
HedonistForever's Avatar
theres a general out there saying he prefers a "weakened" russian army in that they can't really do much. meaning strong enough to defend itself, but not strong enough to attack another country. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Every General and every politician, if they have to say anything at all, should be on the same page, "weakened" not destroyed.
VitaMan's Avatar

Now, the West is going have to foot the bill to rebuild Ukraine. Putin and his Crony’s might be laughing. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Putin and his cronies are not laughing. Especially the oligarchs.
bambino's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I find it sickingly funny that people thought that Trump was going to get us into a war with Russia (despite the fact that they also said that he was a puppet of Putin). Military people violated their oaths, administration people leaked, and media celebrities demagogued. Now we have a guy that more and more people are recognizing that Biden is trying to drag us into a war or some sort with Russia and those same people are whistling and looking away. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Biden is trying to drag us into war???

I’d say Putin’s literally gotten away with MASS murder. Like Kosovo. Yet you and your liberty loving buddies would let it go on?

What the fuck we stand for anyway?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Biden is trying to drag us into war???

I’d say Putin’s literally gotten away with MASS murder. Like Kosovo. Yet you and your liberty loving buddies would let it go on?

What the fuck we stand for anyway? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

texassapper's Avatar
What the fuck we stand for anyway? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Are you prepared to go to Africa and get us involved in the Sudanese Civil war? If not why not?

I don't know about you but I expect my tax dollars to be spent in my nation.. not on the other side of the globe. Russia is as the Ukraines have demonstrated, not a threat to the US. We have no treaty with Ukraine to honor, therefor we have no National interest in getting involved or dragged into a shooting war on the other side of the planet.

Did you learn nothing from Astan? Did you learn nothing from Iraq? Did you learn nothing from Vietnam?

Let Ukraine fight their war with Russia...
bambino's Avatar
Are you prepared to go to Africa and get us involved in the Sudanese Civil war? If not why not?

I don't know about you but I expect my tax dollars to be spent in my nation.. not on the other side of the globe. Russia is as the Ukraines have demonstrated, not a threat to the US. We have no treaty with Ukraine to honor, therefor we have no National interest in getting involved or dragged into a shooting war on the other side of the planet.

Did you learn nothing from Astan? Did you learn nothing from Iraq? Did you learn nothing from Vietnam?

Let Ukraine fight their war with Russia... Originally Posted by texassapper
Bribes sends 40 billion to feed the Ukrainian war machine while people are starving here.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
What is the ending going to be ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
Like many wars, there will be no winners is all I know. The only ending will be that many people will die who should have lived but for a fucked up old dictator who is probably even less lucid than Biden considering his bad health.
texassapper's Avatar
Like many wars, there will be no winners is all I know. The only ending will be that many people will die who should have lived but for a fucked up old dictator who is probably even less lucid than Biden considering his bad health. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
On the upside at least you acknowledge that our President isn't lucid.

Yeah, lot's of people are gonna die, so let's do the best we can to make it last longer by sending aid and arms to Ukraine, right? Let's expand NATO and potentially embroil MORE nations in the conflict, right?

That'll show em! We will show them how serious we are by getting more people killed!!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Like many wars, there will be no winners is all I know. The only ending will be that many people will die who should have lived but for a fucked up old dictator who is probably even less lucid than Biden considering his bad health. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I had no earthly idea Zelinskyy was in ill health.
Russia Looking Forward To Picking Up $40 Billion In New Equipment After US Abandons Ukraine
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
You know what we haven't heard about in all this? The money to be allocated and spent replacing the equipment sent to Ukraine. You can assume that it is going to be replaced but with the Congress deadlocked (meaning the democrats want money to spend on other projects), supply chain issues, and just a strong reak of anti-military thinkers running the West Wing, you just can't be sure. Plus, all that equipment lost in Afghanistan. How is our military doing?
I understand from the media that they just delivered another ship to the US Navy that doesn't work at the same time that they are decommissioning three of the same class because they don't work either. As a comedian used to say..."what is this...Russia?"
All three governments are blowing smoke up their citizens asses.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Spaceba, Comerade Whackov