ridiculous threads.

gfejunkie's Avatar
It must be frustrating for Pristine to want Ivanka, but know she'll reject him.

What a lonely, tormented soul. Wanting something so much, he'll never have. Originally Posted by LexusLover
All this time I thought Cyst was a female. Now I know it's just another liberal fag posting liberal fag videos. That changes everything. Here you go, liberal fag...

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
You don't know what he's thinking you fucking moron. You post stupid shit like this because you wanna convince yourself that voting for Trump isn't a good thing and voting for Clinton is. So if Trump wins he'll be the incestuous father in the white house who will encourage Dads everywhere to lust after their daughters, lol. People like you just crack me up with your bullshit. You must be one nervous fucker to even post such a goofy thread. You're right up there with SpaceySue and her ridiculous threads.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
he will be the first POTUS in history that has openly suggessted over and over and over again that he has the hots for his own flesh and blood. That he thinks she's hot and if he wasn't married he would love to be with her. Now again how fucking creepy is that.

There is nothing you morons can do to spin or justify this. He said it, you support him unconditionally, now just fucking own it.

Stop your spinning bullshit
gfejunkie's Avatar
he will be the first POTUS in history that has openly suggessted over and over and over again that he has the hots for his own flesh and blood. That he thinks she's hot and if he wasn't married he would love to be with her. Now again how fucking creepy is that.

There is nothing you morons can do to spin or justify this. He said it, you support him unconditionally, now just fucking own it.

Stop your spinning bullshit Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Yeah right he's suggested that, lol. Trump is a master at playing stupid people like you. I am sure after that episode of the "View" Trump and his daughter had a good laugh knowing they bamboozled the stupid bitches on the panel. Now if you want to settle on the idea that Donald Trump is an incestuous father, then go ahead. It only further confirms what a stupid pinheaded jerk you really are.

Fag. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
ANOTHER reach around crew member ? ! EKIM and assup will welcome him with open mouths !
gfejunkie's Avatar
It only further confirms what a stupid pinheaded jerk you really are.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
And adds to his voting block. Funny how it works that way. He gets more voters because of his detractors than from his supporters. Weird!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
You guys will justify anything. A very truly sick MO. Saying your daughter is beautiful is night and day from saying if I wasn't married I would be fucking my own kid. You're just as throwed off as he is for trying to justify this shit. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Is that what he said?